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[Other Web CodeExtTest

Description: 一个基于ext的ajax小例子,包括从前台到后台的完整调用。 前台是jsp加上ext的框架。 后台是hibernate-annotations和spring以及dwr的组合。 顺便演示了一下用servlet来返回json数据给ext框架的方式。 在grid的演示部分,包括了分页的数据调用和如何处理来自于dwr的数据(dwr的部分和官方网站公布的方法一样) 以及grid的事件处理。 实例的源代码中没有包括jar包,如果需要运行,请根据jar.jpg所显示的jar包添加。 数据库部分请根据create.sql来生成。-Ext based on the ajax small example, including from the front desk to call a complete background. Jsp front is coupled with the framework ext. The background is the hibernate-annotations and a combination of spring and the DWR. Demonstrated the way you use servlet to return json data to the ext framework approach. In the grid demo, including the paging data call and how to deal with data from DWR (dwr part, and the official website announced the same way), as well as grid deal with the incident. Examples of the source code does not include jar package, if you need to run, please jar.jpg shown under the package to add jar. Database requested in accordance with create.sql to generate.
Platform: | Size: 494592 | Author: 阿飞 | Hits:


Description: 用struts2、JPA、JSON写的一个CRUD的例子-Using struts2, JPA, JSON write a CRUD example
Platform: | Size: 12948480 | Author: ccbobo | Hits:


Description: JEECMS使用目前java主流技术架构:hibernate3+struts2+spring2+freemarker。AJAX使用jquery和json实现。视图层并没有使用传统的JSP技术,而是使用更为专业、灵活、高效freemarker。 数据库使用MYSQL,并可支持orcale、DB2、SQLServer等主流数据库-JEECMS using the current mainstream technology java framework: hibernate3+ Struts2+ Spring2+ Freemarker. AJAX using jQuery and json achieve. View story did not use the traditional JSP technology, but the use of more professional, flexible, efficient freemarker. Database using MYSQL, and support orcale, DB2, SQLServer, MySQL, etc.
Platform: | Size: 12882944 | Author: yu | Hits:


Description: struts-2.1.6-lib struts2类库-struts-2.1.6-lib
Platform: | Size: 11305984 | Author: sjl | Hits:

[Other Web CodeExtJS2.2BookStore

Description: ExtJS 2.2 图书管理系统, 系统架构:struts2(json-plugin) + spring2 + ibatis2 + extjs2.2 + sqlserver2000 -ExtJS 2.2 library management system, system architecture: struts2 (json-plugin)+ spring2+ ibatis2+ extjs2.2+ sqlserver2000
Platform: | Size: 10868736 | Author: 郑建华 | Hits:

[Other Web Code11111

Description: jquery+json+struts2 返回对象实例-jquery+ json+ struts2 return object instance
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: yuxiao | Hits:


Description: 这是一个用Struts2编写的一个登陆的校验,介绍了一下Struts2的的一些基本规范。以及如何部署Struts2的架构。-This is a preparation of a landing with Struts2 validation, describes what some of the basic norms of Struts2. And how to deploy Struts2 framework.
Platform: | Size: 9454592 | Author: 郭建荣 | Hits:


Description: Hibernate+Spring+Struts2+ExtJS开发CRUD功能-Hibernate+Spring+Struts2+ExtJS CRUD
Platform: | Size: 217088 | Author: 郭世伟 | Hits:


Description: 利用json实现Ajax+struts2的简单例子-Ajax+ struts2 json implementation using a simple example
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: chen | Hits:

[Other Web Codemyext

Description: 本Demo采用Struts2.1.8+Spring2.5.6(Annotation注解)+Hiberante3.3.2(Annotation注解)+ExtJS(Struts2-json)-The Demo uses Struts2.1.8+ Spring2.5.6 (Annotation annotation)+ Hiberante3.3.2 (Annotation annotation)+ ExtJS (Struts2-json)
Platform: | Size: 1137664 | Author: 王云 | Hits:


Description: 我用ext做了两个项目,期间遇到好多问题,也走了很多湾路。项目现在已接近尾声了。为了总结一下ext,我特别做了一个java+struts2+ext+json的完整的例子,希望对初学ext的人各位朋友能有点帮助。 -I used to do two projects ext, many problems encountered during, but also take a lot of Bay Road. Project is now drawing to a close. To sum up ext, I particularly had a java+ struts2+ ext+ json example of a complete, ext beginners who want our friends to a little help.
Platform: | Size: 2288640 | Author: 小皮 | Hits:


Description: Action class for the Struts2 JQuery Grid to be used to searize the data into Json data. It extends the ActionSupport base class.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: NOAH | Hits:


Description: struts2 学习参考文档,spring 结合学习参考文档,希望对大家都有帮助-reference documentation to learn struts2, spring combined with a reference document, we want to have to help
Platform: | Size: 6626304 | Author: 来了 | Hits:

[Other Web Codejson

Description: J2EE开发时,ajax通信使用Json格式,json.jar是将服务器端内容打包成所需的json格式的工具包;另一个struts2-json-plugin-是struts框架下直接将json数据转换为JavaScript内容的工具-json java struts javascript
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: 陈祎琼 | Hits:


Description: jquery,ajax,json,struts2集成而开发出的一种比较适合大众的相册-If anyone tries to tell you that you can t work hard enough to face the task in front of you--show them that you re tough
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: liuhao | Hits:


Description: struts2 json juqery 实例-struts2 json juqery example
Platform: | Size: 573440 | Author: 不是白云 | Hits:


Description: 基于Java开源图表工具OpenFlashChart生成蜡烛图(俗称K线图)。使用OFC2的Struts自定义插件返回方式。图表数据来自webapps中的data*.json。-Generated based on the Java open source chart tools OpenFlashChart candles (commonly known as the K-line diagram). The use OFC2 Struts custom plug-in return the way. Chart data from the data in the webapps*. Json,.
Platform: | Size: 826368 | Author: sheeny | Hits:

[Other Web Codejson_struts2

Description: 基于SSH2的jquery实例,json格式发送接收数据。-a very good example of SHH2 json ajax
Platform: | Size: 4529152 | Author: 我的 | Hits:

[Other Web CodeStrut2_Ztree_json

Description: jquery的ztree应用,集合struts2进行了动态树节点的操作-jquery ztree applications
Platform: | Size: 4638720 | Author: 毛毛 | Hits:


Description: Struts2 JSON Example
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: Tom | Hits:
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