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指南描述了一组用于SPI协议软件实现的低级程序,在主模式中所有的通信都来自AVR-guide describes a group SPI protocol software for the realization of the low-level procedures, the main mode of communication are all from the AVR
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 常昊

DL : 1
/*[原创]一个树形多级菜单参考程序 这是一个用于车载电话的菜单程序,可以看成是手机功能菜单的简化板. 我所认为的树形多级菜单是指:在一个父菜单项目下面有多个子菜单, 子菜单下面又有多个孙菜单...,进入下层菜单主要依*当前选中的索引.有点象文件的目录结构. 本木从前实现这类的菜单主要*分层的switch语句,每层都是一个switch.但当我看到晓奇大侠的 程序和耳朵灌满lq等人的争论后,那时那地,我的心境变化了,我意识到指针代表了先进的生产力, 代表了社会的发展方向,是建设和谐社会的必要条件.不管你用了多长时间C语言,只要你不善于用 一个小针指来指去,你就是那种"用嘴吃饭的高贵骑士,决不用屁股装弹步枪"的守旧分子和社会发 展的绊脚石.(跑题太远,删去1万字...打住) .言归正传,下面的程序适用CPU为Mega16,编译器为CVAVR 1.24.4a 由于按键数目较多,所以按键程 序把按键事件分为数字键,快捷键,确认键,取消键,上下翻键几类,以减小菜单结构的容量.一下菜单 数据在菜单结构数组中的偏移量,有多少个菜单象就有多少个宏定义*/-/* [original] tree is a multi-level menu reference to a procedure which is used in car phone menu procedures can be seen as a feature to simplify the menu board. I think the tree is a multi-level menu means : a father in the following menu items have sub menu, sub-menus there are a number below SUN ... menu, the main menu into classes according to the current selected* Index. a bit like the directory structure. the wood used to achieve this main menu* stratification of the switch statement, is a switch on each floor. but when I saw the Xiaoyi heroes procedures and ears filled with lq others vying On, then that to my mind changed, I realized indicators represent the advanced productive forces, represents the orientation and social development, the building of a harmonious society is a ne
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : Rover

small rtos for avr small rtos 使用了动态堆栈 想无需任何改动就可以编译这个程序,就必须安装winavr20050214和uv2,先点击uv2的工程文件打开这个工程然后在Tools---->Customize Tools Menu...嵌入gcc编译命令make all和make clean即可立即编译。编译后可以使用avr studio进行代码级仿真-small Byelorussian for avr small Byelorussian use of dynamic stack without any changes to be compiled for the process, it must be installed and uv2 winavr20050214, first click uv2 works documents before the project opened in Tools- gt; Customize Tools Menu ... embedded gcc compiler make all orders and instantly make clean compile. Compiled avr studio can be used for code-level simulation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : ming

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使用DSP软件实现UART功能.一般教科书上提供的UART收发的程序往往是一段采用轮循(Polling)方式完成收发的简单代码。但对于高速的AVR来讲,采用这种方式大大降低了 MUC的效率。在使用AVR时,应根据芯片本身的特点(片内大容量数据存储器RAM,更适合采用高级语言编写系统程序),编写高效可靠的UART收发接口(低层)程序。下面是一个典型的USART的接口程序。-use DSP software UART functions. General textbooks UART transceivers provide the procedure is often used for Round Robin (Polling) transceiver accomplished a simple code. But for the AVR-speaking, the adoption of this approach greatly reduces the efficiency of MUC. The use of AVR, according to the characteristics of the chip itself (large-capacity on-chip data RAM memory, more suitable for the preparation of high-level language system procedures), the preparation of highly efficient and reliable UART interface transceiver (lower) process. Below is a typical USARTs interface procedures.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 张倩

这是应用在AVR单片机上的小型操作系统。在任务级别运行。成功运行在ATmega16上。-This is used in the AVR small operating system. The task-level operation. Successful operation on the ATmega16.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : 徐开

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avr单片机的twi(i2c)驱动程序,具有多级缓冲-avr SCM twi (i2c) driver, a multi-level buffer
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 汉武帝

