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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 76.91kb Publisher : 李丽娟

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Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 77kb Publisher : 李丽娟

专家点评: 9 p* g f8 J I8 u2 ]/ ea.作者具有良好的程序设计习惯及项目管理能力,设计模式运用的非常娴熟。项目设计文档是所有参赛者中最为详细和规范的,能够体会到作者那种有条不紊,游刃有余的程序设计气度。用户界面漂亮,如果能把某些操作放到前面板上而不需要到菜单里面去寻找则更好了。 C F, i, f6 }- zb.程序中将初始化的程序都并行地与两个循环放在一起,这样由于数据流的原因可能会有问题。 j2 u6 M9 T s% Q2 v( l c.优点:程序架构清晰,熟练使用工程管理思想.思路清晰,文档管理清晰,GUI整洁美观 缺点 前面板还需要完善,后面连线部分BUG没有很好的解决 " m! u ^3 R7 d O& Y% o* id.设计合理,界面可读性很强,功能清晰。程序中无法调整数据采集的速度是一个遗憾;拓扑面板中的终端节点如果有右键菜单就更出彩了。能用tab结构非常好,拓扑程序robust不足,比如对没有出现的节点连线,会产生错误。说明文档很详细,花了一番心思,加油-err
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.49mb Publisher : 卢永

专家点评: 2 L1 ~ ^& U) X$ M1 c) t) [- ?3 q2 Ia.程序结构整洁清晰,熟练使用工程管理功能,拓扑结构具有一定创意.缺点:数据采集部分有点粗糙,和后台衔接得不是很好.有待加强8 v$ T. S0 S- { d, f& S7 A. k( c b.程序的功能很强大,尤其是在数据采集面板具有选择通道的功能非常好。如果在拓扑图中能够加入更为强大的右键菜单就更好了。最大的问题在于界面的设计,不具备功能的按键宁可不要放在面板上,否则显得很拥挤杂乱并且没有实际作用,面板的大小在编辑状态下应该再作调整。 6 N W8 A9 R! V0 D6 G Sc.程序紧凑,而且易懂,子VI和代码说明都很清晰,界面美观。 * y O v x% o" ~) D9 bd.基本完成功能,工具栏图标做的很好,不错。程序结构清晰,相信以后功能扩展将非常容易。操作不是太人性化,比如进入拓扑图后不容易找到返回主界面的地方。$ j0 U G+ ~. _5 F-err
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.17mb Publisher : 卢永

专家点评:0 F f1 J9 S$ c { b6 M2 w" y a.后面板程序架构清晰,整洁易懂,输入输出模块管理,定义清晰.作者使用工程管理合理构建相关子VI,程序具有一定创意性,看得出来作者具有深厚的LabVIEW高级程序编程水平和经验.这次主要关注的是image图形移动以及连线算法,作者巧妙设计出重构多图移动的算法,创意之处. 缺点IC page,Dqa page之间功能联系需要更紧密些,如增加单个image点,数据实时显示等 * R7 G, `5 H4 A: y W$ v! ^( Jb.程序外观友好,完善;程序构架设计合理,层次清楚,体现出作者深厚的程序功底。有些小瑕疵需要注意,1VI图标未设计,有点残缺的感觉;2功能上Abort按键不能中止正在执行的操作; , [ P7 Y7 x S8 ^# I6 {c.程序很多细节都体现了作者有长期的LabVIEW使用的经验和技巧,唯一不足之处是程序中没有代码说明,而且很多属性节点建议有名字显示,不要用最紧凑的方式。, x$ }* W( \" H0 B* h d.设计合理,界面美观,message提示框很出彩。不足之处是无法选择查看单个通道或者多个通道的数据;数据采集不是并行的,也不是实时的;在拓扑图上的终端节点没有提供右键菜单功能。后面板上用顺序结构来分块的方法值得商榷,vi的整体布局稍显拥挤。总体来说不错,加油-err
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.59mb Publisher : 卢永

专家点评:! _* [. k0 {5 \8 ~2 a1 D$ ]( N7 W% y a.对于一个项目来说,界面设计有待加强。整个前后面板的配色应该更简单一些。程序框图的布局很合理,并适当加入了说明性文字,非常好。 9 f. e. Q7 T) Z9 D$ c& w8 db.程序结构很明了,这个对于只学了3个月的LabVIEW的初学者来说很不容易,值得鼓励。4 V# G2 ^0 k0 N, Z c.基本实现规定的功能,能熟练使用LabSQL,前面板上放置的图标挺可爱的。程序构架还需要加油,变量名还需要做到“顾名思义”。加油 / K+ ~ G+ i: v* B( s: Ld.程序设计简单清晰,部分功能设计合理,简洁明了,学习时间不长,却能很好完成多通道采集程序,实在难得,其中有一些小问题没解决,子VI设计合理和GUI方面考虑多一些就更好了-err
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.07mb Publisher : 卢永

MP411是一款USB2.0/1.1总线兼容12位采集模块,具有16路模拟输入,工作在软件启动模式、二路12位DA输出(MP411)、开关量16路输入/16路输出、一路20位计数器(MP411),支持频率测量。采用USB总线,支持即插即用。MP411的所有功能设置都可以通过LabvIEW软件控制,内含界面。-MP411 is a USB2.0/1.1 bus-compatible 12-bit acquisition module with 16 analog inputs, work in software startup mode, Road 12-bit DA output (MP411), switching capacity of 16 input/16 output, all the way 20-bit counter (MP411), support for frequency measurement. Use of USB bus, support for Plug and Play. MP411 all the features of settings are available through LabvIEW software control, containing interface.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 100kb Publisher : whb

