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这个例子举例说明了一个简单的新闻 Portal。新闻内容是从数据源(这里称为 DataSource )传送到 JSP 页,同时信息内容也要作为一个 Web 服务发布出来。这个 Portal 也可以从 StockQuote Web 服务中检索最新的股票报价并显示在同一个 JSP 页中。-This example illustrates a simple news Portal. News content is from the data source (referred to here as DataSource) sent to the JSP pages, and information content also as a Web service release out. The Portal can also StockQuote Web services retrieve the latest stock quotes and show the same JSP page.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 102.64kb Publisher : 单轲

简介: 功能介绍: 1:多用户统计系统,防止刷新,速度快,适用广泛 2:综合统计,最近访问,地区分析,地址分析,屏幕大小,来访页面,访问次数, 操作系统,当前在线,IP地址,浏览器,年报表,月报表,周报表,历史报表,日报 表等 3:可以精确的跟踪统计每一位来访者的IP与在线时间-同一IP在线每隔5分钟 才能增加一个计数(你也可以修改时间,在stat.jsp页你把ExTime改为你想要 的时间,即 int ExTime=5;)。 4:提供详细IP数据包,让你清楚的知道来访者是来是何方 用户名:admin,密码:admin-Description: Features: 1: Multi-user statistical system to prevent the refresh speed, applicable to a wide range 2: General Statistics, a recent visit, regional analysis, address analysis, screen size, visit the page, visits, operating system, the current line, IP address, browser, Annual Report, the monthly statements, Zhou statements, historical statements, statements such as day 3: can accurate tracking statistics every visitors IP and online time- the same IP online every five minutes in order to add a count ( You can also modify the time, you stat.jsp page ExTime you want to read the time, that int ExTime = 5 ). 4: to provide detailed IP data packets, so you clearly know that visitors come to is where the user name: admin, Password: admin
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 673kb Publisher : 莲叶

这个例子举例说明了一个简单的新闻 Portal。新闻内容是从数据源(这里称为 DataSource )传送到 JSP 页,同时信息内容也要作为一个 Web 服务发布出来。这个 Portal 也可以从 StockQuote Web 服务中检索最新的股票报价并显示在同一个 JSP 页中。-This example illustrates a simple news Portal. News content is from the data source (referred to here as DataSource) sent to the JSP pages, and information content also as a Web service release out. The Portal can also StockQuote Web services retrieve the latest stock quotes and show the same JSP page.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 102kb Publisher : 单轲

教学辅助考试系统主要是针对高校师生作为使用对象而开发的。本论文介绍了试题库系统的特性、JSP的相关技术及本程序的结构分析和具体功能的实现。作为一个典型的信息管理系统,其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和后台管理、维护以及前台页面的Web设计。对于前者要求建立起的数据库具有完整性和一致性,且具有一定的数据安全性,如用户需要输入密码才能使用等,而对于后者则要求程序界面友好、功能完备、使用户一目了然等特点,经过详细的分析,选用JSP作为开发语言,TOMCAT作为JSP服务器,J2SDK作为其JAVA虚拟机。首先建立系统应用原型,然后对原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成用户满意的实际可行的系统。-teaching aids test system is mainly aimed at high school teachers and students as the use and development of the object. This paper introduced a test for the characterization, JSP technology and the related procedures for the analysis of the structure and function of specific achievement. As a typical information management systems, including development of its database background to the establishment and management background, maintenance and prospects of the Web page design. For the former require the establishment of a database with integrity and consistency, with certain data security, if the user needs a password can be used, while the latter claims process friendly interface, complete functions, to make clear the characteristics of users, after detailed analysis, as used JSP developm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : xp

自己编的一个java分布式服务的实现。此模型使用Tomcat作为web服务器,使用JSP页面作为用户交互界面,Javabean作为服务页面逻辑实现,客户端和服务器端通信通过java socket实现,数据库使用access,客户端用java窗口程序实现。对于学习java JSP网络数据库开发及socket远程调用很有帮助,此程序为服务器端程序,客户端程序有意可发email和我联系 a java realize distributed services. This model is the use of Tomcat as a web server, using the JSP page as the user interface, Javabean realize the logical page as a service, client and server-side java socket communication through the realization of the database using the access, the client program using java window. Learning java JSP web-based database development and long-distance calls socket helpful, this procedure for the server-side procedures, the client program can send an email and intend to contact me
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 392kb Publisher : webber

DL : 0
从零开始——JSP动态网页制作基础培训教程-源代码-To start from scratch- JSP dynamic web page production of basic training tutorials- source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.41mb Publisher : breeze6

