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用Java书写的3D图形渲染程序,不使用Java3D和OpenGL,纯Java实现,采用扫描线深度消隐,和局部光照模型,该程序用作图形学教学。程序使用Jcreator3.5编译(内建工程),当然也可以用其他Java工具编译。需要详细了解的网友可与我联系-written with Java 3D graphics rendering procedures, and not to use OpenGL Java3D, pure Java, scanning depth blanking line, and partial illumination model, the procedures used for graphics teaching. Procedures used Jcreator3.5 compiler (built-engineering), of course, can also be used to build other Java tools. A detailed understanding of the needs of netizens can contact me
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 51.81kb Publisher : 徐林

本程序为放出的测试用魔方(,包含所有的核心代码及注释,调试,测试代码。你可以用鼠标转动魔方,用键盘上的方向键移动魔方位置,除此以外,代码中还有大量功能,如智能搜索求解魔方,目前正在制作图形控制界面,也可用于applet嵌入网页中,Frame,也可做成java bean组件,有java bean需要的,请与作者本人联系。   2,先双击运行Java 3D for Windows (OpenGL Version) SDK for the JDK (includes Runtime) (java3d-1_3_1-windows-i586-opengl-sdk.exe, 6.43 MB) .exe安装java3D开发环境,再双击start.bat开始运行,运行后敲击键盘开始30次随机转动,要他进行其他转动,可以加代码,或等待本人的最终图形用户界面版本。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13.26kb Publisher : 秦元庆

Java 3D图形编程接口函数文档,初学者可以参考其文档,完成大部分3d图形的绘制,对于OPenGl的支持有一定要求,需要自行配置。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.11mb Publisher : 活动反

首先安装JRE,再安装java3d包(Java 3D包的文件名为java3d-1_3_1-windows-i586-opengl-sdk.exe,可以到百度,GOOGLE和北大天网上去搜索这个文件,就会有下载的)。默认情况下java3d包会安装在你的$\\JBuilder9\\jdk1.4\\目录下。会在$\\JBuilder9\\jdk1.4\\jre\\lib\\ext\\下添加几个jar文件,会在$\\JBuilder9\\jdk1.4\\demo\\目录下添加一个java3d目录,里面是例子。如果安装没有问题,打开目录 $\\JBuilder9\\jdk1.4\\demo\\java3d\\HelloUniverse\\下的网页HelloUniverse.html应该可以正常显示。-first install the JRE, install java3d Pack (Java 3D package of documents called java3d - 1_3_1-windows-i586 - opengl - sdk.exe can go to Baidu, Google and Beijing University days of the Internet to search the file, then you will have to download). Default under java3d package will be installed in your $ \\ JBuilder9 \\ jdk1.4 \\ directory. The $ \\ JBuilder9 \\ jdk1.4 \\ jre \\ lib \\ ext \\ Add several jar document, the $ \\ JBuilder9 \\ jdk1.4 \\ demo \\ directory add a java3d directory, there's example. If you have no problem, open directory $ \\ JBuilder9 \\ jdk1.4 \\ demo \\ java3d \\ HelloUniverse \\ HelloUniverse.html the website should be able to display normal.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 547.21kb Publisher : 温厚

首先安装JRE,再安装java3d包(Java 3D包的文件名为java3d-1_3_1-windows-i586-opengl-sdk.exe,可以到百度,GOOGLE和北大天网上去搜索这个文件,就会有下载的)。默认情况下java3d包会安装在你的$\JBuilder9\jdk1.4\目录下。会在$\JBuilder9\jdk1.4\jre\lib\ext\下添加几个jar文件,会在$\JBuilder9\jdk1.4\demo\目录下添加一个java3d目录,里面是例子。如果安装没有问题,打开目录 $\JBuilder9\jdk1.4\demo\java3d\HelloUniverse\下的网页HelloUniverse.html应该可以正常显示。-first install the JRE, install java3d Pack (Java 3D package of documents called java3d- 1_3_1-windows-i586- opengl- sdk.exe can go to Baidu, Google and Beijing University days of the Internet to search the file, then you will have to download). Default under java3d package will be installed in your $ \ JBuilder9 \ jdk1.4 \ directory. The $ \ JBuilder9 \ jdk1.4 \ jre \ lib \ ext \ Add several jar document, the $ \ JBuilder9 \ jdk1.4 \ demo \ directory add a java3d directory, there's example. If you have no problem, open directory $ \ JBuilder9 \ jdk1.4 \ demo \ java3d \ HelloUniverse \ HelloUniverse.html the website should be able to display normal.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 547kb Publisher : 温厚

用Java书写的3D图形渲染程序,不使用Java3D和OpenGL,纯Java实现,采用扫描线深度消隐,和局部光照模型,该程序用作图形学教学。程序使用Jcreator3.5编译(内建工程),当然也可以用其他Java工具编译。需要详细了解的网友可与我联系-written with Java 3D graphics rendering procedures, and not to use OpenGL Java3D, pure Java, scanning depth blanking line, and partial illumination model, the procedures used for graphics teaching. Procedures used Jcreator3.5 compiler (built-engineering), of course, can also be used to build other Java tools. A detailed understanding of the needs of netizens can contact me
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : 徐林

