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[Other Web Codeajaxjson

Description: Ajax+Json,Ajax用于.net的控件。-Ajax+ Json, Ajax for. Net controls.
Platform: | Size: 279552 | Author: Lee | Hits:


Description: JSON.NET,可以将对象序列化为json,被js解析,以及逆操作-JSON.NET, the target sequence can be translated into json, was js analysis, as well as the inverse operation
Platform: | Size: 197632 | Author: imaxis | Hits:


Description: 通用序列化/反序列化 for NET/NETCF 2.0, 采用Json格式,精心修改,用于wince C#开发。解决NETCF2.0不支持序列化问题。-Generic serialization/deserialization for NET/NETCF 2.0, using Json format, carefully modified for the wince C# development. NETCF2.0 solve the problem does not support serialization.
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: ydf | Hits:


Description: 如何使asp.net用户控件返回。JSONSharp。 您可以返回一大块的HTML和公正互换它在网页上。但是,如果你返回多件资料,在不同的地方去的网页,即不是在一个不错的HTML的顺序?你怎样避免重复代码,同时也正在有效? 你可以执行顺序的Ajax回调你的格式化信息一点一点地,但进展缓慢。如果您可以返回所有的作品回到简称JSON ,你可以工作的陈述块更有效率。所以,我们如何让用户控件返回简称JSON格式?-How to make asp.net user control to return to. JSONSharp. You can return to a large piece of the HTML and just swap it in the page. However, if you return more than information, go to different places in the web page, so it is not in a good order of the HTML? How do you avoid duplication of code, as well as being effective? You can order the implementation of the Ajax callback to format your information little by little, progress was slow. If you can return back all the works referred to JSON, you can work more efficiently block the presentation. So, how can we allow users to control the return referred to JSON format?
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: doff_boss | Hits:

[WEB Codetawebdemo10

Description: 酒店预订网站源码 简介: 功能不错的酒店预订网站。依托汇通天下的酒店预订平台,整合近6000家国内酒店资源,实现酒店订单的即时确认。 易订宝(开源酒店预订网站.net 3.5编译,可改为2.0框架,基于HUBS1 JSON接口,带管理后台,带SEO搜索,简单易用) 是HUBS1汇通天下专为全国订房代理商精心研发而成的即时酒店预订网站,分商业版和开源版两个版本。 依托于订房宝系统,融合jsonp技术,将酒店查询、预订的繁琐工作转移到客户端; 同时还可以发展自己的会员计划,管理自己的新闻、展会等信息.-酒店预订网站源码源码 简介: 功能不错的酒店预订网站。依托汇通天下的酒店预订平台,整合近6000家国内酒店资源,实现酒店订单的即时确认。 易订宝(开源酒店预订网站.net 3.5编译,可改为2.0框架,基于HUBS1 JSON接口,带管理后台,带SEO搜索,简单易用) 是HUBS1汇通天下专为全国订房代理商精心研发而成的即时酒店预订网站,分商业版和开源版两个版本。 依托于订房宝系统,融合jsonp技术,将酒店查询、预订的繁琐工作转移到客户端; 同时还可以发展自己的会员计划,管理自己的新闻、展会等信息.
Platform: | Size: 5914624 | Author: alex | Hits:


Description: Json.NET makes working with JSON formatted data in .NET simple. Quickly read and write JSON using LINQ to JSON or serialize your .NET objects with a single method call using the JsonSerializer. -Flexible JSON serializer to convert .NET objects to JSON and back again -LINQ to JSON for reading and writing JSON -Writes indented, easy to read JSON -Convert JSON to and from XML -Supports Silverlight and the Windows Phone
Platform: | Size: 4917248 | Author: aricle | Hits:


Description: Json 处理类,用于ajax与后台数据交互-Json handling class for ajax interaction with the background data
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: xihan | Hits:


Description: 采用vs2010开发的结合extjs+asp.net 的mvc模式(C#)+nhibernate开发。实现简单的功能查询示例-this is a simple example for extjs+mvc+nhibernate
Platform: | Size: 5204992 | Author: yayusuhua | Hits:


Description: Newtonsoft.Json.DLL,原来,它有2个版本,一个是基于Net2.0类库的,另一个是基于Net3.5类库,目前有没有基于4.0的版本,不清楚.可能是由于代码不规范,导致这个DLL引用失败.之后,找到对应的3.5版本的DLL覆盖以后,编译通过,似乎正常了.但在进行JSON格式转换的时候,提示转换失败,经过调用和跟踪,发现2.0和3.5在语法上还是有差别的,在博客园里搜索了一圈,发现资料确实不少,但都比较杂,有的只说了某个点.趁着周末时间,把基于3.5的JSON操作整理了一下,现公布出来,方便大家以后使用. -Newtonsoft.Json.DLL, the original, it has two versions, one based on Net2.0 library and the other is based on the Net3.5 library, there are not based on version 4.0, is unclear. May be due to the code is not specification, resulting in reference to this DLL failed, after which find corresponding coverage after 3.5 version of the DLL, compiled by, it seems normal, but the time during the JSON format conversion, suggesting that conversion fails, call and follow-through and found that 2.0 and 3.5 in there are differences in syntax, in the garden blog search around and found a lot of information indeed, but are more complex, and some just say a certain point. taking advantage of the weekend, the 3.5-based operating tidied JSON are announced, to facilitate future use.
Platform: | Size: 146432 | Author: mmxx | Hits:


Description: jquery json net easy to user
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: talengels | Hits:


Description: Newtonsoft.Json 是.net用来对jason数据格式进行操作的库文件-this is Newtonsoft.Json
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: 张东 | Hits:


Description: FineUI - 基于 ExtJS 的专业 ASP.NET 2.0 控件库,拥有完善的 AJAX 支持和丰富的界面效果 FineUI 是一组基于 ExtJS 的专业 ASP.NET 2.0 控件库,拥有完善的 AJAX 支持和丰富的界面效果。 FineUI 是为了创建没有 JavaScript,没有 CSS,没有 UpdatePanel,没有 ViewState,没有 WebServices 的网站应用程序。 支持的浏览器: IE 7.0+、Firefox 3.6+、Chrome 3.0+、Opera 10.5+、Safari 3.0+ 授权协议:Apache License 2.0 (Apache) FineUI是一组专业的Asp.net控件库,拥有原生的AJAX支持和丰富的UI效果。目标是创建没有JavaScript,没有CSS,没有UpdatePanel,没有WebServices的Web应用程序。 注:FineUI基于一些开源程序,比如ExtJS, HtmlAgilityPack, Nii.JSON, YUICompressor.-FineUI- based the ExtJS professional ASP.NET 2.0 control library, improved AJAX support and rich UI effects FineUI is a group based the ExtJS professional ASP.NET 2.0 controls library has improved AJAX support and rich UI effects. FineUI is to create not JavaScript, CSS, UpdatePanel, the ViewState WebServices website application. Supported browsers: IE 7.0+, Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 3.0+, Opera 10.5+, Safari, 3.0+ License Agreement: Apache License 2.0 (Apache) FineUI is a group of professional the Asp.net control library, with native AJAX support and rich UI effects. The goal is to create No JavaScript, CSS, UpdatePanel, WebServices Web applications. The Note: FineUI based on open source, such as ExtJS, HtmlAgilityPack, Nii.JSON, YUICompressor.
Platform: | Size: 12400640 | Author: xiaoshi | Hits:

[Technology ManagementOSConnApp

Description: 这是一个asp.netMVC四种方法,ASP.NET MVC4和JSON.net,ASP.NET Web API是ASP.NET MVC 4 BETA版的一部分-This is a asp.netMVC four methods, ASP.NET MVC4 and JSON.net, ASP.NET Web API is part of the ASP.NET MVC 4 BETA version
Platform: | Size: 160768 | Author: 李华 | Hits:


Description: 提供了一个功能,它允许GET和POST请求ASP。PageMethods净Ajax和Web服务。这个函数只支持JSON请求和需要JSON2。js从json.org -Provides a function which allows GET and POST requests to ASP.NET Ajax enabled PageMethods and Web Services. The function only supports JSON requests and requires JSON2.js from json.org
Platform: | Size: 86016 | Author: sdagkoi | Hits:

[Program docExt.net-1.0

Description: Ext.Net介绍:   是一组开源的Asp.net(WebForm,MVC)组件。基于Ext.Js库开发,含有100多个工具,如TextBox,Combox,Button,ToolBar,StateBar,Panel,TabPanel,ExplorerBar,MenuBar,PictureBox 等多种控件并支持Ajax无刷新效果。   下载地址: ***** 该内容需会员回复才可浏览 ***** 示例地址:[url=http://examples.ext.net/] ***** 该内容需会员回复才可浏览 ***** 环境:VS2005+、服务器.NET Framework3.5+、网站系统.net 2.0+   Ext.Net特点:   1.多种控件。能快速的创建高视觉的用户界面   2.300多个示例,能让你快速上手   3.丰富的Ext.js API提供支持   4开源闭源双协议   Ext.Net安装和使用:   1.下载最新版本   2.打开下载文件,将包含以下文件:   view sourceprint?1Ext.Net.dll   2Ext.Net.Utilities.dll   3Ext.Net.xml   4Newtonsoft.Json.dll   5Newtonsoft.Json.xml-Ext.Net: is a set of open-source the ASP.NET (WEBform, MVC) components. Developed based Ext.Js library containing over 100 tools, such as a TextBox, Combox, Button, ToolBar, StateBar Panel, the TabPanel, the ExplorerBar, MenuBar, PictureBox and other control and support Ajax refresh. Download:***** The need Member Reply you can browse***** example address: [url = http://examples.ext.net/]***** need members reply before the browser***** environment: VS2005+, server NET Framework3.5+, web systems. net 2.0+ Ext.Net features: 1. variety of controls. Can quickly create high visual user interface over 2.300 example, allows you to quickly get started. Rich ext.js API supports the installation and use of open source closed-source dual protocol Ext.Net download the latest version: 1. Open download file contains the following files: view sourceprint? 1Ext.Net.dll 2Ext.Net.Utilities.dll 3Ext.Net.xml 4Newtonsoft.Json.dll 5Newtonsoft.Json.xml
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: sephoncom | Hits:

[source in ebookJson.NET-5.0-Release-6

Description: 这是一个.NET框架使用的 JSON 解析和操作的类库-This is a. NET Framework uses the JSON parsing and operation of the library.
Platform: | Size: 6111232 | Author: rain | Hits:


Description: vb.net json encode and decode
Platform: | Size: 175104 | Author: andri | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCSharpNewtonsoftJson

Description: C# Newtonsoft.Json类库源码包,包括了可用的Bin、Src、技术文档和工具包,文档是英文的,在C#中使用Json时必备的类库组件,本包来自Json.NET官方。-C# Newtonsoft.Json library source package, including the available Bin, Src, technical documentation and toolkits, documentation is in English, use Json essential component in C# class library, this package from Json.NET official.
Platform: | Size: 5790720 | Author: 冯华江 | Hits:

[WEB Codeajax_v1.2

Description: asp.netC#+jquery1.4.1 +ajax留言板程序说明 采用asp.net C#+ jquery1.4.1 +ajax的实现 主要用aspx文件请求 还可以用ashx处理 ajax返回类型也很多 如: dataType: xml , dataType: json , 其实可区分为三种 Text:“text/plain“ XML:“application/xml“ JSON:“application/json“. dataType为xml的时候,response.Write(string)中的字符串一定要符合xml的格式, 为json的时候,response.Write(string)中的字符串一定要符合json的格式为否则会出现解析错误, 这个和aspx页是一样的。 如果要使用session的话,在handler的代码中添加System.Web.SessionState的引用, 并让这个handler继承IRequiresSessionState接口,一定要继承这个接口,否则会出错的。-+ajax asp.netC#+jquery1.4.1 message board procedures Implementation of C#+ jquery1.4.1+ajax asp.net The main use of ASPX file request can also be used to deal with Ajax ashx return type is also a lot of Such as: XML dataType , JSON dataType , In fact, can be divided into three kinds Text: text/plain XML: application/xml JSON: application/json . DataType for response.Write, XML (string) in the string must be in XML format, For the JSON, response.Write (string) in the string must be consistent with the format of the JSON for the error will occur, This is the same as the ASPX page. To use session, add a reference to the System.Web.SessionState code in handler, And let the handler inherit the IRequiresSessionState interface, be sure to inherit this interface, otherwise it will go wrong.
Platform: | Size: 3768320 | Author: eepudn77 | Hits:


Description: 这是一组C#下WPF各种组件的使用示例,是我平时使用的各种组件的积累,包括:Grid,StackPanel,DockPanel,WrapPanel,Style样式,Canvas画板,ControlTemplate,TextBlock,StoryBoard,ListBox,Resource,事件路由,Json.net,各种委托等等。-This is an example of the use of C# WPF under the various components of a group, it is the accumulation of various components I usually use, including: Grid, StackPanel, DockPanel, WrapPanel, Style Style, Canvas Sketchpad, ControlTemplate, TextBlock, StoryBoard, ListBox, Resource , event routing, Json.net, various types of requests, and so on.
Platform: | Size: 762880 | Author: 李伟 | Hits:
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