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jsp程序设计指南,学会使用Java服务器页将动态内容传递到Web页。本书是对这种服务器端脚本语言的理想介绍,它首先介绍了创建代码块,比如JSP语法、脚本元素、隐含对象和标记库。随后,您将学习如何构造可靠的JSP结构、创建实际的Web应用程序、实现应用程序安全测量并将数据库集成到自己的JSP结构中。这种循序渐进的自学方法会立刻带您完成JSP的入门。-jsp programming guide, learn how to use Java server pages dynamic content will be delivered to the Web page. This book is of such server-side scripting language ideal introduction, which first introduced the creation of the code block, such as JSP syntax, scripting elements, implicit objects and Tag Library. Subsequently, you will learn how to construct a reliable JSP structure, to create the actual Web applications, to achieve application security measurement and database integration to your JSP structure. This step-by-step self-learning method will immediately take you to complete JSP entry.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.97mb Publisher : lleva44

一个学习MVC的很好的实例 此项目以JSP、servlet、JavaBean实现MVC三层架构,*仅供参考* 环境:eclipse_3.2、myeclipse_5.1、jdk_6.0、tomcat_5.5、数据库sql server 2005 为方便调试,未设置默认首页,请从bookworm.jsp登陆 数据库端口、帐户、密码等可能有所不同,请到BookStore\WebRoot\WEB-INF下的 connection.xml文件中更改配置 -A learning of the good example of MVC project to JSP, servlet, JavaBean realize MVC three-tier system,* for reference only* Environment: eclipse_3.2, myeclipse_5.1, jdk_6.0, tomcat_5.5, database sql server 2005 for the convenience of debugging, not set the default home page from the database bookworm.jsp landing port, account, password, etc. may be different, please BookStoreWebRootWEB-INF under connection.xml document to change the configuration
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.08mb Publisher : zhangxinjie

网络商店源代码用NetBeans6.1Beta开发,实现jsp+servlet+mysql的具体应用,完成管理员对商品的管理,用户购物等基本流程。重点突出jsp页面通过servlet和javabeans 数据库之间的互动。是学习网页和数据库之间通讯的具体实例,对于熟练应用web development+database有很大帮助。-Network stores the source code used NetBeans6.1Beta development, realize jsp+ Servlet+ Mysql specific applications, complete management of the administrator of the goods, the user to the basic flow. Focused servlet through jsp page and the interaction between the database JavaBeans. Learning website and database communications between the concrete examples and applications for skilled web development+ Database has great help to me.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 27kb Publisher : 廖忠江

DL : 0
JSP网页编程,大量网页编程的实例,大部分本人已测试过。-JSP page programming, a large number of web page programming examples, most I have tested.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.43mb Publisher : quanpengchao

DL : 0
jsp网页设计的各种类型的例子,我花了很多心血搞到的,现在与大家分享!望大家多多支持!-jsp web page design of various types of example, I spent a lot of time and effort until now to share with you! We hope a lot of support!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 116kb Publisher : 赫保勇

DL : 0
CELLEN的个人网页,基于 JSP页面,使用MYSQL数据库。-CELLEN personal web pages, based on the JSP page, use the MYSQL database.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 389kb Publisher : 舟消垄

DL : 0
本系统采用的技术方案为JSP +Tomcat+ Access,即使用JSP作为Web服务器端开发语言,采用Tomcat作为Web服务器和JSP引擎,采用Access作为后台网络数据库管理系统。 本系统主要包括网上书店主页,用户登录注册主页面,新用户注册页面,用户信息页面;购物车页面,管理员登陆页面,书籍管理页面等可视化页面。功能清单: 产品分类展示功能、商品的搜索功能、热卖商品推荐功能、网上订购、订单修改功能、用户注册登录管理功能、用户信息管理功能。 -This system USES of technology solutions for the JSP Tomcat++ Access, as the Web server using the JSP Tomcat, using a language developed Web server and JSP engine, Access network as the backend database management system. This system mainly includes online bookstore, user login page registered user registration, a new page, user information page, Shopping cart pages, administrator landing pages, books management page visual page. Features list: product classification display function, commodity sells goods search function, recommend function, online ordering, order revision function, user registration management function and user login information management functions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.19mb Publisher : 攻玉

The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) has two different but complementary technologies for producing dynamic web content in the presentation tier—namely Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP). Java Servlet, the first of these technologies to appear, was initially described as extensions to a web server for producing dynamic web content. JSP, on the other hand, is a newer technology but is equally capable of generating the same dynamic content. However, the way in which a servlet and a JSP page produce their content is fundamentally different servlets embed content into logic, whereas JSP pages embed logic into content.-The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) has two different but complementary technologies for producing dynamic web content in the presentation tier—namely Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP). Java Servlet, the first of these technologies to appear, was initially described as extensions to a web server for producing dynamic web content. JSP, on the other hand, is a newer technology but is equally capable of generating the same dynamic content. However, the way in which a servlet and a JSP page produce their content is fundamentally different servlets embed content into logic, whereas JSP pages embed logic into content.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.87mb Publisher : Quang Truong

