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This book aims to give a general overview of the theoretical foundations of learning theory. It is not the rst to do so.Yet we wish to emphasize a viewpoint that has drawn little attention in other expositions, namely, that of approximation theory. This emphasis fullls two purposes. First, we believe it provides a balanced view of the subject. Second, we expect to attract mathematicians working on related elds who nd the problems raised in learning theory close to their interests.
Update : 2010-10-27 Size : 4.13mb Publisher : kj5566

This book is about the use of artificial neural networks for supervised learning problems. Many such problems occur in practical applications of artificial neural networks. For example, a neural network might be used as a component of a face recognition system for a security appli- cation. After seeing a number of images of legitimate users' faces, the network needs to determine accurately whether a new image corresponds to the face of a legitimate user or an imposter. In other applications, such as the prediction of future price of shares on the stock exchange, we may require a neural network to model the relationship between a pattern and a real-valued quantity.
Update : 2010-10-27 Size : 19.16mb Publisher : kj5566

A Survey on Transfer Learning
Update : 2011-04-19 Size : 238.72kb Publisher : stiltmp

机器学习ppt,给出一个概貌,适合初学者!-machine learning ppt, is a picture, suitable for beginners!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 604kb Publisher : 刘平

《Learning Perl》英文第三版,perl语言入门的经典之作,非常适合初学者自学,内容详细,解释清晰。-"Learning Perl" third edition in English, perl language portal for the classic, very suitable for beginners to learn, detailed and clear explanation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 658kb Publisher : Liu Dongtao

Learning Kernel Classifiers: Theory and Algorithms, Introduction This chapter introduces the general problem of machine learning and how it relates to statistical inference. 1.1 The Learning Problem and (Statistical) Inference It was only a few years after the introduction of the first computer that one of man’s greatest dreams seemed to be realizable—artificial intelligence. Bearing in mind that in the early days the most powerful computers had much less computational power than a cell phone today, it comes as no surprise that much theoretical research on the potential of machines’ capabilities to learn took place at this time. This becomes a computational problem as soon as the dataset gets larger than a few hundred examples.-Learning Kernel Classifiers : Theory and Algorithms. Introduction This chapter introduces the gene the acidic problem of machine learning and how it relat es to statistical inference. 1.1 The Learning P roblem and (Statistical) It was only inference a few years after the introduction of the first c omputer that one of man's greatest dreams seeme d to be realizable-artificial intelligence. B earing in mind that in the early days the most pow erful computers had much less computational po wer than a cell phone today, it comes as no surprise that much theoretical're search on the potential of machines' capabilit ies to learn took place at this time. This become 's a computational problem as soon as the dataset gets larger than a few hundred examples.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.42mb Publisher :

LabVIEW7实用教程 learning 全部资料 完整版-Practical Guide LabVIEW7 full version of learning all the information
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.12mb Publisher : zhouting

着名 OReilly 出品的专业 Perl 学习入门电子书.-Famous OReilly Learning Perl produce professional e-book entry.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 702kb Publisher : patrick

OReilly.Learning.Python.3rd.Edition.Oct.2007.pdf 最新的Oreilly出版的learning python第三版。全新的版本pdf格式。-Oreilly latest OReilly.Learning.Python.3rd.Edition.Oct.2007.pdf published the third edition of learning python. The new version of pdf format.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.89mb Publisher : Wisilence Seol

Learning ActionScript 2.0 for Macromedia Flash 8
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.13mb Publisher : Yang

监督学习是机器学习中很重要的一种技术,该压缩包中是一个快速监督学习MatLab的实现程序-Supervised learning is very important in machine learning a technique, the compressed package is a fast supervised learning procedures realize the MatLab
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : syscxl

An+ensemble learning approach to independent component analysis
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 459kb Publisher : 岑松

本文提出了一种新型的演进式学习的模型,可以通过自动下载网络上图片达到自动分类的目的-This paper presents a new evolutionary learning model, can automatically download the network picture to achieve the purpose of automatic classification
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.43mb Publisher : chunxiao

learning opencv 。一本opencv新书,对于新手非常适合,由浅入深,是学习opencv的精品;OpenCV是Intel® 开源计算机视觉库。它由一系列 C 函数和少量 C++ 类构成,实现了图像处理和计算机视觉方面的很多通用算法。-learning opencv. Opencv a new book, very suitable for the novice, easy-to-digest, is learning opencv boutique OpenCV is Intel ? Open Source Computer Vision Library. It consists of a series of C function and a small amount of C++ Category consists of the realization of the image processing and computer vision aspects of many common algorithms.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10.26mb Publisher : 黄跃跃

machine learning in computer vision 计算机视觉中的机器学习 外文经典计算机视觉教程-machine learning in computer vision computer vision machine learning a foreign language classic computer vision tutorial
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.32mb Publisher : liupeng

SWT-Designer教程,一个java图形编程的利器。可见即所得的编程方法。-SWT-Designer learning
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.93mb Publisher : 金斯

强化学习的q学习算法,能够通过此算法,使得某种动作不断得到加强,希望对那些想使用Q学习算法的人有所帮助-ReinforcementLearning Q learning
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 李晓静

Statistical-Learning-Theory The goal of statistical learning theory is to study, in a statistical framework, the properties of learning algorithms. In particular, most results take the form of so-called error bounds. This tutorial introduces the techniques that are used to obtain such results.-The goal of statistical learning theory is to study, in a statistical framework, the properties of learning algorithms. In particular, most results take the form of so-called error bounds. This tutorial introduces the techniques that are used to obtain such results.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21.03mb Publisher : gongjiulu

Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.17mb Publisher : khalid

基于单片机的学习型红外遥控器C语言源程序。现在很多遥控器都有这个可能,值得参考学习。-MCU-based infrared remote control learning C language source code. Now many have the remote control may be, it is also useful to learn.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20kb Publisher : hguanxue
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