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Description: 嵌入式ARM调试说明书,适合初学者阅读!-Embedded ARM debug instructions, suitable for beginners to read!
Platform: | Size: 4969472 | Author: 云少罡 | Hits:


Description: JLINK V8最新版中文使用说明,版权归属ARMJISHU.COM所有。-JLINK V8 uses the latest version of the Chinese instructions are ARMJISHU.COM All rights reserved.
Platform: | Size: 4969472 | Author: sunrise | Hits:


Description: 本测试程序是我买的开发板自带的,供新手练手,里面HLINKV8驱动,是我买开发板时人家送的,配套!资料希望对大家有用!资料很值啊-I bought this test procedure is the development of plate, novices, HLINKV8 driver, under development board when I buy is somebody else, supporting! To all useful information! Material is worth?
Platform: | Size: 41068544 | Author: sunn123 | Hits:


Description: j-link v8使用手册,j-jtag 、 j-flash-j-link v8 manual, j-jtag, j-flash
Platform: | Size: 4969472 | Author: zhongyiming | Hits:

[Software EngineeringJLINKV8unknowdrive

Description: JLINKV8刷固件教程工具 jlink v8灯不亮系统显示不识别usb修复方法-jLinkV8 can not work
Platform: | Size: 4435968 | Author: 林鑫 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programJLINKV8

Description: JLINK V8仿真器制作的全套资料,包括固件、原理、板图以及下载程序等-JLINK V8 emulator the full range of information, including firmware, schematics, board maps, and download programs and other
Platform: | Size: 9626624 | Author: chenwenbin | Hits:

[Program docJLINKV8

Description: J-Link ARM Rev 8 schematic diagram
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: kiran | Hits:

[Other Embeded programJLINK-V8reset

Description: jlinkV8 reset guid,this is for new verion-jlink-V8 Recovery Guide
Platform: | Size: 3231744 | Author: he omega | Hits:


Description: Jlink调速器烧写工具,包括jlink.bin-Jlink emulator tools
Platform: | Size: 13689856 | Author: 山大王 | Hits:


Description: jlink V8 的所有相关资料,可能重复 但是这里是收集最全面的,包括设计资料和固件-jlink v8 desine
Platform: | Size: 61088768 | Author: 风乱刮 | Hits:

[Technology ManagementjlinkV8

Description: j_link v8固件烧录教程+V8固件+烧录工具-j_link v8 Firmware Firmware+ programming tutorial+ V8 burning tool
Platform: | Size: 4108288 | Author: susu | Hits:


Description: 1、该例程为STM32串口1测试例程。 2、使用说明 (1)工程文件路径:.\USER\STM32-DEMO.uvprojj。 (2)请使用MDK 4.0以上版本打开,MDK版本过低会导致无法识别工程。 (3)下载调试工具为JLINK。 (4)请将串口线(两头皆为母的交叉串口线)插在板子COM1口上,并打开超级终端或串口助手,配置波特率115200,8位,一个停止位,无校验位。 (5)插上DC-5V电源、插上JLINKV8后,点击MDK工具栏中的LOAD按钮即可下载程序。-1, the routine test routines for the serial one. 2, the use of (a) the project file path:. \ USER \ STM32-DEMO.uvprojj. (2) Please use the MDK 4.0 or later to open, MDK version is too low can cause unrecognized works. (3) download debugging tools JLINK. (4) connect the serial cable (two are female crossover serial cable) plugged into the COM1 port on the board, and open HyperTerminal or serial assistant, configure the baud rate 115200 bits, one stop bit, no parity. (5) Plug DC-5V power supply, plug JLINKV8, click on the toolbar MDK LOAD button to download the program.
Platform: | Size: 2349056 | Author: wefj | Hits:


Description: JLINKV8 的pdf原理图,可以帮助diy朋友们自己画pcb-The schematic of JLINK V8
Platform: | Size: 392192 | Author: 何正松 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programJLINK

Description: 解决在JLINKV8重刷固件后在keil中使用老是提示需要升级,升级后提示为clone的问题,亲测好用!-Resolved after JLINKV8 heavy brush firmware in keil always prompt to upgrade, after the upgrade prompt to clone issue pro-test easy to use!
Platform: | Size: 14438400 | Author: 宋有波 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringADS1.2-JLinkV8-mini2440

Description: ADS1.2调试MINIARM2440 ADS1.2调试MINIARM2440-ADS1.2 debug MINIARM2440 ADS1.2 debug MINIARM2440
Platform: | Size: 99328 | Author: zhq | Hits:


Description: JLink V8新版说用户手册,简体中文版-JLink V8 user manual
Platform: | Size: 4969472 | Author: wangwei | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developjlink-v8-firmware-for-keil5

Description: JLINKV8 Segger仿真器固件,非常好用,不支持修改序列号,在keil5 V5.14版本上验证可用。解决了之前很多版本,在keil5上提示升级或烧写时报错,关于固件烧写请参考网络文档。-JLINKV8 Segger emulator firmware, very easy to use, not support amending the serial number on the keil5 V5.14 version verification is available. Prior to solve a lot of versions, on keil5 when prompted to upgrade or programming error, refer to the network on firmware programming documentation.
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 陈李明 | Hits:


Description: JLINKV8固件升级包,解决升级JLINKV9无法使用的问题-JLINK V8 firmware upgrade package, upgrade JLINK V9 can not be used to solve the problem
Platform: | Size: 4332544 | Author: 曾仁球 | Hits:

[SCMJlink v8修复

Description: 包括Jlink V8 bin文件,以及向JlinkV8的MCU写固件的工具软件。 Install AT91-ISP v1.11.exe 广泛应用于JlinkV8的固件升级与破解。(Includes Jlink, V8, bin files, and tool software for writing firmware to JlinkV8's MCU. Install AT91-ISP v1.11.exe is widely used in JlinkV8 firmware upgrade and crack.)
Platform: | Size: 27152384 | Author: jimmy8068 | Hits:


Description: 包含程序源代码及各个模块的头文件和其他信息(Contains the source code of the program and the header files and other information of each module)
Platform: | Size: 63440896 | Author: 生之木谷 | Hits:
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