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摘 要】:图书管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS),其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。本文对数据库管理系统,Delphi应用程序设计,Delphi 数据库技术进行了较深入的学习和应用,主要完成对图书管理系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析,并由此设计了数据库结构和应用程序。最后介绍一下图书馆的馆藏资源数字化,管理和服务计算机化和网络化-Abstract : The library management system is typical of management information system (MIS), including the development of its database background to the establishment and maintenance, and front-end application development aspects.DelphiDelphi Finally tell us about a library collection of digital resources, management and services computerized and networked
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35kb Publisher : 丁兴全

DL : 0
Library is an interactive library management system. In this assignment, you will implement a simplified version of this system for HKUST. You must use object-oriented technique (classes, data encapsulation, information hiding, etc.) to implement the system.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher : Fung Hung

本书以进销存管理系统、人力资源管理系统、生产管理系统、财务管理系统、酒店管理系统、图书馆管理系统、医院管理系统、教务管理系统等多个当今最为热门的信息管理系统为例子,详细地介绍了这些系统的需求分析及管理信息系统开发的过程和方法。对项目背景、业务需求分析、功能需求分析、数据库需求分析、数据库建模、系统开发、系统编译及系统发行等过程进行详细的讲解。-This book to ADOMS management systems, human resources management system, production management systems, financial management systems, hotel management system, library management system, hospital management system, educational management system and many other of today s most popular information management system as an example, detailed description of these systems needs analysis and management information system development process and methods. The project background, business needs analysis, functional needs analysis, database needs analysis, database modeling, system development, system distribution, such as compilers and system process in detail.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.68mb Publisher : 范中浩

DL : 0
502968图书管理信息系统(软件工程),对图书管理信息系统的分析和建模-Book 502968 Management Information System (software engineering), on the library management information systems analysis and modeling
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 26kb Publisher : wangjiaqi

图书管理信息系统,B/S架构,C#开发,可作为毕业设计-Library management information system, B/S framework, C# development, could serve as a graduation project
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 395kb Publisher : neal

用VC++和Sql Sever2000 实现了图书管理信息系统的全部功能。-Using VC++ and Sql Sever2000 realized the library management information system for full functionality.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.16mb Publisher : 杨敏

C#2.0 实例自学手册,书本源代码, 电子工业出版社, 第1章 C#入门, 第2章 基本控件使用, 第3章 容器类控件应用, 第4章 菜单、工具栏与状态栏应用, 第5章 对话框应用, 第6章 输入、输出, 第7章 XML应用, 第8章 操作Office文件, 第9章 GDI+绘图, 第10章 进程与线程, 第11章 网络应用, 第12章 数据库应用, 第13章 ASP.NET应用, 第14章 水晶报表应用, 第15章 DotNetBar商业控件应用, 第16章 Microsoft Enterprise Library应用, 第17章 Dundas图表控件应用, 第18章 使用MapXtreme创建地理信息系统, 第19章 制作安装程序, 第20章 图书馆管理信息系统, -C# 2.0 example of self-study manuals, books, source code, Electronics Industry Press, Chapter 1 C# Getting Started Chapter 2 the basic controls use Chapter 3 container class control applications Chapter 4 menus, toolbars, and status bar application of Chapter 5 Dialogue box with Chapter 6, the input and output Chapter 7 XML applications Chapter 8 Operation Office file Chapter 9 GDI+ Graphics Chapter 10 process and thread Chapter 11 Network Applications Chapter 12 Database Applications Chapter 13 ASP.NET application of section Chapter 14 Crystal Reports application of section 15 of the controls DotNetBar business applications Chapter 16 Microsoft Enterprise Library application of Chapter 17 Dundas chart control application of Chapter 18 to use MapXtreme to create Geographic Information System Chapter 19 Fabrication and installation procedures for Chapter 20 Library Management Information System
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.16mb Publisher : wsadfg

图书馆管理信息系统源码,很好的个人开发参考资料-Library Management Information System source code, a very good personal development of reference materials
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 383kb Publisher : wisdomant

南京大学某同学图书馆管理信息系统设计说明书,内容不是很详细,但是可以为大一大二的同学作为课程设计的模板-Nanjing University, a student library management information system design specifications, the content is not very detailed, but can freshman sophomore students as a course design template
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17kb Publisher : 路粮户

