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[SQL ServerIT_ERP项目工程设计

Description: IT行业管理系统针对IT行业管理的具体业务处理工作而开发的管理软件,它采用计算机进行全面现代化方法对IT行业管理的具体业务处理工作进行管理。根据一般的要求,其主要包括的功能如下: (1) 用户管理子系统 实现“权限维护”、“角色维护”、“用户维护”。 (2) 部门管理子系统 实现 “部门维护”。 (3) 项目管理子系统 实现“项目立项”、“项目更改”。 (4) 工作管理子系统 实现“工作报告”、“工作审批”。 (5) 文件管理子系统 实现“文件入库”、“文件下发”、“文件变更”、“文件阅读”。 (6) 统计分析子系统 实现“人员统计”、“绩效统计”。 (7) 日志管理子系统 实现“日志查看”。 应用程序开发工具 JBuilder 9 数据库 SQL Server 2000 应用服务器 WebLogic 8.1-IT management systems against the management of the IT industry specific business processes and the development of work management software, which uses computer method for comprehensive modernization of the management of the IT industry specific business processing management. Under the general requirements of its major functions, including the following : (a) user management subsystems to achieve "competence maintenance", "role of maintaining", "user maintenance." (2) management subsystems to achieve "departments maintain." (3) project management subsystems to achieve "setting up projects", "project changes." (4) management subsystems to achieve "report" and "work for approval." (5) document management subsyst
Platform: | Size: 1538048 | Author: 张三 | Hits:

[WEB CodeJBlog10

Description: web.xml里默认配置为:resin 2.1.14 可根据您的具体服务器配置。 注意链接池就是了! 然后导入database/j-blog.sql 默认用户名密码都是: admin 后台地址:/admin/ 进入后台后,请将系统设置中的 网站地址(URL):设置正确,否则样式表等无法调用-web.xml Lane default configuration : resin 2.1.14 under your specific server configuration. Links to the grindstone pool! Then into database/j-blog.sql default user name password are : admin background Address :/admin/access background, Please install the website address (URL) : Setting up the correct style sheet so it can not be called
Platform: | Size: 3579904 | Author: triangel | Hits:

[Search Enginejw-spider

Description: 网络蜘蛛,从一个网址出发,搜索网络,功能包括设定搜索的深度,动态显示搜索的结果。-network spiders, from a website, the search network, including setting function of the depth of search. dynamic display of search results.
Platform: | Size: 137216 | Author: 网中人 | Hits:


Description: 这个系统的功能是模拟ATM机的登陆、查询余额、取款、更改密码等功能,利用了JDBC接口、SWING等。 如ATM的登陆、取款和更改密码都要利用JDBC接口与数据库连结,我遇到了很多问题,但最主要的就是数据库的设置问题,为了解决这个问题我看了四本书,查询相关的资料(累啊)。-the function of the system is simulated ATM machine landing, balance inquiries, withdrawals, change passwords, and other functions, use the JDBC interface, such as SWING. If ATM landing, withdrawals and change password must use JDBC interface and database links, I encountered a lot of problems, but the most important is that the database setting, in order to solve this problem, I read four books, Inquiries related information ('s burden).
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 王富军 | Hits:


Description: 根据不同行业特点精心设计的通用型网上人事管理系统,具有使用方便、安全可靠等特点。包含:员工基本资料、部门基本资料、工资发放、简单人事考勤、等人事档案基本要素,您可动态设置员工花名册输出栏目,可动态设置查询条件,对员工资料进行统计或查询,是您处理人事资料的得力帮手。-different characteristics of a carefully designed Internet-General Personnel Management System, with easy to use, Safety and reliability characteristics. Include : staff basic information, basic information department, payroll, personnel simple attendance, personnel files and other basic elements, You can set up dynamic staff roster output columns, dynamic setting up inquiries, the staff statistical information or inquiries, You are dealing with personnel information capable assistant.
Platform: | Size: 5136384 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 一个留言板 系统平台: JSP+SQLServer 支持开通无限个数的留言板,可以为每个栏目设置独立的管理员。 同时支持mysql和sqlserver数据库。 后台管理登录地址:totgb/login.jsp 用户名:admin 密 码:admins -a bulletin board system platforms : JSP SQLServer support an unlimited number of open message board, Each column for the setting up of an independent administrator. Support the mysql database and sqlserver. Background Management logged Address : totgb/login.jsp Username : admin Password : admins
Platform: | Size: 3983360 | Author: liujin | Hits:


Description: 1、锁定某个主题抓取; 2、能够产生日志文本文件,格式为:时间戳(timestamp)、URL; 3、抓取某一URL时最多允许建立2个连接(注意:本地作网页解析的线程数则不限) 4、遵守文明蜘蛛规则:必须分析robots.txt文件和meta tag有无限制;一个线程抓完一个网页后要sleep 2秒钟; 5、能对HTML网页进行解析,提取出链接URL,能判别提取的URL是否已处理过,不重复解析已crawl过的网页; 6、能够对spider/crawler程序的一些基本参数进行设置,包括:抓取深度(depth)、种子URL等; 7、使用User-agent向服务器表明自己的身份; 8、产生抓取统计信息:包括抓取速度、抓取完成所需时间、抓取网页总数;重要变量和所有类、方法加注释; 9、请遵守编程规范,如类、方法、文件等的命名规范, 10、可选:GUI图形用户界面、web界面,通过界面管理spider/crawler,包括启停、URL增删等 -1, the ability to lock a particular theme crawls; 2, can produce log text file format : timestamp (timestamp), the URL; 3. crawls up a URL to allow for the establishment of two connecting (Note : local website for a few analytical thread is not limited) 4, abide by the rules of civilized spiders : to be analyzed robots.txt file and meta tag unrestricted; End grasp a thread after a website to sleep two seconds; 5, capable of HTML pages for analysis, Links to extract URL, the extract can judge whether the URL have been processed. Analysis has not repeat crawl over the web; 6. to the spider/crawler some of the basic procedures for setting up parameters, including : Grasp depth (depth), seeds URL; 7. use User-agent to the server to identify themselves; 8, crawls produce statistical informati
Platform: | Size: 1911808 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 在jCreator建立一个叫做telnet的工程 3、把本章目录下的所有源文件加入到这个工程中 4、在project菜单下选择project setting,在JDK profile框中单击当前的JDK, 然后选择Edit,在弹出的对话框中选add,然后选add package,将本章源代码目 录下的ipworks.jar包加入。 5、在build菜单下选择complier project 6、在build菜单下选择execute,程序就可以运行了-JCreator called in to establish a telnet works 3 to this chapter directory of all source files added to the project 4, in the project menu select project setting, in the JDK profile box, click the current JDK, and then choose Edit, in the shells The dialog box select add, then choose add package, the chapter source code directory by adding ipworks.jar package. 5, in the build menu select complier project6, in the build menu to choose execute, the procedure can run the
Platform: | Size: 1181696 | Author: qiufengy | Hits:


Description: the function of the system is simulated ATM machine landing, balance inquiries, withdrawals, change passwords, and other functions, use the JDBC interface, such as SWING. If ATM landing, withdrawals and change password must use JDBC interface and database links, I encountered a lot of problems, but the most important is that the database setting, in order to solve this problem, I read four books, Inquiries related information ( s burden-the function of the system is simulated ATM machine landing, balance inquiries, withdrawals, change passwords, and other functions, use the JDBC interface, such as SWING. If ATM landing, withdrawals and change password must use JDBC interface and database links, I encountered a lot of problems, but the most important is that the database setting, in order to solve this problem, I read four books, Inquiries related information (s burden
Platform: | Size: 874496 | Author: coral | Hits:


Description: Auctions are among the oldest economic institutions in place. They have been used since antiquity to sell a wide variety of goods, and their basic form has remained unchanged. In this dissertation, we explore the efficiency of common auctions when values are interdependent- the value to a particular bidder may depend on information available only to others-and asymmetric. In this setting, it is well known that sealed-bid auctions do not achieve efficient allocations in general since they do not allow the information held by different bidders to be shared.
Platform: | Size: 10377216 | Author: vijay | Hits:

[Telnet Servertelnetclient

Description: 安装及使用须知 1、本程序要求先安装jdk和jCreator 2、在jCreator建立一个叫做telnet的工程 3、把本章目录下的所有源文件加入到这个工程中 4、在project菜单下选择project setting,在JDK profile框中单击当前的JDK, 然后选择Edit,在弹出的对话框中选add,然后选add package,将本章源代码目 录下的ipworks.jar包加入。 5、在build菜单下选择complier project 6、在build菜单下选择execute,程序就可以运行了-Installation and use of information 1, the procedure requires the installation of jdk and jCreator 2, in the establishment of a jCreator called telnet project 3, the directory of this chapter all the source files into this project in 4, in the project menu select project setting, in JDK profile box, click the current JDK, and then choose Edit, in the pop-up dialog box select add, then choose add package, will be this chapter' s source code directory by adding ipworks.jar package. 5, in the build menu select complier project 6, in the build menu to choose execute, the procedure can run on a
Platform: | Size: 1500160 | Author: JCrazyUltimate | Hits:

[Software EngineeringOA

Description: Web OA系统软件需求说明书 1. 引言 1.1 目的 1.2 定义 1.3 参考资料 1 2. 软件总体概述 1 2.1 软件标识 2.2 软件描述 3. 具体需求 3.1 系统角色设置 3.2 系统初始化数据 3.3 功能需求 3.4 性能需求 3.5 数据库需求 3.6 设计约束 3.7 属性 3.8 外部接口需求 4. 数据字典 5. 附录 5.1 用户方组织机构图; -Web OA system software requirements specification 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Definition 1.3 Reference 12. 2.1 software, the software identifies a general overview of the 2.2 software descriptions 3. The specific needs of the role of setting 3.2 Systems 3.1 Systems 3.3 Functional Requirements 3.4 initialized data performance requirements of 3.5 Database Requirements 3.6 Design Constraints 3.7 Attribute 3.8 External interface requirements 4. data dictionary 5. Appendix 5.1 client-side organization chart
Platform: | Size: 728064 | Author: 沙一 | Hits:


Description: android wifi 实现 独立于setting.apk-android wifi
Platform: | Size: 232448 | Author: lizhenghui | Hits:


Description: Java Performance Tuning contains step-by-step instructions on all aspects of the performance tuning process, right from such early considerations as setting goals, measuring performance, and choosing a compiler. Extensive examples for tuning many parts of an application are described in detail, and any pitfalls are identified. The book also provides performance tuning checklists for making your tuning as comprehensive as possible.
Platform: | Size: 1722368 | Author: roxana | Hits:

[Software EngineeringCRMSQL

Description: IntCRM客户合同管理系统是为网络公司量身定制的一套crm系统:强大的客户校验及跟踪功能,完美的解决了销售人员撞单问题、优秀的合同预领功能及合同管理功能,解决了众多网络公司合同丢失、合同收款及员工合同管理防签私单问题。数据防拷贝为公司保障了数据的安全性。组织结构及功能权限完全自主设置,灵活性强。多模式的统计功能,让管理者能很好的掌握公司员工、部门、收入、支出的发展趋势。 -IntCRM customer contract management system is to customize the network company of CRM system: a strong customer calibration and tracking function, perfect the sales staff to solve problems, excellent hit single contract and contract management functions (brought many network functions to solve company contract, lost the contract and contract management, prevent payment problem private single sign. Data for the company guarantees against copies of data security. Organizational structure and function of independent setting permissions completely, flexibility. The statistical functions, managers can master company staff, department of income and expenditure, the development trend.
Platform: | Size: 14055424 | Author: 鱼鱼 | Hits:

[Education soft systemxueshengxuanke

Description: 学生选课管理系统也是用vfp开发的,保证设置路径以后就可以调试使用,这个是源码,需要编译一下,里头还有毕业论文-Student Course Management System is developed using vfp to ensure that after setting the path can debug, this is a source, what needs to be compiled, inside there Thesis
Platform: | Size: 816128 | Author: 啊隆冬 | Hits:


Description: The Porter stemming algorithm (or ‘Porter stemmer’) is a process for removing the commoner morphological and inflexional endings from words in English. Its main use is as part of a term normalisation process that is usually done when setting up Information Retrieval systems.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: s | Hits:


Description: 打印的必须文件有2个: 1:配置文件:setting.js 2:显示文件:print.js -there are two code of the docment about print
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 丁欢欢 | Hits:


Description: Setting up a jdbc connection in java
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ttrrtt | Hits:


Description: java新手入门内容包括开始软件的下载环境的设置,还有命令和函数的学习-java beginners start software download includes environmental setting, there are commands and functions of learning
Platform: | Size: 54272 | Author: 巫森林 | Hits:
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