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Update : 2011-03-16 Size : 724.29kb Publisher : lixiaolonghit

同时利用NI IMAQ & oVFW.ocx实现对双USB camera的视频采集-At the same time using NI IMAQ
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 62kb Publisher : 王延伟

基于图像识别的解决方案及案例分析。 labview之Imaq-Based on image recognition solutions and case studies. The LabVIEW IMAQ
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 127kb Publisher : 包星

支持更加广泛的摄像头(相机) 集成采集,AVI保存及播放,网络广播及SERVER和CLIENT保存功能,IMAQ的支持等-Support more extensive camera (camera) Integrated Acquisition, AVI to preserve and broadcast, network broadcasting and SERVER and CLIENT saving, IMAQ support such as
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 481kb Publisher : 孙晶

ECE345, Visual-to-Audio Electronic Travel Aid Code for TM320C54x (v2a.asm) download This project involves the design and implementation of a audio synthesis device that converts moving images into audio signals. The system is built on a TM320C54x DSP with interface to an IMAQ camera module via the serial port on a PC. Brief description: A LabVIEW VI acquires an image from the IMAQ camera module. It quantizes the image into a 5x5, 3-bit image, and sends the data to the TM320C54x DSP via a serial port. The TM320C54x DSP constructs a 64-tap FIR by combining a series of 64-tap head related transfer functions (HRTF) according to the incoming data, and then filters an input audio signal with this FIR filter, in effect creating a correspondence between the filtered signal and the original image. -ECE345, Visual-to-Audio Electronic Travel Aid Code for TM320C54x (v2a.asm) download This project involves the design and implementation of a audio synthesis device that converts moving images into audio signals. The system is built on a TM320C54x DSP with interface to an IMAQ camera module via the serial port on a PC. Brief description: A LabVIEW VI acquires an image from the IMAQ camera module. It quantizes the image into a 5x5, 3-bit image, and sends the data to the TM320C54x DSP via a serial port. The TM320C54x DSP constructs a 64-tap FIR by combining a series of 64-tap head related transfer functions (HRTF) according to the incoming data, and then filters an input audio signal with this FIR filter, in effect creating a correspondence between the filtered signal and the original image.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : zhouyu

DL : 0
labview视觉与运动模块函数中文说明文档,还蛮实用-labview visual and movement modules function documentation in Chinese, was quite useful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 590kb Publisher : zhang

可同时采集两个usb摄像头的labview程序。一个是用WebcamGrab.dll实现,另外用IMAQ实现。本程序在LabVIEW 8.5上运行通过-Simultaneous acquisition of two usb camera labview program. One is WebcamGrab.dll realized with IMAQ to achieve another. The program run by LabVIEW 8.5
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 221kb Publisher : Mychael

DL : 0
基于LabVIEW和IMAQ Vision的三轴影像测量仪的开发与研制-Based on LabVIEW and IMAQ Vision image measuring triaxial Research and Development
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.66mb Publisher : ww

Labview的图像处理模块,IMAQ Vision Builder 可用于快速浏览、建立模型及测试应用,且无需编程。非常实用的教程。-Image processing module Labview, IMAQ Vision Builder can be used to quickly browse, modeling and testing applications, and requires no programming. Very useful tutorial.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 724kb Publisher : LI

机器视觉系统是指通过机器视觉产品(即图像摄取装置,分CMOS和CCD两种)把图像抓取到,然后将该图像传送至处理单元,通过数字化处理,根据像素分布和亮度、颜色等信息,来进行尺寸、形状、颜色等的判别。进而根据判别的结果来控制现场的设备动作。-Machine vision system is a machine vision products (ie image acquisition device, the two sub-CMOS and CCD) to capture the image, and then send the image to the processing unit, through digital processing, distribution and the pixel brightness, color and other information to the size, shape, color, etc. discrimination. According to the results and then determine the field devices to control the action.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : shangchunxi

IMAQ USB图象抓取 版本:Labview 8.0.x 以上 -This VI uses the NI-IMAQ for USB drivers to continously acquire an IMAQ image. The USB camera is selected from a list generated from the "IMAQ USB enumerate cameras" vi. Grab rate is controlled using an event structure. This is so that image processing routines can use other event cases Dependancies: IMAQ drivers
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : wei

这是labview IMAQ USB CAMERA 的使用手册-this is a user guide for labview IMAQ USB CAMERA
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 99kb Publisher : 阿阿

labview图像预处理,子程序,包括转化为灰度图,二值化,腐蚀,膨胀,参数可调-labview IMAQ image pretreatment,sub vi,consist of conversion to grayscale, binary, erosion, dilation, adjustable parameters
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25kb Publisher : 马上立刻

有关于用LABview进行数字图像处理和机器视觉-LABview imag discription
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 724kb Publisher : liufei

本文在LabVIEW和NI-IMAQ Vision软件平台下,利用通用图像采集卡开发一种图像实时采集处理虚拟仪器系统。通过调用动态链接库驱动通用图像采集卡完成图像采集,采集图像的帧速率达到25帧每秒。利用NI-IMAQ Vision视频处理模块,进行图像处理,以完成光电探测器的标定。该系统具有灵活性强、可靠性高、性价比高等优点。-In LabVIEW and NI-IMAQ Vision software platform, the use of a common frame grabber to develop a real time image acquisition and processing the virtual instrument system. Drive general-purpose image acquisition card by calling the dynamic link library complete image acquisition, the acquisition of the image frame rate up to 25 per second. NI-IMAQ Vision video processing module, image processing, in order to complete the calibration of the photodetector. The system has the flexibility, high reliability, high cost.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 237kb Publisher : 米小丫

labview中视觉与运动模块的功能介绍,帮助你更加快速学习视觉模块-labview visual motion module Features to help you more quickly learn the visual module
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 786kb Publisher : maomao

It is a basic structure for you to design image processing program. Hope it can help the people who don t know how to aquire the video from labview.As long as you install the IMAQ you can run this program.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 60kb Publisher : winnie

LABVIEW-IMAQ模块中文说明书,介绍了此模块相关子VI的功能-LabVIEW-IMAQ module instructions in Chinese, this module sub-VI
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 724kb Publisher :

LabVIEW图像处理模块VDM中VISION控件的中文说明以及解析-LabVIEW image processing module in VDM VISION control instructions in Chinese, and parsing
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 724kb Publisher : 叶嘉权

IMAQ 模块介绍 LabVIEW 机器视觉前面板上的模块有以下几类 2. Image Display control 3. IMAQ Vision controls 4. Machine Vision controls(IMAQ module introduction There are several types of modules on the LabVIEW machine vision front panel 2. Image Display control 3. IMAQ Vision controls 4. Machine Vision controls)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 724kb Publisher : Mrwang2334
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