主题:用iText输出PDF报表 内容组织: 1. 自我介绍 2. 简要介绍报表是什么 3. 为什么要输出PDF,介绍PDF的优点 4. 讲解如何输出到PDF,使用iText JAR包 5. 简介iText开源项目的背景 6. iText相关API介绍 7. iText使用步骤 8. 小练习(验证性小程序),现场编程,要求如下: (1)往PDF文件中加入文字。 (2)定制PDF页面尺寸。 (3)往PDF文件中加入图像文件。 (4)往PDF文件中加入表格。 9. 完成最终目标(建立企业报表输出程序),现场编程,要求如下: 数据库Test中有一个book表,存储了关于图书的信息。建立一个Web程序,在JSP页面上显示一个查询的表单,可以根据图书名称、作者、出版社、价格来查询符合条件的图书信息。JSP页面提供三个按钮,分别是“显示在HTML”,“显示在PDF”,“下载PDF”,根据用户的选择实现不同的功能,如选择第一项,那么就像普通的Web程序一样,在JSP网页上输出查询结果,如果选择第二项,就在页面上显示动态生成的PDF文件,第三项就是下载包含查询结果的PDF文件。显然,第二项是我们的重点工作。 -Topic:Use the iText exportation PDF statement The contents organize: 1. Introduce myself 2. The synopsis introduction statement is what 3. Why want to output PDF, introduce a PDF advantage 4. Explain in detail how to output PDF, use iText JAR to wrap 5. The brief introduction iText opens the background of source item 6. The iText related API introduce 7. The iText uses a step 8. Small practice(the verification small procedure), the spot plait distance, request as follows: (1)Go toward to join a writing in the PDF document. (2)Make to order a PDF page size. (3)Go toward to join a picture document in the PDF document. (4)Go toward to join a form in the PDF document. 9. Complete an end target(establishment business enterprise statement output procedure), the spot plait distance, Be request as follows: There is a book form in the database Test, saved an information concerning book.Build up a Web procedure, show a form and list of search on the JSP page, can search a book inf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.56mb Publisher : wtc

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班级学生信息网站的jsp网页设计。本次设计的要求是: (1)建立一个班级数据库,数据库中应有班级的基本信息,如通讯录、成绩单等。 (2)制作一个动态网页,该网页能够接收用户信息,并根据用户要求把后台数据库信息发布到前端的浏览器。 (3)在网页中提供各种查询功能。-Class jsp web site web page design
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 109kb Publisher : 陈苑缘

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在页面上显示时间,是一个JSP页面-This is a jsp page that could tell the now time
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : yq

环境的搭建: 1、新建一个Web工程. 2、在工程的src下新建一个包 3、将Source下的ChangeVideo类拷贝到新建的包smart.jrsoft.video里面. 4、将Enviroument里面的makeing.bat和encoder.bat文件放在c盘根目录下面. 5、将Enviroument里面的ffmpeg.exe文件放在windows-->system32下面. 6、运行ChangeVideo里面的main方法就可以试用啦. 注意事项: 1、Enviroument文件夹里的vcastr21.swf是一个流媒体播放器. 2、Jsp文件夹下面的JSP页面是调用这个播放器的例子. 3、如果需要改变截视频图的大小可以修改makeing.bat文件(用记事本打开修改即可).-Built environment: 1, create a new Web project. 2, create a new project under the src package 3, the Source under the ChangeVideo copied to the new class inside the package 4, the Enviroument inside makeing.bat and encoder.bat files in the directory c packing. 5, the Enviroument inside ffmpeg.exe files on windows-> system32 below. 6, running ChangeVideo inside the main method can try啦. Note: 1, Enviroument folder inside vcastr21.swf is a streaming media player. 2, Jsp folder, call the following JSP page is an example of this player. 3, if you need to change the cross-sectional size of the video map can be modified makeing.bat file (use Notepad to open modification).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.3mb Publisher : 姜晓燕

DL : 0
基于 jsp 页面的网页聊天室,还有点参考价值 -Jsp-based web page, chat room, as well as point of reference value
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 24kb Publisher : 王帅

随着Internet的迅速发展,社会已经进入了网络时代,人们越来越倾向于从Internet获取信息。而网站则是Internet网上进行信息传播的主要载体,为了使网站的管理者方便的进行新闻的动态发布和管理,将杂乱无章的信息(包括文字、图片和影音)经过组织,合理而且有序地通过网页呈现给人们,开发了本新闻发布系统。 本系统利用jsp动态网页技术和SqlServer数据库,以B/S模式开发,实现新闻的动态发布和管理。前台为用户提供了新闻显示、新闻搜索、新闻操作等功能;管理用户可以通过Web浏览器登陆后台实现新闻的发布、管理记录等操作。(With the rapid development of Internet, society has entered the era of Internet, people are more and more inclined to obtain information from Internet. The website is Internet online is the main carrier of the information transmission, in order to make the site dynamic management for news publishing and management, will be out of order information (including text, pictures and video) through the organization, reasonable and orderly through "presented to the people, the development of this press release system. This system uses JSP dynamic web page technology and SqlServer database to develop B/S model to realize the dynamic publication and management of news. Front desk provides users with news display, news search, news operations and other functions; management users can login through the Web browser background, to achieve the news release, management records and other operations.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.82mb Publisher : 力魔空白
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