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[Other resource四级上机_30

Description: 全国计算机等级考试四级上机的部分练习题,配有我自己写的算法,算法说明和输入输出文件,使实验起来更容易。算法比较简洁易懂,大概有三十题左右(已经去掉了重复和类似的),对考四级的朋友和正在学习C的朋友会有帮助的-National Computer Rank Examination four aircraft on the part Exercises, equipped with my own writing algorithm, the algorithm description and input and output documents, and make it easier to experiment. Algorithms easy to read, there are about 30 or so that (already removed the duplication and similar), the examination of the four friends are learning C and friends can be helpful
Platform: | Size: 10515 | Author: 沈毅 | Hits:

[File Operatelearntosystem

Description: 这是关于计算机操作从菜鸟到晋级为操作高手的学习资料,内容详尽-This is on the computer to operate as they have from the rank of experts in the operation of learning materials, as detailed
Platform: | Size: 1007248 | Author: 小曾 | Hits:

[Other resourceC-PROGRAM

Description: 一、课程设计题目、内容、要求 题目:《学生成绩管理系统》(第二套 难度:2) 内容:按要求完成的基础上,增加了输入学号查询学生记录的功能,和错误输入报错功能 要求: 1)输入将本班学生的信息(每个学生至少包括学号、姓名、科目成绩(三门)、学分、平均分)。 A.要求编写函数sort对个学生按某个条件(比如某科成绩,学号,学分)升序或降序(可选择)排序,并将结果(包括名次、学号、姓名、成绩、学分、平均分)显示出来。 B.编写函数find,用折半法查找某科某个成绩,并将结果打印出来。 C.要求编写函数fun找出所有及格的同学,并将他们的信息存显示出来。 -a curriculum design topic, and requested topic : "Student Performance Management System" (second difficulty : 2) : completed as required, on the basis of increase in the importation of Science inquiry student record function, input errors and mistakes in the functional requirements : 1) importation of Bumbuna student information (including each school students at least, names, subjects results (3), credits, average). A. Prepared function sort of a student by a certain condition (such as certain subjects, learning, credits) ascending or descending (optional) sequencing, and the results (including the rank of school, names, achievements, credits, average) is displayed. B. Prepared function find, with a half Finding out a success, and the results printed. C. Prepared function fun to
Platform: | Size: 3873 | Author: Kyle | Hits:

[Data structs四级上机_30

Description: 全国计算机等级考试四级上机的部分练习题,配有我自己写的算法,算法说明和输入输出文件,使实验起来更容易。算法比较简洁易懂,大概有三十题左右(已经去掉了重复和类似的),对考四级的朋友和正在学习C的朋友会有帮助的-National Computer Rank Examination four aircraft on the part Exercises, equipped with my own writing algorithm, the algorithm description and input and output documents, and make it easier to experiment. Algorithms easy to read, there are about 30 or so that (already removed the duplication and similar), the examination of the four friends are learning C and friends can be helpful
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 沈毅 | Hits:

[File Formatlearntosystem

Description: 这是关于计算机操作从菜鸟到晋级为操作高手的学习资料,内容详尽-This is on the computer to operate as they have from the rank of experts in the operation of learning materials, as detailed
Platform: | Size: 1006592 | Author: 小曾 | Hits:

[Education soft systemC-PROGRAM

Description: 一、课程设计题目、内容、要求 题目:《学生成绩管理系统》(第二套 难度:2) 内容:按要求完成的基础上,增加了输入学号查询学生记录的功能,和错误输入报错功能 要求: 1)输入将本班学生的信息(每个学生至少包括学号、姓名、科目成绩(三门)、学分、平均分)。 A.要求编写函数sort对个学生按某个条件(比如某科成绩,学号,学分)升序或降序(可选择)排序,并将结果(包括名次、学号、姓名、成绩、学分、平均分)显示出来。 B.编写函数find,用折半法查找某科某个成绩,并将结果打印出来。 C.要求编写函数fun找出所有及格的同学,并将他们的信息存显示出来。 -a curriculum design topic, and requested topic : "Student Performance Management System" (second difficulty : 2) : completed as required, on the basis of increase in the importation of Science inquiry student record function, input errors and mistakes in the functional requirements : 1) importation of Bumbuna student information (including each school students at least, names, subjects results (3), credits, average). A. Prepared function sort of a student by a certain condition (such as certain subjects, learning, credits) ascending or descending (optional) sequencing, and the results (including the rank of school, names, achievements, credits, average) is displayed. B. Prepared function find, with a half Finding out a success, and the results printed. C. Prepared function fun to
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Learning to Rank的一个方法,把排序问题转换成了一个分类问题,然后用支持向量机(SVM)训练出一个模型来。-Learning to Rank of a way to sort problem is transformed into a classification problem, and then use support vector machine (SVM) to train a model.
Platform: | Size: 88064 | Author: leo | Hits:

[assembly languageEXE8

Description: 根据学生考试成绩,按成绩高低进行排名,界面友好,并且可以键入学生学号-According to student test scores, according to rank high and low performance, user-friendly, and you can type the number of students learning
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: answeriversongt | Hits:

[Data structsrank

Description: 并行计算中的排序算法的枚举算法,方便大家学习并行程序设计-Parallel sorting algorithm in the enumeration algorithm so as to facilitate learning parallel programming
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 陈君 | Hits:

[assembly languagehuibian

Description: 编制一个程序,要求接收从键盘输入的一个班的学生成绩,并存放于50字节的GRADE数组中,其中GRADE+N保存学号N+1的学生成绩。然后根据GRADE中的学生成绩,把学生名次填入50字节的RANK数组中,其中RANK+N的内容是学号为N+1学生的名次。再按学号顺序把学生成绩及学生名次显示出来。-The preparation of a program that requests to receive input from the keyboard of a class of student achievement, and stored in an array of 50 bytes GRADE, where GRADE+ N N+1 save No. student learning achievement. GRADE then the student achievement, the students fill ranking RANK array of 50 bytes, including the content of RANK+ N N+1 number of students learning the ranking. Then the order of student ID and student to student achievement rankings displayed.
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 王若松 | Hits:


Description: 排序学习中经常用到的评价指标为MAP,本程序为该指标的计算函数。-calculate the mean average precision for learning to rank
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jack sparrow | Hits:


Description: 编制一程序,要求接收从键盘输入的一个班的学生成绩,并存放于50字节的GRADE数组中,其中GRADE+N保存学号N+1的学生成绩。然后根据GRADE中的学生成绩,把学生名次填入50字节的RANK数组中,其中RANK+N的内容是学号为N+1学生的名次。再按学号把学生的名次显示出来。-The preparation of a procedure that requires input from the keyboard to receive a class of student achievement, and stored in 50 bytes of the GRADE array, save the school which GRADE+ N N+1 number of student achievement. Then GRADE in student achievement, the students fill in 50 bytes rank RANK array, the contents of which RANK+ N N+1 is the number of students learning the ranking. Students then learn the ranking number is displayed.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: shuting | Hits:

[Windows DevelopMy-juzhenxiangguanyunsuan

Description: 能够实现矩阵的加减乘 求秩 求逆 当然代码不是100 完美,需要更好的思考。是学习的好材料-Able to achieve the matrix the subtraction multiplication seeking rank inverse course, the code is not 100 perfect, need better thinking. Good learning materials
Platform: | Size: 13553664 | Author: chai wen run | Hits:

[Search EngineBlack-Hat-code

Description: 黑帽学习网www.heimaoxuexi.com最新的黑帽SEO代码,黑帽seo技术,黑帽seo培训,零基础学习黑帽seo无负担,解决各行业关键词无排名的问题,迎合搜索引擎算法实现快速排名的目的!-Black Hat Learning Network www.heimaoxuexi.com latest code black hat SEO and black hat seo techniques black hat seo training, zero-based learning black hat seo without the burden of solving the industry keywords rank no problem to meet the search engine algorithm Quick ranking purposes!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 落月 | Hits:

[Technology ManagementBlack-hat-seo-learning

Description: 黑帽学习网www.heimaoxuexi.com黑帽seo技术从入门到实战教程,零基础学习无负担!最新的黑帽SEO代码,黑帽seo技术,黑帽seo培训,零基础学习黑帽seo无负担,解决各行业关键词无排名的问题,迎合搜索引擎算法实现快速排名的目的,黑帽seo技术、泛解析、泛二级站群、泛目录、新闻源劫持、寄生虫泛站、批量生成百万目录、二级目录劫持、快照劫持、权重劫持等上百种黑帽seo技术代码视频教程;-Black hat black hat seo Learning Network www.heimaoxuexi.com technology from entry to combat tutorial, zero-based learning without the burden! The latest black hat SEO code, black hat seo techniques black hat seo training, zero-based learning black hat seo without the burden of solving the industry keywords rank no problem to meet the fast search engine ranking algorithms aim black hat seo techniques Pan resolution, pan-two station group, the Pan directories, news sources hijacking, parasites pan stations, bulk million generated directory, two directories hijacking, hostage snapshot weights hijacking hundreds of black hat seo techniques code video tutorials
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: 黑帽 | Hits:


Description: 排序学习算法,排序学习算法 排序学习算法-learning to rank algorithoms
Platform: | Size: 9133056 | Author: 李阳 | Hits:


Description: 自然语言处理,希望对相关领域研究人员有所帮助-Learning to Rank for Information Retri and Natural Language Processing
Platform: | Size: 3209216 | Author: 虚怀若谷 | Hits:


Description: learning to rank via maximumizing likelihood function
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: liuchao | Hits:


Description: learning to rank by maximumizing likelihood function
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: liuchao | Hits:

[OtherLearning to rank - Tie yan liu.pdf

Description: Learning to rank Tie yan liu
Platform: | Size: 692224 | Author: Noah, Smith | Hits:
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