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Description: 扫雷游戏的源码,使用java,eclipse开发,注释清楚,代码清晰-mine-game source code, the use of java, eclipse development, clearly Notes, code clear
Platform: | Size: 39677 | Author: modest | Hits:




功能简述:Java GUIAWT)生成图灵机工作模型的图形化界面模拟展示,可用于语言的识别,函数的计算,某种语言的产生。具体实现了以下八种常用的图灵机模型如下:

1 二进制数加法   2 二进制计数器  3 二元回文   4 同等数量a和b的识别器    5 3的倍数识别器

6 括号匹配器     7 含有偶数个a的字符串识别器  8 一元至二元转换器

Platform: | Size: 597044 | Author: super_zhang | Hits:

[EditorEclipse Helios 中文包

Description: Eclipse Helios 中文包,解压缩后,里面有很多压缩包,分别解压缩后,将里面的文件夹直接覆盖Eclipse根目录
Platform: | Size: 4015864 | Author: superliumeng | Hits:


Description: Eclipse教程-Guide to Eclipse
Platform: | Size: 8811520 | Author: 李怀志 | Hits:

[JSPEclipse入门-- Eclipse的使用简介及插件开发

Description: Eclipse 详细介绍及相关插件的使用-Eclipse and related details of the use of plug-in
Platform: | Size: 164864 | Author: 梅志勇 | Hits:


Description: 在Eclipse中使用JUnit进行单元测试的教程,word格式-use the Eclipse JUnit unit test tutorials, word format
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: sdff | Hits:

[Browser Pluginsorg.eclipse.jface.examples.databinding

Description: eclipse jface databinding examples-eclipse Sun databinding examples
Platform: | Size: 216064 | Author: dy | Hits:


Description: 跟我一步一步学ECLIPSE Eclipse是一个比较流行的Java开发工具,而且现在其功能愈来愈强大,从开发嵌入式应用到富客户端,本书详细介绍了其使用及高级应用。-told me step by step learning Eclipse is a more popular Java development work with, but now more and more powerful functions, from the development of embedded applications to rich client, The book describes the use and advanced applications.
Platform: | Size: 24852480 | Author: 张一于 | Hits:


Description: 扫雷游戏的源码,使用java,eclipse开发,注释清楚,代码清晰-mine-game source code, the use of java, eclipse development, clearly Notes, code clear
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: modest | Hits:


Description: eclipse中开发的航空票务系统源代码,平台:Windows Xp Java平台:JDK1.4 Server:Tomcat5.0.28 开发环境:Eclipse3.1和Eclipse3.0 -eclipse in the development of aviation ticketing system source code, platform: Windows XpJava platform: JDK1.4Server: Tomcat5.0.28 development environment: Eclipse3.1 and Eclipse3.0
Platform: | Size: 18104320 | Author: benben | Hits:


Description: Eclipse的中文教程(pdf版),有各张导航,方便查找-Eclipse Chinese Tutorial (pdf version), there are various Zhang navigation, easy to find
Platform: | Size: 5928960 | Author: 王山 | Hits:


Description: eclipse是一款主流的java编译器,想要快速上手吗?这里有一本eclipse的快速上手教程
Platform: | Size: 785408 | Author: 涂进 | Hits:


Description: Eclipse的使用手册,有所有的Eclipse开发环境中你能涉及到的问题和使用方法,还有快接键.-Eclipse s user manual, there are all of the Eclipse development environment you can relate to the problems and the use of methods, as well as fast access key.
Platform: | Size: 6099968 | Author: kaka | Hits:


Description: Eclipse中文教程,详细介绍了Eclipse的使用方法-Eclipse Chinese Course, detailing the use of Eclipse
Platform: | Size: 6471680 | Author: 冬青 | Hits:


Description: 本电子文档介绍java开发软件eclipse的详细用法,是学习java的必备文档。-This electronic document describes the development of software java detailed usage eclipse is an essential document to learn java.
Platform: | Size: 4756480 | Author: 刘明 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopAddison.Wesley.Eclipse.Building.Commercial.Quality

Description: Eclipse插件开发圣经,吐血推荐。Eclipse插件开发必备 -Eclipse Plug-in Development in the Bible, hematemesis recommended. The development of Eclipse plug-ins required
Platform: | Size: 21089280 | Author: fireflyc | Hits:


Description: This Java Eclipse books-This is Java Eclipse books
Platform: | Size: 18357248 | Author: Dastan | Hits:


Description: Android编程环境ADT环境搭建,图文并茂,适合熟悉eclipse环境开发的同学。(Android programming environment, ADT environment built, Tu Vin Unionmaw, suitable for students familiar with the development of eclipse environment.)
Platform: | Size: 168960 | Author: 纳凉的蜗牛 | Hits:


Description: eclipse-licensetrim-master with opencv
Platform: | Size: 175104 | Author: JOSEN54 | Hits:


Description: java eclipse与数据库链接包,语言要一直,面对新手,谢谢(Java eclipse and database link package, the language must always face the novice, thank you)
Platform: | Size: 855040 | Author: 初京保 | Hits:
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