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This package contains code for solving seven optimization problems. -The main directory contains MATLAB m-files which contain simple examples for each of the recovery problems. They illustrate how the code should be used (it is fairly straightforward). The prefixes on the example files are as follows: "l1eq" = L1 minimization with equality constraints, "l1qc" = L1 minimization with quadratic (L2 norm) constraints, "l1decode" = L1 norm approximation (for channel decoding), "11dantzig" = L1 minimization with minimal residual correlation (the Dantzig selector). "tveq" = TV minimization with equality constraints, "tvqc" = TV minimization with quadratic constrains, "tvdantzig" = TV minimization with minimal residual correlation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 357kb Publisher : liuhua
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