液晶6963模块 240*64,外接PS2键盘,多级菜单.这是我工作中的一个程序,有兴趣的可以看-6963 LCD Module 240* 64, an external PS2 keyboard, multi-level menu. This is my work in a program, are interested in can be seen
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 61kb Publisher : foxzhong

这是用M16做的jtag与stk500(正确说应该是ISP)合二为一的,用PC6脚是否是低电平判断是jtag还是stk500。-This is the M16 to do with the JTAG with stk500 (correctly said that it should be ISP) combined with a pin PC6 is to determine whether low-level JTAG or stk500.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 312kb Publisher : 王明

AVR128的毫秒和微秒级的精确延时程序。-AVR128 milliseconds and microseconds level of precision delay procedures.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : zhangjing

在数字电路的设计中,时序设计是一个系统性能的主要标志,在高层次设计方法中,对时序控制的抽象度也相应提高,因此在设计中较难把握,但在理解RTL电路时序模型的基础上,采用合理的设计方法在设计复杂数字系统是行之有效的,通过许多设计实例证明采用这种方式可以使电路的后仿真通过率大大提高,并且系统的工作频率可以达到一个较高水平-In digital circuit design, timing design is a main indicator of system performance in high-level design methods, control of timing was also a corresponding increase in the abstract, so more difficult to grasp in the design, but in understanding the RTL circuit timing model based on rational design methods used in the design of complex digital systems is a well-established through many design examples prove that this approach can make the circuit after the simulation significantly improve pass rates, and the system operating frequency can reach a high level
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1008kb Publisher : chenq

AVR单片机SPI的串行ADC接口的设计 SPI(SerialPeripheralInterface---串行外设接口)总线系统是一种同步串行外设接口,允许MCU与各种外围设备以串行方式进行通信、数据交换,广泛应用于各种工业控制领域。 MAX187用采样/保持电路和逐位比较寄存器将输入的模拟信号转换为12位的数字信号,其采样/保持电路不需要外接电容。MAX187有2种操作模式:正常模式和休眠模式,将置为低电平进入休眠模式,这时的电流消耗降到10μA以下。置为高电平或悬空进入正常操作模式。 -AVR single-chip SPI serial ADC interface design SPI (SerialPeripheralInterface--- Serial Peripheral Interface) bus system is a synchronous serial peripheral interface that allows MCU with a variety of peripheral devices to the serial approach to communications , data exchange, widely used in various industrial control. MAX187 with sample/hold circuit and the case-by-bit compare register will be entered into the analog signal is converted to 12-bit digital signal, the sample/hold circuit does not require an external capacitor. MAX187 has two kinds of operating modes: normal mode and sleep mode, will be home to enter the sleep mode for low-level, when the current consumption down to 10μA. Or vacant home for high into the normal operating mode.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 66kb Publisher : 张同祥

大家都知道ICC-AVR不能进行代码调试,很多人都选择了AVR Studio,但是AVR Studio不直观,特别是在做液晶显示代码调试的时候,不能即时的看到显示的情况,而仿真器又太贵,对大多初学者都不太现实。 今天给大家介绍一种即能像AVR Studio一样进行代码级调试,又可以实时看到MCU状态的软件,Proteus。-We all know that is not ICC-AVR debugging code, many people have opted for AVR Studio, but the AVR Studio is not intuitive, especially in the LCD to do when debugging code is not readily see the display of the situation, and emulators are too expensive for most beginners are not realistic. To tell you today that as a kind of the same AVR Studio for code-level debugging MCU can see the status of real-time software, Proteus.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 444kb Publisher : yeyuqi

avr m16简单虚拟示波器,简单实用 性能 1:AD速度最高100K/s.最低为4ms间隔采样,一次采400点。 2:触发方式:单次,自动触发。触发电平设置。 3:扫描时间,增益控制(下位机这个功能还没有做出来)。 4:上移下移,时间的缩放。 5:采集点数可变,由宏来实现。 6:计算峰峰值(没做出来), 7:自动设置(没做出来)。 8:运行/停止。 -virtual oscilloscope avr m16 simple, simple and practical performance of 1: AD The maximum speed of 100K/s. a minimum of 4ms sampling interval, a 400-point taken. 2: Trigger Mode: Single, automatic trigger. Trigger level setting. 3: scan time, gain control (under the bit machine this function has not yet done). 4: Move down, the time scaling. 5: Acquisition variable points, from macro to achieve. 6: Calculation of peak-to-peak (not done), 7: automatic settings (not done). 8: Run/Stop.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 617kb Publisher : chen

