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[Other resourceJPEG算法

Description: jpeg压缩与解码的小程序,vc下开发的。//Name:compress.c//Purpose: Run length algorithm and Jpeg decoding//Author: phoenix, CS, TshingHua, Beijing, P.R.C.//Email: bjlufengjun@www.163.net or lufengjun@hotmail.com//Date:April 3, 1998-a small programme of jpeg codec and decode in VC
Platform: | Size: 123497 | Author: 石后生 | Hits:

[2D GraphicJPEG算法

Description: jpeg压缩与解码的小程序,vc下开发的。//Name:compress.c//Purpose: Run length algorithm and Jpeg decoding//Author: phoenix, CS, TshingHua, Beijing, P.R.C.//Email: bjlufengjun@www.163.net or lufengjun@hotmail.com//Date:April 3, 1998-a small programme of jpeg codec and decode in VC
Platform: | Size: 122880 | Author: 石后生 | Hits:


Description: Delineate is a tool for converting bitmap raster images to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) using AutoTrace or potrace. It displays SVG results using Apache Batik. Input formats are JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM, IFF,PCD, PSD, RAS. -Delineate is a tool for converting bitmap r Aster images to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) using AutoTrace or potrace. It displays SVG res ults using Apache Safari. Input formats are JPEG , PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM, IFF, PCD, PSD, RAS.
Platform: | Size: 3621888 | Author: Jet Lan | Hits:

[Picture Viewerjpeg-ijl

Description: intel 的 IJL庫, 主要用於jpeg文件的讀寫-intel IJL the basement, used mainly for document literacy jpeg
Platform: | Size: 184320 | Author: stray109 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsmjpegtools-1.6.3-rc1

Description: Motion JPEG编解码器源代码,包含一些图象处理算法,如降噪算法等-Motion JPEG codec source code contains some image processing algorithms, such as noise reduction algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1616896 | Author: fidel | Hits:

[Other resourceDSPsoftwareDesignOfRegistrationNumberRecognition.r

Description: 介绍了车牌抓拍系统的DSP软件设计,并详细阐述了JPEG2000编码算法的实现。-introduced a system of registration Grabbing DSP software design, and elaborates on a JPEG2000 coding algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 5961728 | Author: 美髯客 | Hits:

[WEB CodeXxaspDisk

Description: 使用ASP脚本编写,大量使用类封装,是一个高速、高效、简洁、安全、支持多组件的上传与提取系统。 主要特点: 1、支持国内外上传组件多达7种,包括:风声无组件上传类、AspUpload 3.0上传组件、SA-FileUp 4.9上传组件 DvFile.Upload 1.0上传组件、IronSoft.Upload上传组件、LyfUpload.UploadFile上传组件、W3.Upload上传组件 2、支持多文件同时上传、Jpeg,Gif图片生成缩略图、生成文字水印、生成图片水印. 3、合理的使用系统缓存技术,在加速页面执行的同时不对服务器造成资源的浪费。 4、本系统使用的是Asptemplate模板类,您可以使用轻松的修改出绚丽的页面。 5、系统从程序底层防止上传漏洞,防止任何恶意脚本文件的上传,确保系统的安全。 6、功能强大的后台,具体功能包括: 系统设置: 系统基本设置,系统配置还原 用户管理: 会员管理 管理员管理 屏蔽IP 文件管理: 上传文件管理器 系统文件管理器 上传文件清理器 友情链接: 添加友情链接 友情链接管理 数据库管理: 数据备份 数据还原 查看系统空间占用-use ASP scripting, the extensive use of Class Packaging is a fast, efficient, simple, safe, support multi-component system uploads and extraction. Main features : a support at home and abroad uploads up to seven components, including : no wind components Upload category, AspUpload 3.0 Upload components, SA-FileUp 4.9 Upload components DvFile.Upload 1.0 Upload components, IronSoft.Upload Upload components, LyfUpload.UploadFile Upload components W3.Upload uploads two components, It also supports multi-upload, Jpeg, Gif generate thumbnail pictures, generate text watermark, the watermark generated images. 3. rational use of system cache technology, the accelerated implementation of pages wrong server is a waste of resources. 4, the use of the system is Asptemplate template type, you can use th
Platform: | Size: 440320 | Author: | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsJpgVSbmp

Description: jpeg压缩标准中Jpg和Bmp格式相互转换的API封装-jpeg compression standard in Jpg and Bmp format conversion of the API package
Platform: | Size: 2967552 | Author: Amy | Hits:

[Graph programpangzi

Description: (1)将整幅图像分成4×4块,计算每一块中所有象素RGB三个颜色通道的颜色平均值,并以此作为该块的代表颜色(主颜色)。 (2)将各块的颜色平均值进行离散余弦变换(DCT),得到DCT系数矩阵。DCT是一种分离的变换,是国际静止图像压缩标准JPEG的基础。由于大多数图像的高频分量较小,相应于图像高频分量的系数经常为零,加上人眼对高频成分的失真不太敏感,所以可用更粗的量化。因此,在一般检索中可以利用部分DCT系数作为特征向量。 (3)对DCT系数矩阵进行之字形扫描和量化,得到DCT系数。 (4)对于R、G、B三个通道,分别从DCT系数中取出4个低频分量,形成12个参数,共同构成该图像的颜色特征向量。-err
Platform: | Size: 2836480 | Author: | Hits:

[Picture ViewerJpegExp

Description: JPEG 解码程序,可以将JPEG图像解码成R,G,B格式,形成文件,然后提供给嵌入式系统进行图片的显示-JPEG decoding process can be JPEG image decoding into R, G, B format, the formation of a document, and then made available to the embedded system for image display
Platform: | Size: 1851392 | Author: John Wang | Hits:

[Graph programJPEG

Description: Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives JPEG for Linux* 由IPP优化的高效JPEG Codec-Intel (R) Integrated Performance Primitives JPEG for Linux* from IPP optimized high-performance JPEG Codec
Platform: | Size: 513024 | Author: Terry.B | Hits:


Description: 英文原版。介绍了数字视频处理的基本概念,视频采样,压缩,编码和协议标准等。值得收藏-With the help of hundreds of high quality technical illustrations, this book presents the following topics: * Basic concepts of digitization, sampling, quantization, gamma, and filtering * Principles of color science as applied to image capture and display * Scanning and coding of SDTV and HDTV * Video color coding: luma, chroma (4:2:2 component video, 4fSC composite video) * Analog NTSC and PAL * Studio systems and interfaces * Compression technology, including M-JPEG and MPEG-2 * Broadcast standards and consumer video equipment
Platform: | Size: 3288064 | Author: ilotusr | Hits:

[Graph program101259378luv_rgb_yuv_lab_space_convert(2)

Description: Convert a color image between color representations. B = COLORSPACE(S,A) converts the color representation of image A where S is a string specifying the conversion. S tells the source and destination color spaces, S = dest<-src , or alternatively, S = src->dest . Supported color spaces are RGB R G B Red Green Blue (ITU-R BT.709 gamma-corrected) YPbPr Luma (ITU-R BT.601) + Chroma YCbCr / YCC Luma + Chroma ("digitized" version of Y PbPr) YUV NTSC PAL Y UV Luma + Chroma YIQ NTSC Y IQ Luma + Chroma YDbDr SECAM Y DbDr Luma + Chroma JPEGYCbCr JPEG-Y CbCr Luma + Chroma HSV / HSB Hue Saturation Value/Brightness HSL / HLS / HSI Hue Saturation Luminance/Intensity XYZ CIE XYZ Lab CIE L*a*b* (CIELAB) Luv CIE L*u*v* (CIELUV) Lch CIE L*ch (CIELCH)-Convert a color image between color representations. B = COLORSPACE (S, A) converts the color representation of image A where S is a string specifying the conversion. S tells the source and destination color spaces, S = ' dest <-src' , or alternatively, S = ' src-> dest' . Supported color spaces are ' RGB' R' G' B ' Red Green Blue (ITU-R BT.709 gamma-corrected)' YPbPr ' Luma (ITU-R BT.601 )+ Chroma ' YCbCr' /' YCC' Luma+ Chroma ( " digitized" version of Y' PbPr) ' YUV' NTSC PAL Y' UV Luma+ Chroma ' YIQ' NTSC Y' IQ Luma+ Chroma ' YDbDr' SECAM Y ' DbDr Luma+ Chroma ' JPEGYCbCr' JPEG-Y' CbCr Luma+ Chroma ' HSV' /' HSB' Hue Saturation Value/Brightness' HSL ' /' HLS ' /' HSI ' Hue Saturation Luminance/Intensity' XYZ ' CIE XYZ' Lab ' CIE L* a* b* (CIELAB)' Luv ' CIE L* u* v* (CIELUV)' Lch ' CIE L* ch (CIE
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 张灯结 | Hits:

[Picture ViewerCanon_CR2_Raw_File_Format_Specification

Description: Canon CR2 Raw File Format JPEG converter implementation
Platform: | Size: 92160 | Author: Ivaylo/ivi69 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsJPeG

Description: 详细描述了JPEG的解码过程,对初学者十分有用-A detailed description of the JPEG decoding process is useful for beginners
Platform: | Size: 142336 | Author: 罗时章 | Hits:


Description: jpeg to data matrix in r,g,b
Platform: | Size: 2822144 | Author: suhu | Hits:


Description: 压缩包的内容包括:1.有关JPEG和DPCM算法的文章;2.实现其算法的压缩程序3.有关图像压缩方面的资料。读者请注意: <1>这里讨论的是灰度图像的压缩不涉及彩色图像。 <2>实现压缩时,输入的图像数据采用一种自定义的格式(com 格式),前四个字节记录图像的宽度和高度,之后就是逐 行的图像数据,图像的开头和结尾没有任何标记。这种格式的图像数据是从BMP图像中得到的。 <3>这里没有JPEG算法的解压程序,压缩后的数据存成标准的JPEG文件格式,任何视图软件都可以打开。DPCM方法中的解 压缩程序将数据仍然存成com格式,可以将其转成PGM格式观看,压缩包中由com转为PGM格式的程序。 <4>所有的C程序均是在Linux(Rethat7.3)下完成。-Compressed package includes: 1. The JPEG and DPCM algorithm article 2. To achieve its compression algorithm procedure 3. The image compression information. Readers please note: <1> discussed here is the gray image compression does not involve color images. <2> to achieve compression, the input image data using a custom format (com format), record the first four bytes of the image width and height, and then is gradually Line of image data, image mark the beginning and no end. This format of image data is obtained from the BMP image. <3> There are no procedures for JPEG decompression algorithm, compressed data stored as a standard JPEG file format, you can open in any view. DPCM method of solution Compressed program data is still stored as com format, you can watch it turn into a PGM format, compressed in the com format to PGM program. <4> All the C programs are in Linux (Rethat7.3) to complete.
Platform: | Size: 1811456 | Author: shikaichang | Hits:


Description: 最新的测试版:一个可用于编写v4l2 camera应用程序的库libv4l,里面除有常用的v4l2 ioctl调用的封装API外,还有yuv到rgb转换、rgb到yuv转换和jpeg decoder API。-The latest test version of: an application for writing v4l2 camera library libv4l, which are commonly used in addition to the package v4l2 ioctl API calls, there yuv to rgb converter, rgb to yuv conversion and jpeg decoder API.
Platform: | Size: 129024 | Author: 碧海 | Hits:


Description: QQ农场外挂 VC2008源代码 农场外挂源代码 农场源代码 -//验证QQ密码 bool WebQQFunction::LoginQQ(CString qqname, CString qqmm, CString qqxym, CString outstr) { CHttpConnection*pHttpConnect = Session.GetHttpConnection("ptlogin2.qq.com") CString szFormData CHttpFile* pFile qqxym.MakeUpper() szFormData.Format("u= s&p= s&verifycode= s",qqname,GetQQmd5pass(qqmm,qqxym),qqxym) szFormData+="&aid=15000102&u1=http 3A 2F 2Fxiaoyou.qq.com 2Findex.php 3Fmod 3Dlogin&fp=&h=1&ptredirect=1&ptlang=0&from_ui=1&dumy=1" if( pHttpConnect ) { pFile = pHttpConnect->OpenRequest( CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_POST,"/login") } if (pFile) { // pFile->AddRequestHeaders("POST /login HTTP/1.1\n") pFile->AddRequestHeaders("Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/msword,*/*\n") pFile->AddRequestHeaders("Referer: http://ui.ptlogin2.qq.com/cgi-bin/login?appid=15000102\n")
Platform: | Size: 268288 | Author: 罗俊杰 | Hits:


Description: ptoto 程序的解码程序。去持PNG,JPEG,BMP格式。只需要将此程序加载到你的应用程序当中即可。适用于ARM7,ARM9。或更高速度的CPU-ptoto the decoding process. To support PNG, JPEG, BMP format. Only need this program loaded into the application which you can be. Apply to ARM7, ARM9. Or higher speed CPU
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: wangyisu | Hits:
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