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在资料浩瀚的互联网中,却找不到一份最新的Mysql4.0.13与Tomcat4.1.24的整合配置文档。 在自己工作之余,总结了自己搭建JSP环境的实际经验并参照以前版本Mysql、Tomcat相关配置文章, 写了这篇配置文档。希望能给和我一样喜欢JAVA的广大初学者以作参考,以期少走些弯路;水平有限加之时间仓促,欢迎斧正!-information in the vast Internet, but one can not find a copy of the latest Mysql4.0.13 Tomcat4.1.24 integration and configuration files . In his spare time, he summed up his own structures JSP environment and in the light of actual experience of the previous version Mysql, Tomcat configuration related articles, writing the configuration file. And I hope that will give Java Like the vast reference for beginners to take fewer more detours; the fact that time is limited to rush to welcome Jackie!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.73mb Publisher : 小龙

通信以下的经验是否可行其实很大程度上看你的虚心程度和表现程度,虚心一定不要停留在表面上,要发自内心,因为你是新人,这个时候要尊重前辈,我就曾经带过一个40多岁的大哥,大哥一口一个老师叫得我直出汗,不过后来我发现这位大哥能这样做,其实并不会降低自己的地位,反而赢得了大家的认可-communications following the experience of actually feasible largely up to you with an open mind and the degree of performance, modestly must not stop at the surface, from his heart, because you are new, this time to respect for the older generation, I once took a more than 40-year-old brother, a brother a teacher I loudest straight sweating, But later I discovered that this big brother can do that, in fact will not lower their status, but we won recognition
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 194.3kb Publisher : 于洪涛

Java游戏编程初步 现在流行的游戏似乎都是用C或C++来开发的。在java平台上几乎没有很大型及可玩的流行游戏。由于java是个新生语言,他的许多特性还有待大家的发掘,但是我们不能否认Java在游戏编程方面的强大性。本文将带领大家一步一步学习编写Java游戏。最终打造属于自己的Java游戏。-Java programming preliminary games now popular games seem to be using C or C to the development. In java platform almost no large and very popular feature of the game. As the java is a new language, and many of his characteristics we have yet to be excavated. But we can not deny the Java programming aspects of the game is a powerful sexual. This paper will guide you step-by-step preparation of learning Java games. Ultimately create their own Java games.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 22.85kb Publisher : 潘宽标

该文是对Java面向对象机制学习的全面、深入、具体的总结,全文4千余字,字字珠玑,堪称Java学习的超级经典之作-the text of the Java object-oriented learning mechanism comprehensive, in-depth, concrete conclusion, the full text of more than 1,000 four words, uttered Abas his super learning Java classic works!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9.61kb Publisher : 李永波

该文是对Java面向对象机制学习的全面、深入、具体的总结,全文4千余字,字字珠玑,堪称Java学习的超级经典之作-the text of the Java object-oriented learning mechanism comprehensive, in-depth, concrete conclusion, the full text of more than 1,000 four words, uttered Abas his super learning Java classic works!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 李永波

这个程序可好了,编出了一个和wimnap那个 几乎一样的播放器,我现在就用他来播歌了。-this procedure rarely, out of a series and that wimnap almost the same players, I will now use his songs to the broadcast.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 485kb Publisher : leon

在资料浩瀚的互联网中,却找不到一份最新的Mysql4.0.13与Tomcat4.1.24的整合配置文档。 在自己工作之余,总结了自己搭建JSP环境的实际经验并参照以前版本Mysql、Tomcat相关配置文章, 写了这篇配置文档。希望能给和我一样喜欢JAVA的广大初学者以作参考,以期少走些弯路;水平有限加之时间仓促,欢迎斧正!-information in the vast Internet, but one can not find a copy of the latest Mysql4.0.13 Tomcat4.1.24 integration and configuration files . In his spare time, he summed up his own structures JSP environment and in the light of actual experience of the previous version Mysql, Tomcat configuration related articles, writing the configuration file. And I hope that will give Java Like the vast reference for beginners to take fewer more detours; the fact that time is limited to rush to welcome Jackie!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.73mb Publisher : 小龙