MIMO-OFDM with Variable Pilot-to-data Power Ratio (PDPR) Simulator Tutorial Taeyoon Kim and Dr. Jeffrey G. Andrews Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Texas at Austin
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 177kb Publisher : hyooki

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Pin-Ball 游戏 LabVIEW是一种程序开发环境,由美国国家仪器(NI)公司研制开发的,类似于C和BASIC开发环境,但是LabVIEW与其他计算机语言的显著区别是:其他计算机语言都是采用基于文本的语言产生代码,而LabVIEW使用的是图形化编辑语言G编写程序,产生的程序是框图的形式。 -LabVIEW is graphical programming for measurement and automation. It is a development tool available for applications in test and measurement
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 48kb Publisher : yao

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Black Jack 游戏 LabVIEW是一种程序开发环境,由美国国家仪器(NI)公司研制开发的,类似于C和BASIC开发环境 ,但是LabVIEW与其他计算机语言的显著区别是:其他计算机语言都是采用基于文本的语言产生代 码,而LabVIEW使用的是图形化编辑语言G编写程序,产生的程序是框图的形式。 -LabVIEW is graphical programming for measurement and automation. It is a development tool available for applications in test and measurement
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 200kb Publisher : yao

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Cchess游戏 LabVIEW是一种程序开发环境,由美国国家仪器(NI)公司研制开发的,类似于C和BASIC开发环境 ,但是LabVIEW与其他计算机语言的显著区别是:其他计算机语言都是采用基于文本的语言产生代 码,而LabVIEW使用的是图形化编辑语言G编写程序,产生的程序是框图的形式。-LabVIEW is graphical programming for measurement and automation. It is a development tool available for applications in test and measurement
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.15mb Publisher : yao

The P S N R is most commonly used as a measure of quality of reconstruction of lossy compression codec (e.g., for image compression). The signal in this case is the original data, and the noise is the error introduced by compression. When comparing compression codecs it is used as an approximation to human perception of reconstruction quality, therefore in some cases one reconstruction may appear to be closer to the original than another, even though it has a lower PSNR (a higher PSNR would normally indicate that the reconstruction is of higher quality). One has to be extremely careful with the range of validity of this metric it is only conclusively valid when it is used to compare results from the same codec (or codec type) and same content.-The P S N R is most commonly used as a measure of quality of reconstruction of lossy compression codec (e.g., for image compression). The signal in this case is the original data, and the noise is the error introduced by compression. When comparing compression codecs it is used as an approximation to human perception of reconstruction quality, therefore in some cases one reconstruction may appear to be closer to the original than another, even though it has a lower PSNR (a higher PSNR would normally indicate that the reconstruction is of higher quality). One has to be extremely careful with the range of validity of this metric it is only conclusively valid when it is used to compare results from the same codec (or codec type) and same content.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 258kb Publisher : RAMGOPAL

该程序适用于语音识别系统,其用G语言实现了美尔倒谱的labview程序,非常推荐-This procedure applies to speech recognition systems, with the G language of Simmel cepstrum labview program, highly recommended
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : sun kai

可以使Labview读写Matlab的Mat数据文件-This is a library of LabVIEW VIs that allow you to read and write level 5 MATLAB MAT-files without requiring MATLAB to be installed on the computer. The code is written in pure G (LabVIEW source code) with no external libraries, so it can be used on any computer that LabVIEW runs on (Windows Vista/XP/2000, Mac OS X, and Linux).
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.75mb Publisher : 包斌

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LabVIEW函数和VI参考手册 包含:子VI,各种硬件连接口,数字信号处理,滤波,网络和通讯等描述。-the manual contains descriptions of all virtual instruments (VIs) available for LabVIEW, including the following: • G functions and VIs • VIs that support the devices for data acquisition • VIs for GPIB, VXIbus, and serial port I/O operation • digital signal processing, filtering, and numerical and statistical VIs • networking and interapplication communications VIs
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.04mb Publisher : hht

本文介绍了一种基于LabVIEW的G语言的程序设计,该程序可用于采集心音、心电、脑电波等生物医学信号.-This article describes a G programming language based on LabVIEW, the program can be used to capture the heart sounds, ECG, brain waves and other biomedical signal.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 342kb Publisher : iwregister

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LabVIEW是一种程序开发环境,由美国国家仪器(NI)公司研制开发的,类似于C和BASIC开发环境,但是LabVIEW与其他计算机语言的显著区别是:其他计算机语言都是采用基于文本的语言产生代码,而LabVIEW使用的是图形化编辑语言G编写程序,产生的程序是框图的形式。 -LabVIEW is a program development environment developed by National Instruments (NI), similar to C and BASIC development environment, LabVIEW and other computer language difference is significant: other computer languages ​ ​ are used to generate text-based language code, LabVIEW uses the graphical editing language programming, the program is in the form of a block diagram.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.3mb Publisher : jiawenshen

LabVIEW调用动态链接库实现G语言与文字语言的连接-LabVIEW call dll
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 241kb Publisher : 小雪

学习G语言不可多得的好书,大家可以借鉴一下(Learning G language rare good books)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 47.51mb Publisher : 不懂a

LabVIEW是一种程序开发环境,由美国国家仪器(NI)公司研制开发,类似于C和BASIC开发环境,但是LabVIEW与其他计算机语言的显著区别是:其他计算机语言都是采用基于文本的语言产生代码,而LabVIEW使用的是图形化编辑语言G编写程序,产生的程序是框图的形式。(LabVIEW is a kind of program development environment, developed by the U.S. national instrument (NI), similar to C and BASIC development environment, but the LabVIEW and other computer language is a significant difference: the other computer language is the language based on text generate code, and the use of LabVIEW is a graphical editing language G program, the program is in the form of block diagram.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.19mb Publisher : elton_ma
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