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this directory contains the following: * The acdc algorithm for finding the approximate general (non-orthogonal) joint diagonalizer (in the direct Least Squares sense) of a set of Hermitian matrices. [acdc.m] * The acdc algorithm for finding the same for a set of Symmetric matrices. [acdc_sym.m](note that for real-valued matrices the Hermitian and Symmetric cases are similar however, in such cases the Hermitian version [acdc.m], rather than the Symmetric version[acdc_sym] is preferable. * A function that finds an initial guess for acdc by applying hard-whitening followed by Cardoso s orthogonal joint diagonalizer. Note that acdc may also be called without an initial guess, in which case the initial guess is set by default to the identity matrix. The m-file includes the joint_diag function (by Cardoso) for performing the orthogonal part. [init4acdc.m]
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10.36kb Publisher : 薛耀斌

DL : 0
this directory contains the following: * The acdc algorithm for finding the approximate general (non-orthogonal) joint diagonalizer (in the direct Least Squares sense) of a set of Hermitian matrices. [acdc.m] * The acdc algorithm for finding the same for a set of Symmetric matrices. [acdc_sym.m](note that for real-valued matrices the Hermitian and Symmetric cases are similar however, in such cases the Hermitian version [acdc.m], rather than the Symmetric version[acdc_sym] is preferable. * A function that finds an initial guess for acdc by applying hard-whitening followed by Cardoso s orthogonal joint diagonalizer. Note that acdc may also be called without an initial guess, in which case the initial guess is set by default to the identity matrix. The m-file includes the joint_diag function (by Cardoso) for performing the orthogonal part. [init4acdc.m]
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : 薛耀斌

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可以分离语音的独立分量分析程序 可以实现瞬时和卷积混合的分离 相当好用-ica_f.m bsepf2 is the main program and it needs correlation.m decorrelation.m permutation.m sepfilter.m. You also need to visit and get a matlab code "joint_diag.m". this is by Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Cardoso. You have to put the code under this directory "ica". usage is function [Y1,Y2] = ica_f(X,NFFT,FS,OVERLAP,N)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 133kb Publisher : guowenxin

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近年来,盲源分离技术成为研究热点。这是盲源分离技术的JADE算法,十分经典哦-In recent years, blind source separation technique to become a research hotspot. This is the JADE algorithm for blind source separation, very classic!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : xpc

DL : 0
The goal of this project is separate the sound mixtures (.wav) to source signal. -it is an audio blind source separation with independent component analysis. In the file , it contains correlation.m, decorrelation.m, ica_.m , joint_diag.m, permuation.m, separation.m, Readme.txt ,X_linear.wav,X_room.wav and readme.txt can help users operate the code correctly. Beside the X_linear.wav,X_room.wav is the sound mixtures is considered as input signal
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 123kb Publisher : liu
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