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[Windows Developlibjingle-0.4.0

Description: libjingle is a collection of open-source C++ code and sample applications that enables you to build a peer-to-peer application. The code handles creating a network connection (through NAT and firewall devices, relay servers, and proxies), negotiating session details (codecs, formats, etc.), and exchanging data. It also provides helper tasks such as parsing XML, and handling network proxies. You could build the following programs with libjingle: * A multi-user voice chat application * A multi-user video conferencing application * A multi-user live music streaming application * A peer-to-peer file sharing application -libjingle is a collection of open-source C code and sample applications that enables you t o build a peer-to-peer application. The code ha ndles creating a network connection (through N AT and firewall devices, relay servers. and proxies). negotiating session details (codecs, formats, etc.) , and exchanging data. It also provides helper ta Risks such as parsing XML. and handling network proxies. You could not build he following programs with libjingle : * A multi-user voice chat application * A multi - user video conferencing application * A multi - user live music streaming application * A peer - to-peer file sharing application
Platform: | Size: 1244047 | Author: peica | Hits:


Description: ibjingle is a collection of open-source C++ code and sample applications that enables you to build a peer-to-peer application. The code handles creating a network connection (through NAT and firewall devices, relay servers, and proxies), negotiating session details (codecs, formats, etc.), and exchanging data. It also provides helper tasks such as parsing XML, and handling network proxies. You could build the following programs with libjingle: A multi-user voice chat application A multi-user video conferencing application A multi-user live music streaming application A peer-to-peer file sharing application
Platform: | Size: 1106251 | Author: ynvince | Hits:

[Windows Developlibjingle-0.4.0

Description: libjingle is a collection of open-source C++ code and sample applications that enables you to build a peer-to-peer application. The code handles creating a network connection (through NAT and firewall devices, relay servers, and proxies), negotiating session details (codecs, formats, etc.), and exchanging data. It also provides helper tasks such as parsing XML, and handling network proxies. You could build the following programs with libjingle: * A multi-user voice chat application * A multi-user video conferencing application * A multi-user live music streaming application * A peer-to-peer file sharing application -libjingle is a collection of open-source C code and sample applications that enables you t o build a peer-to-peer application. The code ha ndles creating a network connection (through N AT and firewall devices, relay servers. and proxies). negotiating session details (codecs, formats, etc.) , and exchanging data. It also provides helper ta Risks such as parsing XML. and handling network proxies. You could not build he following programs with libjingle :* A multi-user voice chat application* A multi- user video conferencing application* A multi- user live music streaming application* A peer- to-peer file sharing application
Platform: | Size: 1244160 | Author: peica | Hits:


Description: voice chat program with GIPS Voice Engine. chat with multiple ppl at the same time.
Platform: | Size: 1210368 | Author: jang | Hits:


Description: Libjingle - Google Talk Voice及 P2P 的交互操作函数库   Libjingle是Google提供的C++组件集,它为Google Talk的点对点通讯与语音呼叫功能提供交互操作性。组件包包括了Jingle和Jingle-Audio的google实现的源代码,它们是XMPP标准的推荐扩展,目前试验版可用。 -Libjingle, the Google Talk Voice and P2P Interoperability Library, is a set of components to interoperate with Google Talk s peer-to-peer voice and video chat. The package includes source code for Google s implementation of the XMPP Jingle extensions.
Platform: | Size: 8698880 | Author: Wang | Hits:

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