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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.94kb Publisher : 郭宇

java实现的报表查看器-statements Viewer
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 33.02kb Publisher : 树云

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java的view-java s view
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 郭宇

java实现的报表查看器-statements Viewer
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33kb Publisher : 树云

Image Viewer Applet是一个Java applet,可以显视图像的原始文件及其索引图像。图像加载按多线程方式进行,并可以缓存图像。可以用XML配置GUI组件。可以激活一个幻灯片显视,并显视图像的注释-Image Viewer Applet is a Java applet that can significantly the visual image of the original document and indexing images. Image loading by multiple threads, and can be cached images. XML configuration can be used GUI components. A slide can be activated as significant, and significantly the visual image of the Notes
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.84mb Publisher : 常葳

用Java语言开发时,需要编制大量的界面布局、事 件处理等代码,网管软件开发的主要工作量就集中在此。制作一个类似于Delphi、JBuil der等可视化开发工具的对象查看器的参数配置控件用于项目的优点是显而易见的: 1、界面显得很专业; 2、容易做到使整个系统的风格趋于一致; 3、使用灵活,代码量大大减小; -Java language development, the need for the preparation of a large number of interface layout, event handling code, network management software development workload on the main focus here. Making a similar Delphi, JBuil der other visual development tools targeted to the viewer configuration parameters for the control advantages are obvious : 1, the interface is very professional; 2, easy to do the whole system into line style; 3, the use of flexible, large code large decreases;
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.01mb Publisher : 陈曦

著名的远程控制软件UltraVNC源码最新版本 ** v1.0.2 Release - Resizable FileTransfer window - Improved cursor handling in viewer and javaviewer - Improved Autoreconnect option in server - Improved query-on-incoming-connection window in server - MSLogon improvements - MSLogon weak challenge vulnerability fix NOTE: MSLogon backward compatibility is broken with versions <= v1.0.1 Anyway, the new v1.0.2 viewer can use MSLogon with older servers but a warning is displayed recommending server upgrade. - Server and viewer logging functions vulnerability fix - Server configuration: AlphaBlending, FTUserImpersonation and LockWorkstation options are allowed depending on the OS - MSRC4 DSM plugin v1.2.0 embedded into the setup ("plugin" subdirectory). The .dsm files must be manually copied into the UltraVNC install directory, along Ultra binaries. Many enhancements in this new plugin (session key salting, connection still possible without key file...). Thanks Sean !-Well-known source UltraVNC remote control software the latest version** v1.0.2 Release-Resizable FileTransfer window-Improved cursor handling in viewer and javaviewer-Improved Autoreconnect option in server-Improved query-on-incoming-connection window in server-MSLogon improvements- MSLogon weak challenge vulnerability fix NOTE: MSLogon backward compatibility is broken with versions <= v1.0.1 Anyway, the new v1.0.2 viewer can use MSLogon with older servers but a warning is displayed recommending server upgrade .- Server and viewer logging functions vulnerability fix- Server configuration: AlphaBlending, FTUserImpersonation and LockWorkstation options are allowed depending on the OS-MSRC4 DSM plugin v1.2.0 embedded into the setup ( plugin subdirectory). The. dsm files must be manually copied into the UltraVNC install directory, along Ultra binaries. Many enhancements in this new plugin (session key salting, connection still possible without key file ...). Thanks Sean!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.33mb Publisher : 咖喱

一个简单的java图像浏览器,可以作为GUI和处理图像文件的学习例子。-a simple java image browser, the GUI can be used as image processing and document the learning examples.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王云波

The STEPNCWrite library writes STEP-NC toolpath data (AP-238 CC1). This C++ library is completely open-source and has been released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The library writes data in XML format (ISO 10303-28) using just printf(), so it does not depend on any STEP toolkit. It has no other dependencies and should build on Windows, Linux, Mac, or any other Unix platform. If you want to view your toolpath files, you can use the open-source Java AP-238 Toolpath Viewer. For more sophisticated applications, we encourage you to look at our commercial product, the STEP-NC Explorer which can display workpiece, fixture, and tool geometry as well as the paths, simulate their operation and convert -STEPNCWrite writes STEP-NC to olpath data (AP-238 CC1). This C library is comp letely open-source and has been released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The libra ry writes data in XML format (ISO 10303-28) usin g just printf (), so it does not depend on any STEP toolkit. It has n o other dependencies and should build on Window s, Linux, Mac, or any other Unix platform. If you want to view yo ur toolpath files, you can use the open-source Java AP-238 Toolpat h Viewer. For more sophisticated applications , we encourage you to look at our commercial pro duct , the STEP-NC Explorer which can display workp iece, fixture , and tool geometry as well as the paths , simulate their operation and convert
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 98kb Publisher : 易力

Java image viewer with a full-screen slide show, image sorting, and producing contact sheet/thumbnails. The image viewer is perfect for rotating digital pictures and sorting them into correct directories. Also great for managing downloaded images.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 548kb Publisher : 廖广军

JIExplorer is a java image viewer / explorer desk top application modeled after ACDSee image viewer. Features include: thumbnails, preview panel, key word, category, and date image management, image zooming, full screen, slide shows. Supported image form-JIExplorer is a java image viewer/explorer desk top application modeled after ACDSee image viewer. Features include: thumbnails, preview panel, key word, category, and date image management, image zooming, full screen, slide shows. Supported image form
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.44mb Publisher : 廖广军

开源的远程控制软件VNC的最新源代码4.1.2版.内含vnc server, vnc viewer, java vnc viewer. 欢迎大家编译使用.-revenue VNC remote control software to the latest version 4.1.2 source code. Intron vnc server , vnc viewer, java vnc viewer. Welcome compiler used.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.28mb Publisher : Peica

希望这个源码对大家有用,谢谢站长的辛勤劳动,java报表查看器-hope that this source useful for all, I would like to thank the hard work of the station, java statements Viewer
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : cuizhi

yuv viewer is a simple jave application to render the yuv picture in any platform. Have fun
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : 李光

这是一个基于JDK1.5 编写的java swing应用程序。目前可以实现简单 JPG文件缩略图的浏览,并可按图片比例,全屏打开图片。 如果你想编写类似Windows资源管理器缩略图,或者ACDSEE图片缩略图的 功能可以参考本程序。-This is a JDK1.5 prepared based on java swing application. Can now achieve a simple JPG file thumbnail browser, and can picture the ratio of open full-screen picture. If you want to prepare a similar Windows Explorer thumbnails, or the function of ACDSee Photo thumbnails can refer to this procedure.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 204kb Publisher : 魏华

用java实现的播放幻灯片的程序 很有趣的呀-Achieved using java slideshow procedures it very interesting
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : 王辉

eclipse中,swt/jface的viewer的例子-eclipse of, swt/jface example of the viewer
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.26mb Publisher : wwww

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Java in view PDF documents, the source code for the document. I hope someone can be improved.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 270kb Publisher : 蓝之恋

Java Viewer Tight VNC
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 375kb Publisher : alleys

简单的文本查看器,可以查看任意txt文件。只需要在文件位置输入正确的需要查看的文件位置,就可以显示该文件的内容在面板上-Simple text viewer, you can view any txt file. Only need to enter the correct location in the file need to check the file location, you can display the contents of the file on the panel
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : linxin
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