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level set code ,good-level set code, good
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : tony

level set及PDE方法处理图形图像 包括三个部分:1、level set理论基础介绍;2、数值离散化方法 3、应用 每一部分配有详细的图表说明,并给出了多篇参考文献(其中很多涉及到“三维物体修复”)-level set and PDE methods deal with graphic images of three parts: 1, level set introduce the theoretical basis 2, numerical discretization method 3, the distribution of each application has detailed description of the chart, and gives a number of references (many of them related to
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.01mb Publisher : li_ya

Level Set Methods是由Sethian和Osher于1988年提出,最近十几年得到广泛的推广与应用。特别是在图像分割中应用广泛,如人脸轮廓分割,车牌分割-err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 子羽

Level Set Evolution Without Re-initialization: A New Variational Formulation 基于这篇文章编写的matlab源代码,具有很高的参考价值-Level Set Evolution Without Re-initialization: A New Variational Formulation of the preparation of this article based on matlab source code, a high reference value
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 796kb Publisher : ruanjun

1.安装Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0或者更高版本,这是c++运行环境. 2.安装MySql服务器程序,建立数据库名为aion_emu或者其他,执行sql文件夹的脚本文件生成表,手工设置account_data的相关数据项. 3.配置server.xml文件夹,使其和服务器相关设置一致. 4.先启动LoginServer,然后启动GameServer. 一些GM命令: lacationid自己到bind_points.xml文件加 传送:@teleport <locationid> 比如:@teleport 2 转职:@job <jobid> 比如:@job 1 刷怪:@spwan <npcid> 比如:@spwan 20000 公告:@notice <message> 比如:@notice 服务器将在1分钟后关闭 刷钱:@money <count> 比如:@money 999999999 刷级:@level <lv> 比如:@level 50 刷装备:@item <itemid> 比如:@item 100000094 学技能:@skill <skillid> by rgbya team-1. Install Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 or later, this is c++ runtime environment. 2. Install MySql server program, the establishment of a database called aion_emu or any other implementation of sql script file folder generate tables, manually set the relevant data account_data item. 3. server.xml configuration file folders, and server-related settings to the same. 4. first start LoginServer, then start GameServer. a number of GM commands: lacationid himself to add bind_points.xml file transfer: @ teleport <locationid> For example: @ teleport 2 transfer: @ job <jobid> For example: @ job 1 brush strange: @ spwan <npcid> For example: @ spwan 20000 Notice: @ notice <message> For example: @ notice the server will be shut down after 1 minute Shuaqian: @ money <count> For example: @ money 999999999 brush-class: @ level <lv> For example: @ level 50 brushes and equipment: @ item <itemid> For example: @ item 100000094 learning skills: @ skill <skillid
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.77mb Publisher : zcy

碧雪情天GM后台脚本,可设定等级等功能,设定需GM权限-Bi snow days GM background script can be set level set need GM permission
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : mao
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