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脱机手写体识别Matlab源程序 包括特征提取、bayes分类器、K近邻分类及最近邻分类。 TestScriptRecognition.m:测试代码 ScriptFeaExtract.m :特征提取 KNearestEstimate.m :K近邻估计 NearestEstimate.m : 最近邻估计 BayesTrain.m :训练bayes分类器 Bayes.m :测试bayes分类器 CrossValidate.m :m交叉验证 -Offline Handwriting Recognition Matlab source including feature extraction, bayes classifier, K-nearest neighbor and nearest neighbor classifier. TestScriptRecognition.m : ScriptFeaExtract.m test code : Feature Extraction KNearestEstimate.m : K-nearest neighbor is estimated NearestEstimate.m : nearest neighbor is estimated BayesTrain.m : Training bayes classifier Bayes.m : Test bayes classifier CrossValidate.m : m cross-certification
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.53kb Publisher : KOF

K-Nearest neighbour algorithm-K- Nearest neighbor algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : shang jie

DL : 0
knn,即k最近邻算法是模式识别中的一种比较简单而经典的分类算法-knn, k-nearest neighbor pattern recognition algorithm is a relatively simple and classic classification algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17kb Publisher : 才华

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用得最多的是最近邻,此处上传的是K-近邻,即k=1。matlab环境下的代码。附有实例。-used most often is the nearest neighbor, here is uploaded K-neighbor, k = 1. Matlab environment code. With examples.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 宋争鸣

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脱机手写体识别Matlab源程序 包括特征提取、bayes分类器、K近邻分类及最近邻分类。 TestScriptRecognition.m:测试代码 ScriptFeaExtract.m :特征提取 KNearestEstimate.m :K近邻估计 NearestEstimate.m : 最近邻估计 BayesTrain.m :训练bayes分类器 Bayes.m :测试bayes分类器 CrossValidate.m :m交叉验证 -Offline Handwriting Recognition Matlab source including feature extraction, bayes classifier, K-nearest neighbor and nearest neighbor classifier. TestScriptRecognition.m : ScriptFeaExtract.m test code : Feature Extraction KNearestEstimate.m : K-nearest neighbor is estimated NearestEstimate.m : nearest neighbor is estimated BayesTrain.m : Training bayes classifier Bayes.m : Test bayes classifier CrossValidate.m : m cross-certification
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher :

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K最近邻分类的代码,附有输入输出和程序使用说明。-K nearest neighbor classification code, with input and output and procedures for use.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 506kb Publisher : 胡芬芬

DL : 1
K近邻算法(KNN)的matlab源代码,程序清晰易读-K nearest neighbor (KNN) of matlab source code, procedures legible
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : skyfly

source code for pattern classification k nearest neighbor source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : ronak2018

K-nearest neighbors 搜索 聚类时经常使用的一种方法 国外网站转载- The following utilities are provided: - Nearest neighbor - K-Nearest neighbors - Radius Search They al supports N-dimensions and work on double, it is possible to choose if return the distances. Here is a time comparison with a vectrized m-code: N=1000000 number of reference points Nq=100 number of query points dim=3 dimension of points k=3 number of neighbor tic [idc,dist]=BruteSearchMex(p ,qp , k ,k) MEX toc tic [idc,dist]=knnsearch(qp,p,k) VECTORIZED M-CODE toc p=rand(N,dim) qp=rand(Nq,dim) Output: Elapsed time is 0.962640 seconds. Elapsed time is 18.813100 seconds.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : Ming

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k Nearest Neighbor matlab code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Weronika

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K最邻近分类器设计的MATLAB代码,有代码解释-K nearest neighbor classifier design in MATLAB code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : lilei

一个matlab环境下的k近邻分类器,代码中有详细的注释说明,使用方便.-K-Nearest-Neighbor-Classifier MatLab Code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 祁利民

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K近邻算法在Matlab中的实现,相当完整,对研究KNN算法有一定帮助-K nearest neighbor in the Matlab, implementation, rather complete, the study of KNN algorithm has certainly helped
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 131kb Publisher : long

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寻找测试样本的最近邻,可以有效的用于用于模式识别,信号处理-This is a small but efficient tool to perform K-nearest neighbor search, which has wide Science and Engineering applications, such as pattern recognition, data mining and signal processing. The code was initially implemented through vectorization. After discussions with John D Errico, I realized that my algorithm will suffer numerical accurancy problem for data with large values. Then, after trying several approaches, I found simple loops with JIT acceleration is the most efficient solution. Now, the performance of the code is comparable with kd-tree even the latter is coded in a mex file. The code is very simple, hence is also suitable for beginner to learn knn search.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 刘晓红

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knn-K近邻法实现两分类的函数代码,输入为两类的样本特征,和待测试的样本向量,输出为分类结果。-knn-K nearest neighbor method to achieve the two categories of function code, enter the characteristics of two types of samples, and samples to be tested vector, the output for the classification.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : kevin

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code of implementing the K-Nearest Neighbor method
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Manhal

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K近邻算法在MATLAB中的通过编写代码来实现的样例-K nearest neighbor algorithm in MATLAB by writing code in the sample achieved
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 洪程

It is a matlab code for K Nearest Neighbor algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 615kb Publisher : bikky

是K最邻近结点算法(k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm)的缩写形式,是电子信息分类器算法的一种。KNN方法对包容型数据的特征变量筛选尤其有效。-k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm, It is a very useful matlab code.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 王某

这是哈尔滨工业大学,电子与信息工程学院,模式识别课程,上机实验3,主要内容是使用matlab产生二维实验和测试样本,并采用最近邻和K近邻分类的方法对测试样本进行分类。完全自主敲写的代码,并运行通过-This is the Harbin Institute of Technology, School of electronic and information engineering, pattern recognition course, Experiment 3, the main content is to generate two-dimensional experiment and test samples using MATLAB method, and the nearest neighbor and K nearest neighbor classifier to classify the test sample. Completely independent knockout write code, and run through!!!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 32kb Publisher : 朱安国
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