通信以下的经验是否可行其实很大程度上看你的虚心程度和表现程度,虚心一定不要停留在表面上,要发自内心,因为你是新人,这个时候要尊重前辈,我就曾经带过一个40多岁的大哥,大哥一口一个老师叫得我直出汗,不过后来我发现这位大哥能这样做,其实并不会降低自己的地位,反而赢得了大家的认可-communications following the experience of actually feasible largely up to you with an open mind and the degree of performance, modestly must not stop at the surface, from his heart, because you are new, this time to respect for the older generation, I once took a more than 40-year-old brother, a brother a teacher I loudest straight sweating, But later I discovered that this big brother can do that, in fact will not lower their status, but we won recognition
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 194kb Publisher : 于洪涛

Java游戏编程初步 现在流行的游戏似乎都是用C或C++来开发的。在java平台上几乎没有很大型及可玩的流行游戏。由于java是个新生语言,他的许多特性还有待大家的发掘,但是我们不能否认Java在游戏编程方面的强大性。本文将带领大家一步一步学习编写Java游戏。最终打造属于自己的Java游戏。-Java programming preliminary games now popular games seem to be using C or C to the development. In java platform almost no large and very popular feature of the game. As the java is a new language, and many of his characteristics we have yet to be excavated. But we can not deny the Java programming aspects of the game is a powerful sexual. This paper will guide you step-by-step preparation of learning Java games. Ultimately create their own Java games.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher : 潘宽标

医院管理信息系统-Hospital Management Information System
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 270kb Publisher : sunhui

HIS医院信息系统,不用多说了吧,这个是个简单的架构,社区医院里用的-HIS hospital information system, it goes without saying that this is a simple structure, community hospital used
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.24mb Publisher : qebsoft

医院信息系统(Hospital Information System,HIS),指利用电子计算机和通信设备,为医院所属各部门提供病人诊疗信息和行政管理信息的收集、存储、处理、提取和数据交换的能力,并满足所有授权用户的功能需求。 -Hospital information system (Hospital Information System, HIS), refers to the use of electronic computer and communications equipment for the hospital-owned clinics and departments to provide patient information and administration of information collection, storage, processing, extraction and data exchange capabilities and meet the needs of all authorized the user' s functional requirements.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.25mb Publisher : 郭虎

这是一个his项目,做练习用的项目,没有什么技术含量-This is a his project, the project used to do exercises, there is no technical content
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1000kb Publisher : 韩龙

DL : 0
This the J2ME code for the Jumping game .. here the Patrick, the hero of San Francisco city wants to destroy the entire road gangster’s car to make sure they are dead on the spot and the Freeways are clean for the people of United States. Patrick wants you to be with him and drive his special car to make the mission success. Remember they are 40 in total and you have to destroy all of them to make the freeway, a freeway. You can find their cars by seeing the red light highlighted on it. So what for waiting? Just start hitting them till they smashed completely-This is the J2ME code for the Jumping game .. here the Patrick, the hero of San Francisco city wants to destroy the entire road gangster’s car to make sure they are dead on the spot and the Freeways are clean for the people of United States. Patrick wants you to be with him and drive his special car to make the mission success. Remember they are 40 in total and you have to destroy all of them to make the freeway, a freeway. You can find their cars by seeing the red light highlighted on it. So what for waiting? Just start hitting them till they smashed completely!!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : David

DL : 0
一个小型的HIS软件,很简单,但是功能很齐全。包括功能模块,数据库设计等文档。-HIS software, a small, very simple, but function is complete. Including function modules, database design document.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.65mb Publisher : 冠达

DL : 1
一个his系统的源码,基于java web制作-A his system source code, java web-based production
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17mb Publisher : wangxin

java HIS java HIS java HIS java HIS -java HIS
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.29mb Publisher : luke

DL : 0
自己收藏的JAVA书籍 希望对大家有用-JAVA his collection of books we want to be useful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.05mb Publisher : 张鹏

Randy Eubank的一个kalman filter的Java实现程序,他是Arizona State University的一个教授。-A Kalman filter implementation in Java of Randy Eubank, his is a professor for Arizona State University.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 81kb Publisher : huang

一个his系统的源码,基于java web制作 (A his system source code, java web-based production)(A his system source code, java web-based production)
Update : 2019-07-13 Size : 4.4mb Publisher : 去43
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