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[Crack HackLibTomCrypt

Description: LibTomCrypt是一个全面的、可扩展的密码学函数库。包括了各类主要的加密函数,单向摘要函数,伪随机数生成器,公钥加密函数。 你可以在这里下载到源文件及其说明:http://www.libtomcrypt.org libtomcrypt在C++builder6下编译为tomcrypt.lib -LibTomCrypt is a comprehensive, scalable cryptography libraries. Including the major types of encryption function, the one-way function summary, the pseudo-random number generator, public key encryption function. You can download the source of the document and its Note : http :// in C www.libtomcrypt.org libtomcrypt builde r6 compiler for tomcrypt.lib
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