传统的图书馆借阅管理方法,由于分散管理,易发生数据丢失,劳动强度高,速度慢。使用计算机可以高速、快捷地完成以上工作。特别是在计算机联网后,数据在网上传递,可以实现数据共享,避免重复劳动,规范教学管理行为,从而提高了管理效率和水平。图书馆借阅管理信息系统以计算机为工具,通过对图书借阅管理所需的信息管理,把管理人员从繁琐的数据计算处理中解脱出来,从而全面提高管理效率。-The traditional library loan management, due to decentralized management, prone to data loss, high labor intensity and slow. Using a computer at high speed and quickly complete the above work. Especially in computer networking, data transmission on the Internet, you can achieve data sharing, avoid duplication, standardize the behavior of teaching management to improve the management efficiency and level. Library loan management information system to the computer as a tool required by lending management information management and management personnel from tedious data computing freed, thus improving overall management efficiency.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 396kb Publisher : 陈明

实现一个图书信息管理系统,对图书馆的图书信息的管理-Implement a book information management system, the library management information system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 42kb Publisher : 刘小涵

一个图书管理信息系统,采用delphi语言开发,包括管理、学生、学生借书,系统安全模块。-A library management information system, using delphi language development, including management, student, students, library, system security module.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 667kb Publisher : 黎孟

数据库课程设计报告参考图书馆管理信息系统-Course database design report reference library management information system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 678kb Publisher : guihaike

本设计是设计一个图书管理系统,是以管理员和读者两个角度出发,建立了一个图书管理系统。从管理员角度出发,设计了图书管理、发布系统公告和读者管理三个子模块,图书管理包括图书的录入,包括直接从键盘输入和文件导入,按编号、书名、作者出版社查询,图书浏览,图书删除,图书保存,图书插入功能;系统公告包括发布一些图书讲座通知和新书通告功能;读者管理包括查看读者,读者查询(包括按学号和姓名查询),读者删除功能,其中查询函数中可以输出多个相同的记录。从读者角度出发,设计了读者注册、图书查询、信息公告和会员登录四个子模块,从非会员角度可以实现包括了读者注册,图书查询,查看管理员发布的信息功能,会员除了可以实现上述非会员的功能外,还可以实现图书的借阅、归还和查看借阅记录功能。管理员登录用户名是:guanly,密码是:110;已建立的图书信息文件名是:ts.txt;图书信息添加后保存时的输入的文件名要加后缀名.txt。-The design is to design a library management system, administrators and readers perspective, the establishment of a library management system. From the administrator s point of view, the design of the library management, the announcement and readers of the publishing system to manage the three sub-modules, library management, including the entry of the books, including direct import from the keyboard input and file, by number, title, author Press inquiries, book browsing delete books save books, book insert function the system announcements including the release of the book talks notification and book notices functions reader management, including the view of the reader, the reader queries (including student number and name of the query), readers delete functions, including query function outputting a plurality of the same record. From readers perspective, design registered readers, books, information bulletins and Member Login four sub-modules, including the readers to sign up, sear
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 413kb Publisher : xinxing

图书馆管理信息系统,用access数据库在vc环境下编写,简单易操作-Library management information system, with access database in vc environment prepared, easy to operate
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher : 王效明

图书馆管理信息系统:本系统采用C/S架构,运用单例模式,采用皮肤文件美化界面,集数据库、网络通信模块于一身(MFC实现)。 客户端提供本馆、局域网内其他各馆图书查询,读者可向服务器发送注册信息登陆,查看当前借阅记录以及借阅历史,同时可查看读者信息以及修改读者登陆密码。  服务器端提供处理客户端注册信息、以及跨馆图书查询信息。此外,完成各项包括借书还书,添加书本、读者、管理员信息,同时可以删除读者信息、修改当前管理员登陆密码。-Library Management Information System: This system uses C/S architecture, the use of single-case model, using the skin file to beautify the interface, set the database, network communication module in a (MFC implementation). Clients Museum, Museum of the other books LAN inquiries, readers may log in to the server to send the registration information, view the current lending and borrowing history records, and you can view and modify the reader reader information login password. Server side processing client registration information, and query information across the museum library. In addition, the completion of the included library book, add books, readers, administrator information, and you can delete the reader information, modify the current administrator login password.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 27.05mb Publisher : lyq

VC++ 图书馆管理信息系统(Access),精选编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。-VC++ library management information system (Access), select learning programming source code, a good reference.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 100kb Publisher :

用C#开发的图书管理信息系统,可用于图书信息的管理。-library management information system developed by using C# for managing book information.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 388kb Publisher : 学士

图书管理信息系统-Library management information system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 32kb Publisher : J

图书馆管理信息系统,用C#做的,有基本的功能可以使用和参考。-Library management information system, using C# to do with the basic functions you can use and reference.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.72mb Publisher : 豆大侠
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