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Description: kingbase数据库的安装文件!能快捷方便的安装,里面含有注册码。-kingbase database installation file! Can be fast and convenient installation, which contains a registration code.
Platform: | Size: 53998592 | Author: 龙之吻 | Hits:

[Other Databasesyast2-kingbase

Description: 给金仓数据库增加了Linux系统管理功能。-Kingbase YaST2 component. this is source code. Have fun.
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: 田先生 | Hits:

[Other Databaseskingbase

Description: 超级好用的数据库管理系统!小巧实用,比较适合课堂教学!- Super easy to use database management system! Exquisite practical, compared with suitable classroom instruction!
Platform: | Size: 7833600 | Author: lixiaoshan | Hits:

[Other DatabasesODBC

Description: 使用ODBC来实现对于学生数据库的增删改查等功能,数据库基于Kingbase环境-For students to use ODBC to implement CRUD database search functions, database environment based on Kingbase
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: dav76 | Hits:


Description: 使用ODBC访问数据库,能够把KINGBASE和SQLSERVER连接起来~实现两个不同的RDBMS之间相互访问-Use ODBC to access the database, able to connect KINGBASE and SQLSERVER ~ realization between two different RDBMS access
Platform: | Size: 195584 | Author: xmj | Hits:


Description: 北邮大三下数据库实验报告,实验环境kingbase和sql2005-Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications under the Database Test Report junior, experimental environment kingbase and sql2005
Platform: | Size: 752640 | Author: poemqiong | Hits:

[Software Engineeringddd

Description: 银行模拟系统的详细设计, 程序设计的大作业。。。 仅供参考- Database Test Report junior, experimental environment kingbase and sql2005
Platform: | Size: 2976768 | Author: viva | Hits:


Description: 用ODBC链接国产kingbase数据库-the use of ODBC interface
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: tit | Hits:


Description: JAVA连接数据库Kingbase的基础代码,Kingbase自带JDBC驱动,无需另外下载。-JAVA Kingbase connect to the code base, Kingbase own JDBC drivers, no additional download.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: yang | Hits:

[Windows DevelopTest

Description: 测试连接人大金仓数据库,包含金仓数据库的驱动。(successfully connect to Kingbase)
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 老鼠屎 | Hits:

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