E-Labs AVRco low level driver for 1-wire Ds2482 Fit all avr range whit I2c
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : bill gate

红外解码的方法 NEC格式 tc9012 1、9Ms的高电平启动头,然后是4.5Ms的低电平,如果2.25Ms时就有高电平,是持续信号,不处理 2、然后以一个高电平和一个低电平为1Bit,高电平时间是0.5625Ms=562us, 高低电平时间比为1:1时是Bit1,比为1:3时是Bit0 3、Timer1中断执行100us采样周期,9Ms=90,4.5Ms=45,高电平=5,低电平最多15 4、共读入4Byte共24bit,第1、2Byte是CustomCode码和其反码,第3、4Byte是DataCode和其反码 5、CustomCode正确和DataCode效验正确的话,执行 6、红外接收器输出是反相的 -NEC Infrared format decoding method of the high tc9012 1,9 Ms head start, followed by the low 4.5Ms, if there is high when 2.25Ms, is a continuous signal, do not deal with 2, and then to a high-power low for a peaceful 1Bit, high time 0.5625Ms = 562us, high-low ratio of 1:1 when the time is Bit1, when the ratio of 1:3 is Bit0 3, Timer1 interrupt the implementation of 100us sampling period, 9Ms = 90,4.5 Ms = 45, high = 5, low-level up to 15 4, were read into 4Byte were 24bit, the first is the 1,2 Byte code and its anti-CustomCode code, the first is the 3,4 Byte Code DataCode and its anti-5 , CustomCode correct and well-tested DataCode correct, the implementation of 6, the infrared receiver is the output of the RP
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : 蔡家朝

avr studio 入门级教程,欢迎下载-avr studio entry-level course, please download
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 676kb Publisher : piii

DL : 0
用C8051F120写的12864液晶完整程序,有写汉字,打点、画线、坐标轴、画波形,级图像显示。液晶是带字库的ST7920驱动的-12864 written with C8051F120 LCD complete procedures to write Chinese characters, dot, drawing lines, axes, painting waveform-level image display. LCD is the belt-driven character of the ST7920
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 95kb Publisher : 张文明

AVR BASCOM AVR MCU中文教程,个人觉得不错,是一个入门级的教程,希望对初学者有些帮助.-AVR BASCOM AVR MCU English tutorials, personal feel that Yes, it is an entry-level tutorial, want to be helpful for beginners.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 923kb Publisher : palamer

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一般教科书上提供的UART收发的程序往往是一段采用轮循(Polling)方式完成收发的简单代码。但对于高速的AVR来讲,采用这种方式大大降低了MUC的效率。在使用AVR时,应根据芯片本身的特点(片内大容量数据器RAM,更适合采用高级语言编写系统程序),编写高效可靠的UART收发接口(低层)程序。下面是一个典型的USART的接口程序。-General textbook on the procedures provided by the UART transceivers often use a round robin (Polling) a simple manner to send and receive code. But for high-speed AVR speaking, this approach greatly reduces the efficiency of MUC. When using the AVR should be based on the characteristics of the chip itself (on-chip high-capacity data device RAM, more suitable for high-level language for writing system programs), the preparation of highly efficient and reliable UART transceiver interface (lower) program. The following is a typical USART interface program.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 男人

You can monitor battery level. AVR Studio 4 is used. C code is developed. Atmega8 is interfacing IC-Atmega8, AVR Studio 4 , WinAVR , Simulation code for Battery level monitoring
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 35kb Publisher : Suket
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