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开源软件limewire的源代码,是用java编写的,值得一看-open-source software's source code, java is prepared in an eye-catcher
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 17.76mb Publisher : rightname

Phex是一个开放源代码,多平台,利用Gnutella 客户端的免费软件,你通过它可以搜索,下载以及共享所有类型的文件。这个程序提供了一个自动功能来寻找新的产品以及支持通过不同主机断点续传。它与LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus以及其它P2P Gnutella 软件兼容,版本0.7.3提供了一个新的自动屏蔽无用信息的功能。 Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based on the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functionalities and integrates all common Gnutella extensions like multi-source downloads and advanced search features -Phex is an open-source, multi-platform, using Gnutella client of free software, you can search through it, download and share all types of files. This procedure provides a function to automatically search for new products and support through various mainframe HTTP. With LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus Gnutella and other P2P software compatibility version 0.7.3 provides a new automated shielding useless information functions. Phex is a P2P Filesharing client which is based o n the Gnutella network. It is a multi-Plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functiona lities and integrates all common Gnutella exte nsions like multi-source downloads and advanc ed search features
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.64mb Publisher : 杨阳

Phex是一个开放源代码,多平台,利用Gnutella 客户端的免费软件,你通过它可以搜索,下载以及共享所有类型的文件。这个程序提供了一个自动功能来寻找新的产品以及支持通过不同主机断点续传。它与LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus以及其它P2P Gnutella 软件兼容,版本0.7.3提供了一个新的自动屏蔽无用信息的功能。 Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based on the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functionalities and integrates all common Gnutella extensions like multi-source downloads and advanced search features -Phex is an open source, multi-platform, using Gnutella client free software, You can search through it, download and share all types of files. This procedure provides a function to automatically search for new products and support through various mainframe HTTP. It LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus, and other P2P software Gnutella-compatible, 0 .7.3 version of a new automatic shield useless information functions. Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based o n the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functiona lities and integrates all common Gnutella exte nsions like multi-source downloads and advanc ed search features
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.84mb Publisher : 谭朋柳

Gnutella s client, so it is another p2p software
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37.4mb Publisher : Lili

DL : 0
开源软件limewire的源代码,是用java编写的,值得一看-open-source software's source code, java is prepared in an eye-catcher
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 17.76mb Publisher : rightname

Phex是一个开放源代码,多平台,利用Gnutella 客户端的免费软件,你通过它可以搜索,下载以及共享所有类型的文件。这个程序提供了一个自动功能来寻找新的产品以及支持通过不同主机断点续传。它与LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus以及其它P2P Gnutella 软件兼容,版本0.7.3提供了一个新的自动屏蔽无用信息的功能。 Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based on the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functionalities and integrates all common Gnutella extensions like multi-source downloads and advanced search features -Phex is an open-source, multi-platform, using Gnutella client of free software, you can search through it, download and share all types of files. This procedure provides a function to automatically search for new products and support through various mainframe HTTP. With LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus Gnutella and other P2P software compatibility version 0.7.3 provides a new automated shielding useless information functions. Phex is a P2P Filesharing client which is based o n the Gnutella network. It is a multi-Plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functiona lities and integrates all common Gnutella exte nsions like multi-source downloads and advanc ed search features
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.64mb Publisher :

Phex是一个开放源代码,多平台,利用Gnutella 客户端的免费软件,你通过它可以搜索,下载以及共享所有类型的文件。这个程序提供了一个自动功能来寻找新的产品以及支持通过不同主机断点续传。它与LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus以及其它P2P Gnutella 软件兼容,版本0.7.3提供了一个新的自动屏蔽无用信息的功能。 Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based on the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functionalities and integrates all common Gnutella extensions like multi-source downloads and advanced search features -Phex is an open source, multi-platform, using Gnutella client free software, You can search through it, download and share all types of files. This procedure provides a function to automatically search for new products and support through various mainframe HTTP. It LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus, and other P2P software Gnutella-compatible, 0 .7.3 version of a new automatic shield useless information functions. Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based o n the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functiona lities and integrates all common Gnutella exte nsions like multi-source downloads and advanc ed search features
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.84mb Publisher : 谭朋柳

DL : 0
Gnutella s client, so it is another p2p software
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 37.4mb Publisher : Lili

Functions: Topic parsing, supporting multi-commands Anti-Botkiller Anti-Sandbox VNC-Scanner Gets about 400-500 results a day with good ranges with around ~50 bots Finds 3.8 servers with authbypass bug. Finds passworded servers with weak passwords. Finds servers with no password. MSN Spread P2P Spread (LimeWire, eDonkey, KaZaA, Morpheus, BearShare, Grokster, ICQ) Rar injector (copy your bots exe as "crack.exe" to all rar files on computer) Available commands: inject disconnect reconnect nick restart vncstop patch part join scan msn-Functions: Topic parsing, supporting multi-commandsAnti-BotkillerAnti-SandboxVNC-ScannerGets about 400-500 results a day with good ranges with around ~ 50 botsFinds 3.8 servers with authbypass bug.Finds passworded servers with weak passwords.Finds servers with no password.MSN SpreadP2P Spread (LimeWire, eDonkey, KaZaA, Morpheus, BearShare, Grokster, ICQ) Rar injector (copy your bots exe as crack.exe to all rar files on computer) Available commands: injectdisconnectreconnectreconnect.nextnickrestartvncstoppatchpartjoinscanmsn
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 175kb Publisher : 精灵

A simple java program with GUI, to share files as the same way of limewire, this program works with a server to share de list of files, and search files, however the download is peer-to-peer
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 43kb Publisher : koitoer
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