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Description: CCS picc based - KS0108 chip graphic module & PIC18F4620 demo code
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: mete | Hits:


Description: This file contains drivers for using a KS0108 based 128x64 pixel GLCD. This "Extended_GLCD.c" driver based on, "GLCD.c" driver can be found in CCS installation folder. The driver treats the upper left pixel as (0,0). // The NEW functions added by me: glcd_standby(command) glcd_3Dbox(x,y,width,height,depth,color) glcd_circle_seg(x,y,radius,angle_start,angle_end,color) glcd_image(inverse) glcd_image_xy(x,y,inverse)-This file contains drivers for using a KS0108 based 128x64 pixel GLCD. This "Extended_GLCD.c" driver based on, "GLCD.c" driver can be found in CCS installation folder. The driver treats the upper left pixel as (0,0). // The NEW functions added by me: glcd_standby(command) glcd_3Dbox(x,y,width,height,depth,color) glcd_circle_seg(x,y,radius,angle_start,angle_end,color) glcd_image(inverse) glcd_image_xy(x,y,inverse)
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: Caner ERSiL | Hits:

[assembly languageGLCD_ks0108b

Description: Electronique gLCD ks0108b Extended GLCD Library for CCS (128x64 - KS0108 Based LCDs)
Platform: | Size: 121856 | Author: zinou | Hits:


Description: ks0108-128x64-glcd-termometre-ccs-c-pic16f88-lm35
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: yogb | Hits:

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