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刚才兴起试用了一下opera的语音控制功能,插上mic,在opera的语音控制里面选择性别,点确定就可以用了。 对着mic,并按下语音控制键,说出back,opera果然后退了一页,哈哈!以后连手都不用了。靠嘴就成。 不过这E文的发音可要好好锻炼一下了。-rise just a little opera trial of voice control, mic stuck in the opera voice inside sex selection, points can be used to determine the. Facing the mic, and press the control key voice, say back, the opera really a retreat, ha ha! Even after the hands are not. On into his mouth. But E pronunciation of the text, until a good temper.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 29kb Publisher : 赵斌

现在游戏开发是个潮流,很多人在大学期间都是从写小游戏走向专业的技术编程人员的吧,也有好多人毕业后一直从事了游戏行业,这里我提供了几个经典的小游戏源码集合,丰富的内容,不同的编程语言,让你体验游戏开发的乐趣,源码内容有: 1.JAVA版本的经典俄罗斯方块 2.VC版本的经典俄罗斯方块 3.J2ME手机版本的经典俄罗斯方块 4.VC版的经典棋牌游戏斗地主 5.VC版的经典战机游戏 6.VC++版本的国际象棋(包含了设计文档、美工设计等全套开发流程,绝对让你垂涎欲滴!) 来成为我们开发行业的成员吗?从这里开始,你会发现前途嘹亮~-Game development is a trend now, many people are in college to write a small game from the technical to the professional programmer s right, there are a lot of people after graduation has been engaged in the games industry, and here I provide a source of several classic games collection rich content, different programming languages ​ ​ let you experience the fun of game development, content source: 1.JAVA version of the classic Tetris 2.VC version of the classic Tetris 3.J2ME mobile version of the classic Tetris 4.VC version of the classic board games Landlords 5.VC version of the classic fighter plane game 6.VC++ version of chess (including design documents, graphic design, full development process, so you absolutely mouth-watering!) To develop our industry members? From there, loud and clear- you will find future
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.61mb Publisher : acidy

java 方法的一本经典,有大师的推荐和众多程序员的口口相传。-a classic java method, word of mouth of the master' s recommendation and many programmers
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.81mb Publisher : he

很牛皮的java平时考试测试文件,包括C,最新考研试题(How much is the price of the house at the mouth of the ARA mountain opening?)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.21mb Publisher : 你好啊s啊啊

学Java进阶必读书籍,口碑不错,许多前辈都推荐(Learn Java advanced required books, good word of mouth, many of the older generation recommended.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.8mb Publisher : 花1212132
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