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a simple factor approximation algorithm for two-circle point labeling
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 138.96kb Publisher : 易荣贵

DL : 0
用Floyd算法设计的最小费用最大流,求最大流时,用的是标号算法-Floyd algorithm design with the minimum cost maximum flow, for maximum flow, the algorithm is labeling
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher :

DL : 0
MCRGSA------组播路由问题遗传模拟退火算法 %M-----------遗传算法进化代数 %N-----------种群规模,取偶数 %Pm----------变异概率调节参数 %K-----------同一温度下状态跳转次数 %t0----------初始温度 %alpha-------降温系数 %beta--------浓度均衡系数 %ROUTES------备选路径集 %Num---------到各节点的备选路径数目 %Cost--------费用邻接矩阵 %Source------源节点标号 %End---------目的节点标号组成的向量 %MBR---------各代最优路径编码-MCRGSA------ Multicast Routing genetic simulated annealing% M----------- genetic algorithm algebra% N----------- population size, even take Pm----------% probability parameter variation%----------- same temperature K Jump under a number of state----------% t0 initial temperature cooling% alpha------- beta coefficient%-------- balanced concentration coefficient% ROUTES------ Alternative Path Set% Enable--------- nodes to the number of alternative paths%-------- Cost adjacent costs Matrix% Source------ source node labeling% End--------- destination node labeling Group Vector%% of the MBR--------- generations optimal path coding
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : 程爱华

a simple factor approximation algorithm for two-circle point labeling
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 139kb Publisher : 易荣贵

DL : 0
一个实现2D图像的component labeling算法的程序,也包含基于每个标号所含的像素个数进行筛选的功能。-Realize a 2D image component labeling algorithm for the procedure, but also based on labeling each pixel contains the number of filter functions.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : windman

解决图论中Warshall-Floyd 算法,Kruskal 避圈法,匈牙利算法,求最佳匹配的算法,求最大流的Ford--Fulkerson 标号算法,求解最小费用流问题的matlab程序-Solve the graph theory Warshall-Floyd algorithm, Kruskal avoid lap law, Hungary algorithm, and the best matching algorithm, for maximum flow of the Ford- Fulkerson labeling algorithm for solving the minimum cost flow problem of matlab procedures
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 46kb Publisher : yangfei

Simple image 2-pass labeling algorithm, included warshall algorithm to fill the equivalent matrix.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3kb Publisher : pawci0

基于Mean Shift的图像分割过程就是首先利用Mean Shift算法对图像中的像素进行聚类,即把收敛到同一点的起始点归为一类,然后把这一类的标号赋给这些起始点,同时把包含像素点太少的类去掉。然后,采用阈值化分割的方法对图像进行二值化处理。-Mean Shift Based on the process of image segmentation is the first to use the image Mean Shift algorithm for clustering of pixels, that is, to converge to the same point as a starting point to the category and then assigned to this type of labeling of these starting points, at the same time to contain too few pixels to remove the category. Then, using thresholding segmentation method of binary image processing.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : mayan

基于Mean Shift的图像分割过程就是首先利用Mean Shift算法对图像中的像素进行聚类,即把收敛到同一点的起始点归为一类,然后把这一类的标号赋给这些起始点,同时把包含像素点太少的类去掉。然后,采用阈值化分割的方法对图像进行二值化处理 -Mean Shift Based on the process of image segmentation is the first to use the image Mean Shift algorithm for clustering of pixels, that is, to converge to the same point as a starting point to the category and then assigned to this type of labeling of these starting points, at the same time to contain too few pixels to remove the category. Then, using thresholding segmentation method of binary image processing
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : 秦陈刚

Implementation Of Labeling Connected Components 用C#实现图像的连通区域标定,可选4连通,8连通-Implementation Of Labeling Connected Components The algorithm is coded in C# using unsafe so the quality and speed of the program may not be affected. The class BitmapData is used to read and process the pixels in the image. This is the specialty of C# to provide such a speed even on image processing applications. There is a set of modules that are designed to implement the algorithm. The program scans the image to convert the image into grayscale Levels. Then it converts the image into binary. This binary image will be subjected to splitting it into components. Here we can us 4-Connected or 8-Connected Algorithm but we used 8-Connected Algorithm for finding the Blobs in the image as described above
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 52kb Publisher : 程磊

java实现图像连通区域算法 *ImageLabel is an algorithm that applies Connected Component Labeling *alogrithm to an input image. Only mono images are catered for.-*ImageLabel is an algorithm that applies Connected Component Labeling *alogrithm to an input image. Only mono images are catered for.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3kb Publisher : 程磊

it is a image processing project which can find special and certain object with certain shapes in the images. it obtain the P and S for each object and compare P/S ratio to template image and object. Sobel use for P and finding edges and Labeling algorithm use for S.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 11kb Publisher : Mohammadali

DL : 0
图论中最短路算法,最小生成树,最大匹配与最佳匹配的算法,旅行商问题,求最大流的Ford--Fulkerson 标号算法-Shortest path graph algorithm, minimum spanning tree, the largest and best match matching algorithms, traveling salesman problem, maximum flow for the Ford- Fulkerson labeling algorithm
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 40kb Publisher : 夏秋

A rough implementation of "A Component-Labeling Algorithm Using Contour Tracing Technique" paper on an implementation of connected component algorithm using contour tracing, allowing the algorithm to do connected component labelling with just one pass through the image.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 986kb Publisher : Hao Wooi Lim

利用VC++实现的人连通区域标记算法,测试并通过。-Using VC++ implementation of people connected region labeling algorithm, test and passed.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 13.19mb Publisher : 蜻蜓

图论算法及其MATLAB 程序代码 1.求赋权图G = (V, E , F )中任意两点间的最短路的Warshall-Floyd 算法、Kruskal 避圈法 2.求二部图G 的最大匹配的算法(匈牙利算法)、利用可行点标记求最佳匹配的算法 3.从一个可行流f 开始, 求最大流的Ford--Fulkerson 标号算法 6.-Graph Theory Algorithm and MATLAB program code 1. Seeking weighted graph G = (V, E, F) in the shortest path between any two points of the Warshall-Floyd algorithm, Kruskal avoid the circle method 2. Seeking the maximum bipartite graph G matching algorithm (the Hungarian algorithm), using feasible point mark seeking the best match algorithm 3. a feasible flow f from the beginning, find the maximum flow of the Ford- Fulkerson Labeling Algorithm 6.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 46kb Publisher : 肖翔

本程序是基于多文档(MDI)的连通域标记算法,用于统计连通域的数目。本人亲自修改,运行通过,而且附有测试例图。-This procedure is based on the multiple document (MDI) of the connected components labeling algorithm, the number of connected components for the statistics. I personally modify, run through, and with a test case diagrams.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.99mb Publisher : jerry

对图片以及视频帧进行连通域提取,环境需要opencv vs2005,必要的配置,连通域的算法是基于递归的二值图像标记算法。-Frame of the picture, and video connectivity components extraction, environmental needs opencv vs2005, the necessary configuration, connected components algorithm is based on the recursive binary image labeling algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 4.29mb Publisher : 王聪

Connected component labeling by an Iterative algorithm used for labeling image pixel.It will divide the region according to pixel value.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 10kb Publisher : Manish

这是一个使用vc++实现的图像连通区域标记算法,可以找出二值化图像的连通域个数。-This is achieved using vc++ image connected component labeling algorithm can find the binary image of the number of connected domains.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 169kb Publisher : 王帅
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