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Description: J2ME+WebService,采用KSoap框架进行操作。-J2ME WebService using KSoap framework for operation.
Platform: | Size: 312320 | Author: 王新文 | Hits:


Description: 里面包含ksoap2J2ME类库和ksoap2的源码-ksoap2J2ME class library which contains the source code and ksoap2
Platform: | Size: 804864 | Author: 陈涛 | Hits:


Description: kSOAP2是一个SOAP web service客户端包。主要用于资源受限制的Java环境如Applets或J2ME应用程序。-kSOAP2 is a SOAP web service client package. Mainly used for resource restricted environments, such as Java or J2ME applications Applets.
Platform: | Size: 718848 | Author: 楼云 | Hits:


Description: it is a tools for developing J2ME application using web service.
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: jason | Hits:


Description: 此包我xml包,可直接使用,我自己拿到是,放入程序中就可以使用-I have xml package in this package can be used directly, I get, the Add procedure can be used on
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: 11 | Hits:

[Windows Developksoap

Description: 在j2me中实现对web服务访问的开源代码-In j2me web services to achieve access to the open source code
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: 关龙 | Hits:


Description: 跟服务器的安装有关,是连接方面的东西,希望对你有用-With the installation of the server, is the connectivity
Platform: | Size: 167936 | Author: dadidadigood | Hits:


Description: android 开发WebService必备类库ksoap2 for android。-WebService android development of the necessary libraries ksoap2 for android.
Platform: | Size: 129024 | Author: 彭磊 | Hits:


Description: android连接webService的时候很有用的一个包,这个包是经过修改过的,超时时间可以自己设定,以前版本的包超时时间是定好的,大概有3分多钟-android connection webService useful when a package, this package is the result of modified, the timeout can be set, the previous version of the packet timeout is set right, about 3 more minutes
Platform: | Size: 131072 | Author: lumian | Hits:


Description: android中与webservice进行交互的框架,很好用,注意:下载后请更改扩展名为jar直接导入工程环境-connet webservice for android
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: 李明明 | Hits:


Description: J2ME 用ksoap连接webservice 的一个小例子的源码
Platform: | Size: 312320 | Author: 宋超 | Hits:


Description: Middlet for J2ME and KSOAP consume WCF
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: martin251 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopJWSCCallerMII2

Description: J2ME+WebServicee,使用KSoap框架进行操作。 -J2ME+WebServicee, use KSoap framework of operation.
Platform: | Size: 317440 | Author: cpdcoder | Hits:


Description: android中实现ksoap请求webservice接口数据-the android realized ksoap request webservice interface data
Platform: | Size: 403456 | Author: xuebaohua | Hits:


Description: 开发android客户端访问Web Service,使用ksoap类库。-connection to web service
Platform: | Size: 186368 | Author: gongjie | Hits:


Description: Android使用ksoap调用WebService实现课程作业的信息查看。-Android uses ksoap call WebService achieve coursework View.
Platform: | Size: 578560 | Author: jh | Hits:


Description: 安卓系统下开发webservice,可以通过ksoap方式来完成,简单有效。-This document describes how to develope webservice through ksoap
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 章鱼 | Hits:

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