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Description: 描述:设编号为1,2,…,n(n>0)个人按顺时针方向围坐一圈,每人持有一个正整数密码。开始时任意给出一个报数上限值m,从第一个人开始顺时针方向自1起顺序报数,报到m时停止报数,抱m的人出列,从他在顺时针方向上的下一个人起重新自1起顺序报数;如此下去,直到所有人全部出列为止。要求设计一个程序模拟此过程,并给出出列人的编号序列。 .算法思想: Jeseph函数是实现问题要求的主要函数,其算法思想是:从1至m对带头结点的单循环链表循环计数,到m时,输出该结点的编号值,,再从该结点的下一个结点起重新自1起循环计数;如此下去,直到单循环链表空时循环过程结束。 -Description : Let numbered 1, 2, ..., n (NGT; 0) clockwise direction by individuals sitting around a circle, each holding a positive integer code. At the beginning of a given arbitrary reported few limits on m, started from the first clockwise direction from the starting sequence reported a few, when they report back m reported few, hold out the m out from the clockwise direction in the next personal re-order starting from a newspaper; This situation continues until all people so far shown up. Asked to design a simulation of this process, and give out the number of people out sequence. . Algorithm thinking : Jeseph function is to seek to achieve the main function of the algorithm is thinking : m from a right to take the lead in the 19th nodes Listless cycle count, m, the output node number
Platform: | Size: 21028 | Author: 王俊 | Hits:

[Other resourceBallModel

Description: 一个很好的用vc编程的例子,实现了一个3维球体的旋转,将数学与计算机图像学的紧密联系发挥到极致.-a good use vc programming examples and achieve a three-dimensional rotating ball, Mathematics and Computer Science Image's close ties to the limits.
Platform: | Size: 47645 | Author: 韩阳 | Hits:

[Remote Controlftkernelapi

Description: FTKernelAPI 是一套完全免费(对于非商业性程序而言)的实现了BitTorrent 网络协议的内核库。在兼容官方BitTorrent协议的同时针对国内的网络带宽状况进行了优化,增加了一个侦听端口支持多个任务同时运行, 文件选择下载,断点续传, 自动配置支持UPnP协议的路由器, 对于全局或者单个任务进行速度限制等功能。FTKernelAPI BT协议内核库以及示例源码 BitZam 的出现,使BT软件开发不再高深。只要你愿意,不必关心网络编程,BT协议,只需简单的调用FTKernelAPI的接口在3天的时间里就能开发出满足你自己需要的BT下载软件。假如你正在想自己开发一个BT-FTKernelAPI is a free (for non-commercial procedures), the realization of the BitTorrent network protocol kernel libraries. BitTorrent compatible with the official agreement to focus on the domestic situation of the network bandwidth is optimized for an increase of one interception ports to support multiple tasks running simultaneously, the option to download documents, HTTP, automatic configuration support the UPnP protocol routers, to the whole picture or a single mandate features such as speed limits . FTKernelAPI BT agreement Kernel Library and the source BitZam example, the emergence of BT no longer advanced software development. As long as you are willing to, not concerned about network programming, BT agreement, you can simply call FTKernelAPI interface in three days time will be de
Platform: | Size: 442698 | Author: 海天 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms软件滤波算法

Description: 十种软件滤波算法 限副滤波 中位值滤波法 算术平均滤波法 递推平均滤波法(又称滑动平均滤波法)中位值平均滤波法(又称防脉冲干扰平均滤波法) -filtering software filtering algorithm limits Vice median filtering method arithmetic average recursive filtering average filtering method (also known as the moving average filter), the median value of the average filter (also known as the anti-average pulse interference filter), etc.
Platform: | Size: 2867 | Author: 汤瑞 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopCharFilter_Class

