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Description: 文件搜索系统 智能排序 可以按文件内容或文件名搜索,并且可以按文件名,修改日期... ...排序 当初学校java实训的项目 那时侯不知道有LinkedList竟然自己花了3天时间自己写了的LinkList 有什么问题请和我联系 QQ:281284015 Email:ibm_chen@163.com -document search system for smart scheduling according to the contents of the documents or file name search, as well as by file name Update ... ... Sort java Training schools in the first place then the item Hou do not know LinkedLi st has spent his three days of himself wrote a LinkList any question, please contact me and QQ : 281284015 Email : ibm_chen@163.com
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: chenmin | Hits:

[Windows Developrongqi

Description: * 容器 * 注意掌握的内容 * * 如下图: * set ---HashSet TreeSet ----------装入的对象没顺序并且不能equals字符串比较 * Collection--| 使用链表 使用数组 |--一个一个往里装 * list ---LinkedList,ArrayList ------装入的对象有顺序可以equals比较 * * Map -------HashMap TreeSet---------------------两个两个往里装 * --定义了键key value值 映射对 的方法 * Iterator---对 collection 进行迭代的迭代器,相当于 指针-* Containers* Note to master the contents of** the following graph:* set-HashSet TreeSet object loaded and no order should not equals string comparison* Collection | the use of an array list | fitted inside one by one* list-LinkedList, ArrayList loaded into the object can have the order equals comparison** Map-HashMap TreeSet- two inside two loaded*- defines the key value key value mapping for the method* Iterator--- iteration of collection iterators, equivalent to pointer
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 彷徨 | Hits:


Description: Linked List implementation for education purposes.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: x-phile | Hits:


Description: Linkedlist.java is a java example to practice your java programming
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Alin M | Hits:


Description: //本代码是用Java实现链表的几个基本功能,分别是:创建链表(自己需要输入创建节点的个数,之后输入各个节点的数值)、 //插入节点、删除节点(分为删除链表中某个数值方法和删除链表中第几位置的节点方法)、输出链表、将链表转化为数组、 //将链表进行排序(用的是先将链表转化为数组,之后对数组进行冒泡排序)、还有输出链表的长度(初学者仅供参考)-Complete the single linked list with Java. The functions are create, insert, delete, sort and display the linked list.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 孙守明 | Hits:


Description: Linked List with Java
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Ilis | Hits:


Description: Java Programming LinkedList
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: wooseta | Hits:


Description: link list in java java-link list in java java java
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: stc | Hits:


Description: 实现一个链表称为循环链表的变化。链表应该能够被用来保留任何对象类型的数据。在一个循环链表的最后一个节点 相连字段不为空,而是指回第一个节点。你的执行应当至少包括以下操作: 1.添加到列表的末尾 2.删除指定项从列表 3.检索一个指定的项目从列表 4.使用Iterator遍历列表 5.退出程序. 您可能包括其他必要操作。 你已使用链表实施以上操作,编写一个应用程序代码来测试您的链表。选择一个对象(如图书,工人,零售项目等),定义为对象类,并创 建一个列表在这些对象。允许您的应用程序代码来演示的所有链表定义的操作使用。-required to implement a variation of the linked list ADT called a circular linked list. The linked list should be able to be used to keep any Object type data. The linked field of the last node of a circular linked list is not NULL, instead it points back to the first node. Your implementation should at least include the following operations:  Add to the end of the list  Remove a specified item from the list  Retrieve a specified item from the list  Traverse the list using an Iterator You may include other operations deemed necessary. Using the Linked List ADT that you have implemented above, write an application code to test your ADT. Choose an object (such as Book, Worker, Retail Item, etc), define the class for the object, and create a list to work on these objects. Allow your application code to demonstrate the use of all the operations defined in the Linked List ADT.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: jamison | Hits:


Description: 自己写的LinkedList,node可以是任意种类对象的数据类型,用指针类来读取链表的节点-LinkedlList
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wuyuwei | Hits:

[Printing programDuiLie

Description: 用LinkedList实现一个队列的所有操作: 入队\出队\求队列长度\判断队列是否为空\打印队列等-Implement a queue using LinkedList all operations: entry team \ out the team \ demand queue length \ to determine whether the queue is empty \ print queues, etc.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: STS | Hits:


Description: example of linked list in java
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: tepu | Hits:


Description: link list program implementation in java
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: amey | Hits:


Description: 用java 实现链表,具有插入,删除,查找等功能-Linked with the java implementation, with insert, delete, search and other functions
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 李杰 | Hits:


Description: java simple linkedlist
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: klsdfklsdjf | Hits:


Description: Mark Allan Weiss linked list Java implementation
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: alain | Hits:

[Data structsLinkedList

Description: 一个java的数据结构(链表)的实现,模拟磁盘清理-Implement the defragment in java by using data structure(linkedlist)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Hot | Hits:


Description: Data structure using java linkedlist
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: segolene | Hits:


Description: LinkList code in java
Platform: | Size: 212992 | Author: endrakla | Hits:


Description: 基于Java的LinkedList实现,基于Intellij IDEA的项目文件。(LinkedList implementation based on Java, the project file based on Intellij IDEA.)
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: yihe | Hits:
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