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终止进程的DLL,提供一个终止某进程的函数,只需指定该进程的名称即可。-Termination of process DLL, to provide a process to terminate a function, simply specify the process name.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : moto

DL : 0
一、实验目的 (1)掌握进程状态转换过程 (2)掌握时间片轮转的进程调度算法; (3)掌握带优先级的进程调度算法; 二、实验内容 (1)自定义PCB的数据结构; (2)使用带优先级的时间片轮转法调度进程,每运行一个时间片,优先级减半。 (3)命令集 A)create 随机创建进程,进程的优先级与所需要的时间片随机决定; B)round 执行1次时间片轮转操作,其方法为运行高优先级队列的第1个,再降低其优先级,插入到相应的队列中。 C)ps 查看当前进程状态 D)sleep 命令将进程挂起 E)awake 命令唤醒1个被挂起的进程 F)kill 命令杀死进程 G)quit命令退出 (4)选用面向对象的编程方法。 -First, the purpose of the experiment (1) conversion process to master the process of state (2) to grasp the round-robin process scheduling algorithm (3) grasp with the priority process scheduling algorithm Second, experimental content (1) custom data structure of the PCB (2) with priority round-robin method scheduling process, each running a time slice, the priority is reduced by half. (3) command set A) the create random creation process, the priority of the process is determined randomly with the time required for film B) the round implementation of a time slice rotation operation, one of its methods to run the high-priority queue, and then lower its priority, is inserted into the appropriate queue. C) ps, view the current process state D) the sleep command to suspend the process E) Awake command to wake up a process is suspended F) the kill command to kill the process G), the quit command to exit (4) selection of the object-oriented programming methods.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17kb Publisher : mengmeng

这是个有趣的袖珍像素游戏,不需要英语,无任务,不存在等级,没有副本,不必交易。你需要的只是到处探索,逐渐提升自己的装备,直到强度能够干掉 BOSS,你甚至可以一个怪不碰,全程靠捡或者Ninja捞装备。特此建议跳过我的介绍,直接去玩,慢慢找乐子 ## 启动停止 - Start and Stop 以debug模式启动 ```php start.php start``` 以daemon模式启动 ```php start.php start -d``` 查看状态 ```php start.php status``` 停止 ```php start.php stop```(This is an interesting pocket pixel game that does not need English, no task, no rank, no copy, no need to trade. All you need is to explore everywhere and gradually improve your equipment. Until the intensity can kill BOSS, you can even get a weird touch, picking up the whole process or Ninja fishing equipment. This suggests skipping my introduction, playing directly, looking for fun Start and Stop - ## start stop Start ```php start.php start``` with debug mode Start ```php start.php start -d``` with daemon mode Look at the state ```php start.php status``` Stop ```php start.php stop```)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 18.47mb Publisher : 纳兰輕舞飛揚
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