Description: CharFilter_Class实例是对CharFilter实例的完善。在CharFilter实例中,我们定义了四个全局变量,这不符合WDM驱动程序的要求,它限制了IRP的可重入性,我们应该使用局部变量。 该实例定义了一个READ_COMPLETION_INFO结构,当有DeviceControl 调用时,就分配一个结构对象,参数设置完后,就将该结构对象地址指针放在I.FileObject()->FsContext中。 -CharFilter_Class CharFilter example of the perfect examples. In CharFilter example, we define four global variables, which does not conform to the WDM driver, which limits the IRP, can be used, we should use local variables. The examples READ_COMPLETION_INFO definition of a structure, when DeviceControl call, on the allocation of a target structure, parameter setting after the end of this structure on the address pointer on the object I. FileObject () - gt; FsContext China.
Platform: | Size: 1689536 | Author: 秦生 | Hits:

[Windows Developplanck

Description: planck.zip: Planck radiation formula size 110 KB. This program calculates the radiated power, integrated between given upper and lower wavelength limits, by a Planck black body at given temperature. Units are degrees Kelvin, watts, and meters. Current values of Planck and other thermodynamic constants are used. Latest update: 8 May 2000. 普朗克辐射计算公式。-planck.zip: Planck radiation formula size 110 KB. This program calculates the radiated power, integrated between given upper and lower wavelength limits, by a Planck black body at given temperature. Units are degrees Kelvin, watts, and meters. Current values of Planck and other thermodynamic constants are used. Latest update: 8 May 2000. Planck radiation formula.
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: 杨克 | Hits:


Description: Fundamental Limits of Spectrum-Sharing in Fading Environments, a full report that regenerate a publeshed paper. written in my words
Platform: | Size: 186368 | Author: Ayman | Hits:

[Program docPresentation.Fundamental.Limits.of.Spectrum.Shari

Description: presentation I made for Fundamental.Limits.of.Spectrum.Sharing.in.Fading.Environments
Platform: | Size: 473088 | Author: Ayman | Hits:


Description: code to generate figues of Fundamental.Limits.of.Spectrum.Sharing.in.Fading.Environments
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Ayman | Hits:


Description: part 2 of codes that generates figures in .Fundamental.Limits.of.Spectrum.Sharing.in.Fading.Environments
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Ayman | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopLimits

Description: Detect limits of the frames from video.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Manuel | Hits:

[Software Engineeringlimits-of-authority

Description: 权限往往是一个极其复杂的问题,但也可简单表述为这样的逻辑表达式:判断“Who对What(Which)进行How的操作”的逻辑表达式是否为真。针对不同的应用,需要根据项目的实际情况和具体架构,在维护性、灵活性、完整性等N多个方案之间比较权衡,选择符合的方案。-limits of authority
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: zjt | Hits:

[Software EngineeringIN-Voltage-Balance-Limits-in-Four-Level-Diode-Cla

Description: Voltage-Balance Limits in Four-Level Diode-Clamped-2005
Platform: | Size: 644096 | Author: giau | Hits:

[Program docOn-limits-of-wireless-communications

Description: MIMO通信系统经典文献:On limits of wireless communications in a fading environment when using multiple antennas-On limits of wireless communications in a fading environment when using multiple antennas
Platform: | Size: 395264 | Author: 王秋才 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringAn-Introduction-to-Stochastic--Process-Limits-And

Description: An Introduction to Stochastic -Process Limits And their Application to Queues - Ward Whi-An Introduction to Stochastic -Process Limits And their Application to Queues - Ward Whitt
Platform: | Size: 3520512 | Author: ramsetii | Hits:


Description: 使用时间限制的API调用,具体用法,里面有说明,注意是API-Time limits for use of the API calls, specific usage, there are instructions, note the API
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 袁浩钦 | Hits:


Description: COOPERATIVE COMMUNICATIONS Fundamental Limits and Practical Implementation Arnab Chakrabarti Rice University arnychak@rice.edu Ashutosh Sabharwal Rice University ashu@rice.edu Behnaam Aazhang Rice University aaz@rice.edu
Platform: | Size: 735232 | Author: nasha | Hits:


Description: 易语言程序 易语言源码模块 图片快速无极限放大和平移-Easy language program easy language source code module picture fast without limits zoom and pan
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: zhang | Hits:

[Software EngineeringIEC-60034-9_(1997)_noise-limits

Description: IEC 60034-9_(1997)_noise limits
Platform: | Size: 516096 | Author: charles | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 446464 | Author: louay daoud | Hits:
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