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最新的激光测距仪应用,激光测距仪应用 -Application of the latest laser range finder, laser range finder application
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 88kb Publisher : choiceman

DL : 0
基于单目手眼相机和激光测距仪,提出了一种尺寸未知的空间矩形平面的位姿测量算法。该算法不需要知道矩形平面 的G 个顶点的物体坐标,只需要知道它们的图像坐标、激光点的图像坐标和激光测距结果,就能够计算出尺寸未知空间矩形平 面在相机坐标系下的位姿,并且计算出矩形平面的尺寸。通过建立单目手眼相机和激光测距仪的数学模型,对该算法进行了验 证。实验结果表明,该算法是有效的,可以应用于机器人对空间物体的跟踪、定位以及抓取。-Monocular-based hand-eye cameras and laser range finder, a size of an unknown two-dimensional rectangular space Pose measurement algorithm. The algorithm does not need to know the G flat rectangular object vertex coordinates, they only need to know the image coordinates, image coordinates of laser points and the laser ranging results, we can calculate the size of the unknown space rectangular plane in the camera coordinate system bit posture, and to calculate the size of rectangular plane. Through the establishment of monocular hand-eye cameras and laser range finder of the mathematical model, the algorithm is verified. Experimental results show that the algorithm is effective, can be applied to the robot on the space object tracking, positioning, and crawling.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 204kb Publisher : 苏朗朗

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 111kb Publisher : aircity

SICK 雷射測距儀擷取資料程式 RS232 溝通介面 -A SICK Laser Range Finder Data capturing code by using RS232 interfce
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Andy Wu

基于AT89C52的手持式激光超声测距仪,通过启动发送超声脉冲串开始计时,接收回波结束计时,同时测量周围环境温度,利用测得的温度进行修正声音在空气中传播的速度,该速度乘上传播时间除2即得到障碍物的距离。-AT89C52-based hand-held laser ultrasonic range finder, ultrasonic pulse through the string to start sending start time, receiving echo the end of time, simultaneous measurement of ambient temperature, using the measured temperature of amendments to the transmission of sound in air speed, the speed by spread their time, two obstacles that get away.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 赵文龙

固体激光测距仪的电路设计文件,绝对难得的资料,也是从朋友处要来-Solid-state laser range finder circuit design file, the information is absolutely unique, but also from a friend to come. . .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 34kb Publisher : nnnn

混合信号芯片的激光测距仪的电路自动布局,开发激光测距仪的非常有用的资料-Mixed-signal chips, laser range finder circuit automatic layout, development of laser range finder very useful information. . .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 109kb Publisher : nnnn

一种手持激光测距仪的设计资料,可供设计激光测距仪的技术人员设计参考-The design of a handheld laser range finder information for design of laser range finder of technical personnel design. . .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 364kb Publisher : nnnn

Finding the distance of object using a laser pen and an ordinary web-cam ! These day there are many range finder devices which are used almost everywhere from robotics to country s defense system. All these devices work well, but there are portability and cost concern for general purpose robotics applications. From my previous articles I ve been creating cool programs related to web cam and now I ve come up with a laser-web cam range finder. It could tell how far a object is by just using very cheap laser pen and an ordinary web cam.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 606kb Publisher : reyjav

DL : 0
原先做的一个通过串口采集激光测距仪的数据,然后转成坐标数据的工具。-Originally collected through the serial port to do a laser range finder data, and then converted into coordinate data of the tool.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 261kb Publisher : phoenix

sick lms2XX laser range finder api for windows
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.72mb Publisher : Mohsen

用51单片机控制激光测距仪,测出距离并在数码管上显示-MCU control with 51 laser range finder, the distance measured and displayed on digital
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 高慕园

GPS方位标定与目标遥测系统 XW-ADU3603 用户手册,专门配合激光测距机使用-GPS telemetry system with the target calibration position XW-ADU3603 user manual, specifically with the use of laser range finder
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.01mb Publisher : ZSR

DIY基于摄像头的激光测距仪 这篇文章就是讨论如何利用一个激光笔和一个摄像头来提供一个单镜头机器视觉和测距的。-DIY camera-based laser range finder of this article is to discuss how to use a laser pointer and a camera lens to provide a single machine vision and ranging.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17.3mb Publisher : sln

机器人地图创建新算法,DP-SLAM源程序-Abstract—Probabilistic approaches have proved very successful at addressing the basic problems of robot localization and mapping and they have shown great promise on the combined problem of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). One approach to SLAM assumes relatively sparse, relatively unambiguous landmarks and builds a Kalman filter over landmark positions. Other approaches assume dense sensor data which individually are not very distinctive, such as those available from a laser range finder. In earlier work, we presented an algorithm called DP-SLAM, which provided a very accurate solution to the latter case by efficiently maintaining a joint distribution over robot maps and poses. The approach assumed an extremely accurate laser range finder and a deterministic environment. In this work we demonstrate an improved map representation and laser penetration model, an improvement in the asymptotic efficiency of the algorithm, and empirical results of loop closing o
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 263kb Publisher : solon

激光测距仪发射电路设计方案,由于作者保密需要,略去了部分详细信息。-Laser range finder transmitter circuit design, because of the need for confidentiality omitted some details.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : tianyun

DL : 1
This Laser Range Finder Communication source code. Device is Hokuyo URG 04 Series. URG-PC communication with SCIP 2.0. Contents is Next 1. Open Device 2. LRF SingleScan(Aquisition 682 data array at one scan) 3. Close Device-This is Laser Range Finder Communication source code. Device is Hokuyo URG 04 Series. URG-PC communication with SCIP 2.0. Contents is Next 1. Open Device 2. LRF SingleScan(Aquisition 682 data array at one scan) 3. Close Device
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Hong SeokYong

西克激光测距仪文档LMS511-11100 Lite-Sigg laser range finder LMS511-11100 Lite document
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.28mb Publisher : 俩天

DL : 0
迅速壁障前进,分为三种情况讨论,可以快速简单的解决壁障问题-Obstacle avoidance is one of the most challenging problems for the topic of UAV indoor navigation. In this paper, an indoor obstacle avoidance strategy based on Scanning Laser Range Finder (SLRF) is developed, so that high-level flight commands and flight paths can be generated for an unmanned coaxial rotorcraft in real time. The developed strategy comprises three flight modes including hovering turn, forward flight and gate exploration. During flight, the UAV can switch from one mode to another in the presence of obstacles according to the analysis of SLRF measurements. Both simulations and real experiments have been conducted to validate the proposed strategy. The test results have successfully demonstrated that the method is feasible and effective.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 67kb Publisher : baizhijun

用c#写的激光测距程序。涉及图像处理的相关知识。-With c# write laser ranging program.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 773kb Publisher : 潘翔
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