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[Program docsurf tracking

Description: Most motion-based tracking algorithms assume that objects undergo rigid motion, which is most likely disobeyed in real world. In this paper, we present a novel motion-based tracking framework which makes no such assumptions. Object is represented by a set of local invariant features, whose motions are observed by a feature correspon- dence process. A generative model is proposed to depict the relationship between local feature motions and object global motion, whose parameters are learned efciently by an on-line EM algorithm. And the object global motion is estimated in term of maximum likelihood of observations.Then an updating mechanism is employed to adapt object representation. Experiments show that our framework is exible and robust in dealing with appearance changes,background clutter, illumination changes and occlusion
Platform: | Size: 424705 | Author: chenjieke | Hits:


Description: 二维规则网格数据的等值线追踪, 追踪算法为网格追踪法, 线绘制,可配置颜色 所读取的数据的文件格式为:surfer软件的ASCii grd文件数据-2D mesh contour data tracking, tracing algorithm for tracking grid, line drawing, color can be configured by reading the data file formats : surfer software ASCii grd document data
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: 陶锐 | Hits:

[Special EffectsTrack_Line_vc

Description: 跟踪线 vc+so 源码 -Tracking line vc+ So source
Platform: | Size: 143360 | Author: oyyee | Hits:

[Special EffectsOn-line-Boosting-and-Vision

Description: 在计算机视觉的应用中,对于检测和识别任务boosting算法是一个很流行的算法。对比于非在线算法,在线的boosting算法可以更好的适应实时跟踪的应用。-In computer vision applications, for the detection and identification tasks boosting algorithm is a very popular algorithm. Contrast to non-online algorithm, online boosting algorithm can better adapt to real-time tracking applications.
Platform: | Size: 852992 | Author: 陈霄恒 | Hits:


Description: 基于GRNN神经网络的视线跟踪源程序。 其中网络的输入分别是瞳孔中心,半径,瞳孔中心与普洱青斑向量。-GRNN neural network-based tracking source line of sight. Network input, respectively, which is the pupil center, radius, the pupil center and Pu
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 严峰 | Hits:


Description: 用于飞思卡尔智能小车竞赛的自编程序源代码,经过竞赛测试,运行良好。红外传感器寻线。-Freescale Smart car for the self-competition program source code, after a competition test to work well. Line-tracking infrared sensor.
Platform: | Size: 348160 | Author: wangshuqi | Hits:

[Windows DevelopLineTrace

Description: Line Tracking source using webcam
Platform: | Size: 8227840 | Author: Kim Kitae | Hits:


Description: 基于“当前”统计模型的模糊自适应跟踪算法 我存的一篇论文,拿来与大家共享-Current statistical model needs to pre-define the value of maximum accelerations of maneuvering targets.So it may be difficult to meet all maneuvering conditions.The Fuzzy inference combined with Current statistical model is proposed to cope with this problem.Given the error and change of error in the last prediction,fuzzy system on-line determines the magnitude of maximum acceleration to adapt to different target maneuvers.Furthermore,in tracking problem many measurement equations are non-linear.Unscented Kalman filter is applied instead of extended Kalman filter.The Monte Carlo simulation results show that this method outperforms the conventional tracking algorithm based on current statistical model in both tracking accuracy and convergence rate.
Platform: | Size: 80896 | Author: dailu | Hits:

[source in ebookyoudianmatlabVc

Description: 人民邮电版图像处理源码,车牌识别,数字识别系统源代码,路线识别(机器人视觉),形态学处理,数字识别,字母识别,边缘检测,图像分割-Posts And Telecommunications News source version of image processing, license plate recognition, digital identification system source code, line identification (robot vision), morphological processing, digital identification, letter recognition, edge detection, image segmentation
Platform: | Size: 6606848 | Author: 杨山 | Hits:

[Windows Developabc

Description: line tracking robot code
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: fawad ali | Hits:

[File Formatvideo

Description: line tracking project video
Platform: | Size: 545792 | Author: fawad ali | Hits:

[mpeg mp3Robuster

Description: another line tracking project video
Platform: | Size: 1915904 | Author: fawad ali | Hits:


Description: 基于单片机和光电检测技术的机器人行为控制系统 :介绍了基于单片机和光电检测技术的机器人行为控制系统。系统采用了光电检测寻线和直流电机驱动相结合的 机器人控制技术,应用AVR单片机为核心控制器,采集、存储、处理由光电检测寻迹系统输入的数字信号,并通过驱动系 统控制直流电机,使机器人按照预设的路线行走。该系统具有自动纠偏、准确可靠、抗干扰能力强等特点,为机器人行走 的准确性提供了可靠保证。-A kind of robot behavior control system based on single chip microcomputer and photoelectric detection technology was introdueed.This system uses photoelectric sensor and directmotor to control the ambulation of robot.Under the control of the si|l—e. chip microcomputer subsystem,the system Call collect,8ave and process the digital signal from the line-tracking system,then controls the directmotor through the driving system,and makes the robot to move according to preinstaUing tracking.It shows that the system has the characteristics of automatic cut—away,credibility,accuracy and hish anti·disturbance ability and 84)on.The system guarantees the accuracy of the robot moving.
Platform: | Size: 221184 | Author: 吕大 | Hits:

[Special EffectsContourTracingLineFollowing

Description: 轮廓跟踪和线的追随源代码下载 Contour Tracing & Line Following-Tracking and following the contour line of the source code download Contour Tracing & Line Following
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘凯 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringline-tracking-robot

Description: Line Tracking Robot code in c++ using keil u-Vision 3. by bilal zafar NUST
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: bilal | Hits:


Description: Line Tracking code with Kalman filter algorithm in C-Line Tracking code with Kalman filter algorithm in C++
Platform: | Size: 7282688 | Author: JinaYu | Hits:


Description: A Study on Straight-Line Tracking and Posture Control in Electric Bicycle
Platform: | Size: 952320 | Author: raymond | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxline

Description: this code is about line tracking robot this an embedded project
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: cena | Hits:


Description: Two-Link Line Tracking Manipulator Define your inputs and let this code track your line
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ahmed | Hits:

[Other systemsLine

Description: line tracking for vessel segmentation
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Zubair | Hits:
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