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此程序为一图像处理程序,用OPENGL编制, 用户首先选择是绘制二维或三维图形,对于相应的图形输入一定的数据后保存,即可出现需要的图形窗口,可以进行数据预数据,查看变差函数,运用克里格插值,观查图像生成过程及帧描绘过程,最后点击输出即可看到所实现的图形,此为一个非常不错的图形图像处理程序。且是用MFC实现的,功能强大,便于窗口运行。-procedure for an image-processing program, using OpenGL establishment, users first choice is drawn 2D or 3D graphics for the corresponding graphics input certain data preservation, there is a need to be a graphics window for data pre-data View variogram, using Kriging interpolation, concept check image generation process and frames painted process, the final output can click to see achieved by the graphics, this was a very good graphics and video processing. Which is MFC, powerful, easy operation window.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 250.46kb Publisher : luoye

此程序为一图像处理程序,用OPENGL编制, 用户首先选择是绘制二维或三维图形,对于相应的图形输入一定的数据后保存,即可出现需要的图形窗口,可以进行数据预数据,查看变差函数,运用克里格插值,观查图像生成过程及帧描绘过程,最后点击输出即可看到所实现的图形,此为一个非常不错的图形图像处理程序。且是用MFC实现的,功能强大,便于窗口运行。-procedure for an image-processing program, using OpenGL establishment, users first choice is drawn 2D or 3D graphics for the corresponding graphics input certain data preservation, there is a need to be a graphics window for data pre-data View variogram, using Kriging interpolation, concept check image generation process and frames painted process, the final output can click to see achieved by the graphics, this was a very good graphics and video processing. Which is MFC, powerful, easy operation window.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.46mb Publisher : luoye

DL : 1
克里金法 克里金法是一种在许多领域都很有用的地质统计格网化方法。克里金法试图那样表示隐含在你的数据中的趋势,例如,高点会是沿一个脊连接,而不是被牛眼形等值线所孤立。克里金法中包含了几个因子:变化图模型,漂移类型 和矿块效应。-MODULE Kriging CATEGORY User DESCRIPTION kriging interpolation OUTBOARD ./kriging INPUT data field (none) Input data INPUT grid_range vector list (default) range of grid result INPUT resolution vector (none) result resolution INPUT Variogram model string "exponential" 1:"spherical",2:"exponential" INPUT range scalar (none) range value INPUT nugget scalar (none) nugget effect INPUT sill scalar (none) sill value OUTPUT grid_data field result of kriging value OUTPUT grid_error field result of error variance value
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 117kb Publisher : zhaoyang

基于Matlab的地质统计学程序包,包含克里金方法,变差函数,高斯序贯模拟等-Geostatistical Matlab-based package, including Kriging, variogram, sequential Gaussian simulation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7.07mb Publisher : 汪鹏

C++与FORTRAN混编程序。考虑各向异性的克里金法及序贯高斯法。在地质,油藏建模中很有用处 Author--Jeff Boisvert and Clayton V. Deutsch-for incorporating locally varying anisotropy in kriging or sequential Gaussian simulation is based on modifying how locations in space are related. Normally, the straight line path is used however, when nonlinear features exist the appropriate path between locations follows along the features. The Dijkstra algorithm is used to determine the shortest path/distance between locations and a conventional covariance or variogram function is used. This nonlinear path is a non-Euclidean distance metric and positive definiteness of the resulting kriging system of equations is not guaranteed. Multidimensional scaling (landmark isometric mapping) is used to ensure positive definiteness.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 457kb Publisher : 张开

变异函数 克立金插值用,采用最小二乘法编制。请您使用。。Kriging curvefit,已通过测试。 -Variogram, kriged, the preparation of the least squares method. You use. . Kriging curvefit, has been tested.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15kb Publisher : revealrot

克里金插值中使用线性方式拟合出的球状模型的变异函数系数-Kriging interpolation using a linear fitting spherical variogram model coefficients
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : pan

DL : 0
基于一般最小二乘算法的随机插值技术,用方差图作为权重函数;这一技术可被应用于任何需要用点数据估计其在地表上分布的现象。-Random interpolation technology based on the general least squares algorithm, using variogram as the weighting function This technology can be applied to any need to use some data to estimate the distribution of phenomena on the surface of the earth.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : shuyang

变差函数、克里金插值源代码,里面有具体应用实例-Variogram, Kriging interpolation source code, there are examples of specific applications
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 12kb Publisher : Darry

DL : 0
协同克里格matlab实现,包括普通克里格,变差函数和交叉变差函数的实现,三维图显示机及其协同区域化- Cokriging matlab realize, including the realization of ordinary kriging, and cross variogram variogram, three-dimensional diagram shows the machine and its Coregionalization
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : jiangxin

DL : 0
这是一套地质统计学软件,能够从实际数据中得到变差函数,克里金插值等,用于地质统计学反演等-This is a geostatistical software to get the actual data the variogram, kriging interpolation for geostatistical inversion
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6.99mb Publisher : 邹晓峰

包括基本的克里金(Kriging)插值法实现代码,仅实现基本方法部分,不包含扩展克里金方法- kriging uses ordinary kriging to interpolate a variable z measured at locations with the coordinates x and y at unsampled locations xi, yi. The function requires the variable vstruct that contains all necessary information on the variogram. vstruct is the forth output argument of the function variogramfit. This is a rudimentary, but easy to use function to perform a simple kriging interpolation. I call it rudimentary since it always includes ALL observations to estimate values at unsampled locations. This may not be necessary when sample locations are not within the autocorrelation range but would require something like a k nearest neighbor search algorithm or something similar. Thus, the algorithms works best for relatively small numbers of observations (100-500). For larger numbers of observations I recommend the use of GSTAT. Note that kriging fails if there are two or more observa
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 哈哈哈

DL : 0
克里金法假定采样点之间的距离或方向可以反映可用于说明表面变化的空间相关性。克里金法工 具可将数学函数与指定数量的点或指定半径内的所有点进行拟合以确定每个位置的输出值。克里金法是一个多步过程;它包括数据的探索性统计分析、变异函数建模 和创建表面,还包括研究方差表面。当您了解数据中存在空间相关距离或方向偏差后,便会认为克里金法是最适合的方法。该方法通常用在土壤科学和地质中。-This function completes what I have started with the functions variogram and variogramfit. It is not intended to be a highly optimized code for performing kriging but may have educational value. Note that for using kriging, you should download the latest version of variogramfit. kriging uses ordinary kriging to interpolate a variable z measured at locations with the coordinates x and y at unsampled locations xi, yi. The function requires the variable vstruct that contains all necessary information on the variogram. vstruct is the forth output argument of the function variogramfit. This is a rudimentary, but easy to use function to perform an ordinary kriging interpolation. I call it rudimentary since it always includes ALL observations to estimate values at unsampled locations. This may not be necessary when sample locations are not within the autocorrelation range but would require something like a k nearest neighbor search algorithm or something similar. Thus, the alg
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.48mb Publisher : 林逸

克里金插值在地质反演中有着很重要的应用。构建不同的初始模型,不同的变程和变差函数反映不同的地质构型。-Kriging geological inversion has a very important application. Construction of different initial models, processes and different variants variogram reflect different geological configuration.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 828kb Publisher : jed
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