JAVA3D交互式编程环境介绍! 包括简单的JAVA的编程思想的简单介绍! 还有JAVA3D的包括ALPHA和INTERPOLATOR的深层类的介绍!大家可以饱学一番了!-JAVA3D introduced interactive programming environment! Including simple JAVA programming on the simple idea! There JAVA3D including INTERPOLATOR ALPHA and the deep class presentation! We can learned some!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.63mb Publisher : 郭瑞

本程序为放出的测试用魔方(,包含所有的核心代码及注释,调试,测试代码。你可以用鼠标转动魔方,用键盘上的方向键移动魔方位置,除此以外,代码中还有大量功能,如智能搜索求解魔方,目前正在制作图形控制界面,也可用于applet嵌入网页中,Frame,也可做成java bean组件,有java bean需要的,请与作者本人联系。   2,先双击运行Java 3D for Windows (OpenGL Version) SDK for the JDK (includes Runtime) (java3d-1_3_1-windows-i586-opengl-sdk.exe, 6.43 MB) .exe安装java3D开发环境,再双击start.bat开始运行,运行后敲击键盘开始30次随机转动,要他进行其他转动,可以加代码,或等待本人的最终图形用户界面版本。
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : 秦元庆

DL : 0
Java 3D图形编程接口函数文档,初学者可以参考其文档,完成大部分3d图形的绘制,对于OPenGl的支持有一定要求,需要自行配置。-Java 3D graphics programming interface function files, beginners can refer to its documentation, the completion of most of 3d graphics rendering, the OpenGL support of certain requirements, the need for self-configuration.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.11mb Publisher :

一个JAVA3D下的地形编程源文件,可以用键盘进行交互控制-JAVA3D terrain under a program source file, you can use the keyboard for interactive control
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.78mb Publisher : HAO YAO

java3D场景,可以实现使用键盘对场景中物体的一些控制。基于java版opengl-java 3D Envirenment
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : Peng Lu

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.53mb Publisher : xinxing

DL : 0
互联网的出现及飞速发展使IT业的各个领域发生了深刻的变化,它必然引发一些新技术的出现。3D图形技术并不是一个新话题,在图形工作站以至于PC机上早已日臻成熟,并已应用到各个领域。然而互联网的出现,却使3D图形技术发生了和正在发生着微妙而深刻的变化。Web3D协会(前身是VRML协会)最先使用Web3D术语,这一术语的出现反映了这种变化的全貌,没有人能严格定义Web3D,在这里我们把Web3D理解为:互联网上的3D图形技术,互联网代表了未来的新技术,很明显,3D图形和动画将在互联网上占有重要的地位。 Java3D API是Sun定义的用于实现3D显示的接口。使用Java 的重要理由之一是它的平台无关性。Java3D提供了基于Java的上层接口。Java3D把OpenGL和DirectX这些底层技术包装在Java接口中。这种全新的设计使3D技术变得不再繁琐并且可以加入到J2SE、J2EE的整套架构,这些特性保证了Java3D技术强大的扩展性 本文以Java3D为开发平台,利用Java语言强大的网络功能,实现了在网页上对3D动画进行显示和操作。-The Internet appearance and the rapid development caused each domain to IT industry have the deep transformation, it initiated some new technical inevitably the appearance. The 3D graph technology is not a new topic, in the graph workstation down to on PC machine already more or day matured, and has applied to each domain. However the Internet appearance, caused the 3D graph technology to occur actually and is occurring is being subtle but the deep transformation. The Web3D association (predecessor is the VRML association) uses the Web3D terminology first, this terminology appearance had reflected this kind of change complete picture, nobody can strictly define Web3D, in here we do the Web3D understanding is: On the Internet 3D graph technology, the Internet has represented the future new technology, is very obvious, the 3D graph and the animation will hold the important status on the Internet. Java3D API is the Sun definition uses in realizing the 3D demonstration connection. Uses o
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.48mb Publisher : weidong297

DL : 0
java 3d入门学习资料书籍,适合对java 3d有兴趣的人学习,java 3d是一个类似于opengl的框架-Introduction to Java 3 d learning profile books, suitable for people interested in Java 3 d learning, Java 3 d is a similar to the opengl framework
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.6mb Publisher : 郭永前

java3D场景,可以实现使用键盘对场景中物体的一些控制。基于java版opengl-java 3D Envirenment
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : he632760

JNetCAD is a simple Java GUI for importing and exporting several CAD formats. Each im- and export module exists as JAR library and can be used separately in other projects. JNetCAD uses jRealiy for the visualization. Hence it provides a software renderer and a JOGL (Java binding for OpenGL) renderer. For the import libraries, exemplary Java3D and jReality renderer are included. At least Java version 1.5 is required.(NetCAD is a simple Java GUI for importing and exporting several CAD formats. Each im- and export module exists as JAR library and can be used separately in other projects. JNetCAD uses jRealiy for the visualization. Hence it provides a software renderer and a JOGL (Java binding for OpenGL) renderer. For the import libraries, exemplary Java3D and jReality renderer are included. At least Java version 1.5 is required.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15.45mb Publisher : jackyhua
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