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[Web Serverhappywz

Description: 1. 可以设置网址站的名称,地址,信箱,管理员,88*31 LOGO图片,首页180*60 LOGO图片,关键字,网站描述,首页公告等基本信息。 2. 广告信息管理功能所有广告都可以通过开关设置显示或隐藏。广告类型支持图片,flash,js代码,以及自写代码。 3. 首页的各个栏目的链接都可以从后台进行添加,删除或者修改的管理。 4. 数据库管理功能,可以在线备份,恢复,压缩数据库,以及用Sql语句批量处理数据。 5. 附留言本及访问统计功能。 6. 超级管理员功能,可以增加高级管理员和数据输入员,各有不同功能限制。 7. 支持网址二级分类,管理员可以后台对类别,网址进行添加,删除,修改和审核管理。 8. 可以设置登录模式为自助登录或邮箱登录. 9. 生成html功能,审核新入网址后请更新网址列表,并按分类重新生成html网页。 10.首页设滚动的友情Logo链接,可以后台进行添加,删除和修改管理。-1. Setting up the Web site name, address, mailboxes, administrators, and 88 * 31 LOGO pictures, Page 180 * 60 LOGO pictures, keyword, site description, Home announcements basic information. 2. Advertising information management capabilities all advertisements can switch settings shown or hidden. Advertising types of support images, flash, js code, and since write code. 3. Each page of links to columns can be carried out from the background to add, delete or modify management. 4. Database management capabilities, online backup, recovery, compressed database, and using SQL statements batch processing of data. 5. A message of this visit and statistical functions. 6. Super administrator functions, it can increase senior managers and data entry clerks, have different functional limitations. 7.
Platform: | Size: 836970 | Author: 王森 | Hits:

[Search Enginesearch0422

Description: index.php 搜索首页,包括搜索目录 search.php 搜索条程序 searchadv.txt 搜索条上的广告信息 cache.php 快照程序 zjc_dir.php 目录列表程序 zjc_search.php 关键字搜索程序-index.php Search Home, including search of the directory search procedures search.php searchadv.txt search of the advertising information cache.php snapshot procedures zjc_dir.php directory listing procedures zjc_search.php keyword search procedures
Platform: | Size: 27384 | Author: 王鲲 | Hits:

[WEB Codehappywz

Description: 1. 可以设置网址站的名称,地址,信箱,管理员,88*31 LOGO图片,首页180*60 LOGO图片,关键字,网站描述,首页公告等基本信息。 2. 广告信息管理功能所有广告都可以通过开关设置显示或隐藏。广告类型支持图片,flash,js代码,以及自写代码。 3. 首页的各个栏目的链接都可以从后台进行添加,删除或者修改的管理。 4. 数据库管理功能,可以在线备份,恢复,压缩数据库,以及用Sql语句批量处理数据。 5. 附留言本及访问统计功能。 6. 超级管理员功能,可以增加高级管理员和数据输入员,各有不同功能限制。 7. 支持网址二级分类,管理员可以后台对类别,网址进行添加,删除,修改和审核管理。 8. 可以设置登录模式为自助登录或邮箱登录. 9. 生成html功能,审核新入网址后请更新网址列表,并按分类重新生成html网页。 10.首页设滚动的友情Logo链接,可以后台进行添加,删除和修改管理。-1. Setting up the Web site name, address, mailboxes, administrators, and 88* 31 LOGO pictures, Page 180* 60 LOGO pictures, keyword, site description, Home announcements basic information. 2. Advertising information management capabilities all advertisements can switch settings shown or hidden. Advertising types of support images, flash, js code, and since write code. 3. Each page of links to columns can be carried out from the background to add, delete or modify management. 4. Database management capabilities, online backup, recovery, compressed database, and using SQL statements batch processing of data. 5. A message of this visit and statistical functions. 6. Super administrator functions, it can increase senior managers and data entry clerks, have different functional limitations. 7.
Platform: | Size: 836608 | Author: 王森 | Hits:

[Search Enginesearch0422

Description: index.php 搜索首页,包括搜索目录 search.php 搜索条程序 searchadv.txt 搜索条上的广告信息 cache.php 快照程序 zjc_dir.php 目录列表程序 zjc_search.php 关键字搜索程序-index.php Search Home, including search of the directory search procedures search.php searchadv.txt search of the advertising information cache.php snapshot procedures zjc_dir.php directory listing procedures zjc_search.php keyword search procedures
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 王鲲 | Hits:

[WEB Codesofthy360f

Description: 1、仿Google导航,界面数据与近期daohang.google.cn一致; 2、使用visual studio 2008 开发,运行环境需要asp.net 2.0; 3、程序基于Nvelocity模板引擎,生成静态html文件和aspx文件同时支持; 4、可放置自己的广告,默认3个公共广告位,主页另有两个共5个,子页另有两个共5个。如需增加可自行修改模板。 更新日志: [2008-6-15] *模板更新为 v1.11 *增加顶部搜索栏下侧关键字链接,set.vm内有开关参数 *增加底部搜索栏右侧关键字链接,set.vm内有开关参数 *界面CSS调整 -1, like Google navigation, interface data consistent with the recent daohang.google.cn 2, the use of visual studio 2008 development, the environment needs to run asp.net 2.0 3, procedures Nvelocity-based template engine to generate static html files and aspx file at the same time support 4, may be placed on your own ads, by default three public advertising, home page and another two were 5, sub-page and two a total of five. For the increase can modify the template. Update Log: [2008-6-15]* template update v1.11* increase at the top of search keywords link under the column side, set.vm there are switching parameters* An additional search bar at the bottom of the right keyword links, set.vm There are switches to adjust the parameters* interface CSS
Platform: | Size: 1412096 | Author: elvis | Hits:

[Search EngineDomainGen1.0.0

Description: 简介:由于近年来关键词搜索类广告的兴起,使得自助停放成为可能,但搭建一个自己的停放平台依然有较高的技术门槛,DomainGen的出现大大降低自助搭建停放平台的门槛,不懂程序的朋友一样可以轻松使用,自动优化功能让您从大量繁琐域名优化中解放出来。模版化的界面可以更方便打造自己的个性停放,缓冲数据实现高负载能力,设置简单容易上手。-Introduction: In recent years, type of keyword search advertising rise, making it possible to self-parking, but to build a platform for their own parking is still a high technical threshold, DomainGen significantly reduce the emergence of self-service platform, the threshold of the parking structures and do not know the procedure friends can easily use, auto-optimization feature allows you to optimize the domain name from a large number of cumbersome emancipated. Template-based interface can be more convenient to create their own personalized parking, buffering the data to achieve high load capacity, set up simple and easy to use.
Platform: | Size: 1035264 | Author: 林家华 | Hits:


Description: 乘风广告联盟系统 v4.8 兼有广告联盟、交换联盟、弹窗联盟、插件联盟、代理联盟的功能,支持cpc点击付费、cpm显示付费、cpa注册付费、cps销售付费、插件或软件安装付费等计费方式,支持自定义任意广告代码,支持竞价功能,价格越高广告显示机率越大,完善防作弊功能,支持二次点击,关键字统计,支持下线功能,可轻松整合Shopex、Ecshop等网店程序轻松实现cps功能 -Adventure Advertising Alliance System v4.8 both ad networks to exchange alliance, pop Union, the plug-Union, the agent federation, supporting cpc clicks, cpm show paid, cpa registration payment, cps sales fees, plug-in or pay such billing software installation, support for custom code in any advertising, support bidding function, the higher the price the greater the chance of advertising display, improved anti-cheat features, support for the second click, keyword statistics to support offline features may be Easy integration Shopex, Ecshop procedures such as Online Shop features easy cps
Platform: | Size: 2345984 | Author: 胡向勤 | Hits:

[WEB Codejybbs3.1

Description: 简约论坛使用XHTML+CSS架构,令页面结构化,节省了静态页面代码的传输,同时也易于修改界面,更符合WEB标准; 论坛采用Cookies、Session、Application等技术对论坛数据进行缓存,减少对数据库的访问,提高论坛的性能。可以承载较多的用户同时访问; 数据分表功能,减轻数据量大的时候访问数据库的负担;; 支持多皮肤、风格切换功能; 框架模式+ 平板模式的显示方式,用户可以根据自己的爱好来选择; 优化论坛页面关键字搜索,让论坛更容易被搜索引擎收录; 可扩展插件,为广大朋友提供了一个广阔的论坛服务扩展空间; 站长可以根据不同版面添加不同的顶部广告; 发帖采用HTML+UBB的方式,两种编辑器,互相转换、互相兼容; 简约论坛 v3.1 更新: 修正几处漏洞,添加似水流年风格 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin -Simple forum to use XHTML+ CSS framework, the structure of the page, saving a static page code transmission, but also easy to modify the interface to better meet the WEB standards Forum use Cookies, Session, Application and other technical data cache on the forum, to reduce access to the database, to improve the performance of the Forum. Can carry more users simultaneously access Data points table function, reduce the large volume of data to access the database when the burden Multi-skin, style switching function Frame mode+ flat mode is displayed, the user can choose according to their hobbies Keyword Search Optimization forum page, so that the forum more easily indexed by search engines Extensible plug-in for the vast majority of friends provided a forum for service expansion space Website owners can add a different page of the top advertising different Posted by HTML+ UBB way, two editors, each conversion, compatible Simple Forum v3.1 update: Amended
Platform: | Size: 707584 | Author: | Hits:

[WEB CodeweikeASP

Description: 威客简要说明 一、需要修改的文件: 1、sendemail.asp,邮件发送配置文件,要改成自己的邮箱。 2、/blog/conn.asp,博客连数据库文件。 3、/blog/config.asp,博客配置文件。 4、/inc/vk_class.asp,网站关键字修改。 5、/inc/skin.asp,有关版权方面的修改文件。 6、/inc/inc_*.asp,这里是关于我们等文件内容。 7、shop_pay.asp,shop_view.asp,/inc/sw/index.asp,/inc/sw/alipay/Alipay_Notify.asp,/inc/sw/alipay/return_Alipay_Notify.asp以上为商城支付宝集成需要修改的文件。 8、index1.asp,首页文件。 9、其它广告图片。 10、/skin/vk98cn_skin_1.css,网页风格文件。 二、数据库文件: 1、/023goworkscn/VKSCa_data.mdb,威客主数据库。 2、/023goworkscn/HK_date.mdb,易物主数据库。 三、后台管理登录: 1、admin.asp登录,用户名、密码都是admin。 2、核心管理|配置管理:可修改部分网站参数。 MSNSM精品资源社区 - MSNSM酷软源码互动 - Powered by www.Msnsm.Com-Brief description of Witkey First, the need to modify the file: 1, sendemail.asp, mail profile, we wanted to change their own mailbox. 2,/blog/conn.asp, blog with database files. 3,/blog/config.asp, blog profile. 4,/inc/vk_class.asp, website keyword changes. 5,/inc/skin.asp, changes to documents related to copyright. 6,/inc/inc_*. asp, this is about us and other contents of the file. 7, shop_pay.asp, shop_view.asp,/inc/sw/index.asp,/inc/sw/alipay/Alipay_Notify.asp,/inc/sw/alipay/return_Alipay_Notify.asp Mall Alipay integration above documents need to be modified . 8, index1.asp, page file. 9, other advertising images. 10,/skin/vk98cn_skin_1.css, page style file. Second, the database file: 1,/023goworkscn/VKSCa_data.mdb, Granville off the main database. 2,/023goworkscn/HK_date.mdb, easy to owner database. III Admin Login: 1, admin.asp login, user name, password is admin. 2, the core management | configuration management: to modify the part of the
Platform: | Size: 33124352 | Author: 多变的人生 | Hits:

[WEB CodeQvodxt

Description: 目标站<重庆宽频>。 无需维护,上传即可使用。 全站采用div+css布局的电影小偷。 首页缓存技术,减小服务器压力负担。 标题自定义,在pp023_config.asp里配置。 关键字自定义,在pp023_config.asp里配置。 全站广告位自定义设置,都可以将其换成自己的广告。 远程调用播放地址,更新快,片源多,努力打造最稳定的电影小偷。 播放页的电影网址交换系统,给您的网站迅速带来海量流量,迅速提高您的排名。 完美漂亮的子站导航链接菜单,轻松整合进你的网站系统,全站变量一个文件即可完整设置 需修改设置的文件: pp023_config.asp -Target Station < Chongqing Broadband> . No maintenance, uploading can be used. The station layout with div+ css movie thieves. Page cache, reducing server stress burden. Custom title in pp023_config.asp in the configuration. Custom keyword in pp023_config.asp in configuration. The station' s advertising custom settings, can be replaced with your ad. Remote call playback address, update soon, sources for more efforts to create
Platform: | Size: 304128 | Author: tangshaocheng | Hits:

[WEB CodeQvodCms_v4.0.2

Description: 01.网站会员系统 02.会员积分系统 03.影片收藏系统 04.奖品发布系统 05.冲值卡冲值系统 06.新闻影讯系统 07.网站地图系统 08.广告管理系统 09.AJAX留言本系统 10.智能影片报错系统 11.模板管理系统 12.友情链接系统 13.网页生成系统 14.数据管理系统 15.数据共享采集 16.自定义采集系统 17.演员和导演自带查询连接功能! 18.自定义非法关键字查询点播功能! 19.AJAX评论功能(会员评论功能) 20.AJAX自定义集数显示状态功能(自己定义降序升序显示功能) 21.列表页多项展示或能(如:按时间,按人气,按推荐) 22.后台设置QVOD缓冲广告,只需输入广告地址便可 23.多资源一键更新系统,每天加片点点完成 24.播放页支持生成静态化html 25.网站自动托管系统-01 site membership system 02 members scoring system 03 video collection system 04 prizes Publishing System 05 Delta Delta card system 06 News telecine system 07 Site Map 08 Advertising Management System 09.AJAX message of this system 10 smart movie error system 11 Template Management System 12 Link system 13 page-generation system 14 Data Management System 15 sharing of data acquisition 16 custom acquisition system 17 actors and directors own inquiries connection! 18 custom illegal keyword queries on-demand feature! 19.AJAX comment function (member comments feature) 20.AJAX custom set the number to display the status function (defined in descending order ascending order display function) 21 list page number of the display or can be (eg: by time, by popularity, according to the recommended) 22. Background to set QVOD buffer ad, simply enter the advertising address can be 23 a lot of resources a key to update the system daily tablets little completed 24 playback pa
Platform: | Size: 3000320 | Author: 沉降 | Hits:


Description: 程序采用 .net 4.0 + MSSQL/MYSQL 进行开发,全自动应用淘客api,自动转换淘宝客链接,支持批量更新、批量导入,支持网站关键字动态化设置、url伪静态动态设置、广告动态设置(支持各大联盟广告代码发布)、可将淘宝客商品设置成广告产品形式展播等功能。并且支持关键词广告位竞价功能,可通过支付宝直接支付功能。-Program using asp.net 4.0+ MSSQL/MYSQL development, automatic application tao guest API, automatic conversion taobao guest links, supports batch update, batch import, and support website key word set, url pseudo static dynamic dynamic Settings, advertising dynamic Settings (support each big league AD code released), but will clean out treasure guest goods set to advertising products form show etc. Function. And support keyword advertising a bidding function, can be through the pay treasure paid directly to function.
Platform: | Size: 4602880 | Author: 常航 | Hits:

[WEB Codejjkefu_v1.0beta2

Description: 程序简单,修改方便,功能强大,免费开源。 竖版的客服界面,仿腾讯咨询界面 QQ登录,QQ登录后可以保存聊天记录,下次登录自动提取上次聊天记录! 关键字自动回复!注意:管理员账号为机器人账号,设置关键字后 如果没有任何客服在线即转入机器人自动回复! 获得来路信息以及关键字 - 目前只设置了百度来路关键字! 客服可自定义聊天信息框中广告图片 客服可以发送邀请,邀请后客户接收页面显示邀请客服名称并且抖动及声音提示! 对接状态为3种(在线访问网址状态,开启聊天窗口状态,已经与客服对接状态),未读消息数量。 绑定客户聊天功能,转交会话功能。 访客输入聊天内容自动会显示在聊天信息上面,用户可以体现知道访客想打入的聊天内容!!!!!!!!!!! 智能判断客服在线,客服在线图标即变成彩色无需刷新。有客服在线,则自动弹出邀请会话功能,否则不会弹出!-The procedures are simple, easy to modify, powerful, free and open source. Vertical version of the customer service interface, imitation Tencent consultation interface QQ login, QQ login can save your chats, the next login automatically extract the last chats! Keywords automatically reply! Note: The administrator account for the robot account, set the keyword if there is no any customer service line is transferred to the robot to automatically reply! Obtain origin information as well as keywords- and only set the the Baidu origin keywords! Customer can customize the advertising picture of the chat message box Customer can send the invitation, the customer has accepted the invitation page invite the customer name and jitter, and voice prompts. The docking status of three kinds (online visit status, open a chat window status, customer docking state), the number of unread messages. Bind customers to chat feature, referred to the session functionality. Visitors enter the chat will
Platform: | Size: 1248256 | Author: Sean | Hits:

[Web ServerLdCms_v1.0.3

Description: 网站管理系统 全局标签 {ldcms:Version} 系统版本 {ldcms:Root} 根目录 {ldcms:Title} 网站标题 {ldcms:Name} 网站域名 {ldcms:Key} 网站关键字 {ldcms:Des} 网站描述 {ldcms:Foot} 网站底部 {ldcms:LdcmsCode} 验证码 {ldcms:AdGJs} 广告组JS文件 {ldcms:CookList} 最近浏览列表 -The website management systems global label {ldcms: Version} ' system version {ldcms: Root}' root directory {ldcms: Title} ' website title {ldcms: Name}' Domain Name {ldcms: Key} ' website keyword {ldcms: Des the} ' Site Description {ldcms: Foot}' website at the bottom {ldcms: LdcmsCode} ' verification code {ldcms: AdGJs}' advertising group the JS file {ldcms: CookList} ' recently browse list
Platform: | Size: 1489920 | Author: sdaf | Hits:


Description: 内文广告系统源码 1.1:本系统的用户分为:网站主、广告主、管理员3种。与之相对应的,广告系统也可以分为3部分:网站主的用户中心、广告主的用户中心和系统的核心部分。 内文广告,也称为文章链接式广告,即将文章内容中出现的关键词自动生成广告链接,当鼠标放在关键词链接上即出现广告窗体。这种广告的投放位置位于网页中心,投放效果和投放位置都非常好。 内文广告的实质是把网页中指定关键字替换为带弹出“气泡”的超链接形式,当鼠标划过关键字时,广告(“气泡”)自动弹出。所以内文广告系统的核心数据是广告关键字和具体广告内容。 管理登录:login.aspx 账号:aspx1 密码:aspx1-Text advertising system source code 1.1: the user of the system is divided into three kinds: the site owners, advertisers, administrator. Correspondingly, the advertising system can also be divided into three parts: the User Center, site owners advertisers user center and the core of the system. Text ads, also known as article link ads the upcoming article keywords automatically generate advertising links when mouse on keywords link on that ad form. This ad placements is located in the center of the page, and put effects and placements are very good. The essence of the text advertising page specified keyword is replaced with a the hyperlink form of pop-up " bubbles" , when the mouse across keywords, advertising (" bubbles" ) pop up automatically. The core data is text advertising system advertising keywords and advertising content. Management Login: login.aspx account: aspx1 password: aspx1
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: dsgd509 | Hits:


Description: 一款免费的淘宝客程序,支持网站关键字动态化设置、模板动态换、url伪静态动态设置可以按自己后缀设置、广告动态设置等功能。-Taobao customers a free program, support website keyword dynamic setting, template dynamically change the url pseudo-static and dynamic settings can be set according to their own suffix dynamic setting, advertising and other functions.
Platform: | Size: 1419264 | Author: dfweiwoi | Hits:


Description: 使用XHTML+CSS架构,令页面结构化,节省了静态页面代码的传输,同时也易于修改界面,更符合WEB标准; 论坛采用Cookies、Session、Application等技术对论坛数据进行缓存,减少对数据库的访问,提高论坛的性能。可以承载较多的用户同时访问; 数据分表功能,减轻数据量大的时候访问数据库的负担; 支持多皮肤、风格切换功能; 框架模式+ 平板模式的显示方式,用户可以根据自己的爱好来选择; 优化论坛页面关键字搜索,让论坛更容易被搜索引擎收录; 可扩展插件,为广大朋友提供了一个广阔的论坛服务扩展空间; 站长可以根据不同版面添加不同的顶部广告; 发帖采用HTML+UBB的方式,两种编辑器,互相转换、互相兼容; -Using XHTML+ CSS framework, with a page structure, saving the transmission of static page code, but also easy to modify the interface, more in line with standard WEB Forum uses Cookies, Session, Application and other technical data of the forum cache, reducing access to the database to improve the performance of the forum. Can host more users simultaneously access Data points table function, reduce the amount of data to access the database when the burden Support multi-skin, style switching function Frame mode+ tablet mode is displayed, the user can choose according to their preferences Optimization forum page keyword search, lets be more easily indexed by search engines Extensible plug-in, for our friends to provide a broad forum for service expansion space Webmasters can add different layouts according to different top advertising Posting using HTML+ UBB way the two editors, interchangeable, compatible with each
Platform: | Size: 862208 | Author: 军歌 | Hits:

[Windows Developemlogmb_slbk_v1.0

Description: 模版说明: 1、本模版需下载模版设置插件方可正常使用 2、本模版微语已经关闭,如果特别需要的朋友可以自行添加;去掉了一些侧边栏感觉用不上的组件,像日历、个人介绍等等。 3、本模版有3个头部文文件(分别是y-head.php、log-head.php、list-head.php);以实现各页面调用不同的标题、关键词和描述,模版原始设置为列表页即分类页关键在模版设置中修改添加,文章详情页调用标签关键词,自定义页面和微语页面调用首页关键。 4、模版有4个广告位:logo右侧广告、页面右侧广告位、文章详情页底部广告、文章列表页底部广告;具体参数请参考模版设置。 5、本模版仅在5.3.0下测试,无明显bug,其它版本未做测试,未知bug存在。-Template description: 1, the need to download the template set template plug-ins can be normal use 2, the template micro language has been closed, especially if the friend of need can add their own to remove the component sidebars some feel not, like calendar, personal introduction. 3, the template has 3 head files (y-head.php, log-head.php, list-head.php) in order to realize the page calls a different title, keywords and description, the original set list page template that classification page key in the template settings modified to add, this article details page tag keyword, custom page and micro language page calls the key. 4, the template has 4 advertising: advertising, on the right side of the logo on the right side of the page, the article details at the bottom of the page advertising advertising, the list at the bottom of the page advertisement specific parameters refer to the template set. 5, the stencil test only in 5.3.0, no bug, other versions do not test, unknown b
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: wpudn43 | Hits:


Description: 一款广告点击插件源码,能主动点击网页网告,给您的网站增加收入。 1.GG广告点击 有时候结果会不同。可能会没有你设置的关键词。这种情况下会直接关闭搜索引擎。 2.点击出广告页面后。搜索引擎关闭。广告页面会在15秒后关闭。 3.每台电脑固定最多点击3个广告.执行完随机3个广告后.程序退出. 当目前广告不足3个.会执行完毕当前广告后退出. 4.点击百分比由后台程序控制.每台电脑每个广告一天只请求服务器一次. 5.检索关键词只能是同一颜色同一大小同一字体的一串字符串.不能有换行等等. 这个在设置前 可以用测试程序进行测试(注意每次搜索 结果可能不同 可能不包含你的检索关键词)-An ad click plugin source code, web pages can take the initiative to click on advertising, to your website and increase revenue. 1.GG ad clicks sometimes result will be different. You might not have set keywords. This case will directly off the search engines. 2. Click on the ad page later. Search engine shut down. Advertising page will close after 15 seconds. 3. Click on each computer fixed up to three ads. Executed randomized 3 ad. Program exits.     After less than three current ad. Will exit the current ad is finished. 4. Click the percentage controlled by the daemon. Each computer every ad request to the server once a day only. 5. Only search key is a string of a string of the same color in the same size in the same font. Can not have a wrap so on.     This can be tested with a test program before setting (note that the search results may be different each time may not contain your search keyword)
Platform: | Size: 72704 | Author: 黄晓飞 | Hits:

[WEB Codedestoonmb_pgc_v4.0

Description: 广告 ad 代码、链接、图片、Flash、幻灯片、 排名、 赞助商链接(关键词广告) 积分 credit 网站赠送、会员赚取、会员购买、积分消费 邮件 email 邮件单发、群发,地址导出,邮件订阅,商机快递 短信 sms 手机短信单发、群发,号码导出,会员购买、发送,短信验证码 支付 pay 支持支付宝、财付通、网银在线、易宝、PayPal WAP wap 通过手机浏览网站 RSS rss RSS阅读器订阅-Ad ad code, links, pictures, Flash, slides, ranking, sponsored links (keyword advertising) Integral credit website gift, purchase, membership, members earn points of consumption Email mail address is derived, single or group, mail subscription, express delivery business SMS SMS mobile phone SMS single or group membership number is derived, buy, send SMS verification code Pay pay support Alipay, caifutong, online banking online, Yi Bao, PayPal WAP WAP browsing the website by mobile phone RSS RSS RSS reader to subscribe
Platform: | Size: 1659904 | Author: yypudn29 | Hits:
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