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直线的DDA,bresenham算法画图 圆的bresenham算法画图 椭圆的bresenham算法画图 均匀B样条曲线算法画图 多边形的Y-X填充算法画图 动态三维立体图形的正透视投影图-linear DDA, bresenham algorithm for drawing a round of bresenham algorithm to draw the ellipse drawing algorithm bresenham uniform B-spline curves polygon drawing algorithm Y-X filling algorithm drawing dynamic 3D graphics is the perspective projection map
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.88mb Publisher : 朱友勇

a)需求分析: 任务 :对一篇英文文章,统计各字符出现的次数,实现Huffman编码; 要求:输出每个字符出现的次数和编码,其中求最小权值要求用堆实现; b)概要设计: 本程序所使用的数据结构是树和线性表,所使用的算法主要有堆排序、赫夫曼算法。 -a) Requirements Analysis : Mandate : an article in English, statistics of the number of characters to achieve Huffman coding; Requirements : Every character in the output of the number and the code for which the minimum requirement of the right to use Heap; B) Summary of design : the procedures used by the data nodes the tree structure and linear form, the algorithm used by the main sculpture, in order Huffman algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 李韦纬

帮助学习图形学的学生和工程人员的好工具,里面动态的演示了图形生成过程,详细的源代码使你粘贴后就可以运行,其中包括DDA、resenham、 逐点比较法直线生成算法;bresenham,DDA,中点画圆算法;n次bezier, spline,Bspling,Hermite曲线生成算法;单线性,双线性, Bezier曲面生成算法;矢量,点阵字符生成算法;扫描填充, 种子填充算法,多边形,直线裁剪算法;平移,比例,旋转, 原点对称,错切变换算法;-help students learning graphics and engineering staff a good tool, they demonstrated a dynamic graphics generation process, the detailed source code so that you can run after the paste, including DDA, resenham, point by point comparison Linear Algorithm; Bresenham, DDA, the midpoint Circle algorithm; N bezier, spline, Bspling, Hermite curve generation algorithm; single, bilinear, Bezier surface generation algorithm; vector, Character generation algorithm; scanning fill the seed filling algorithm, polygons, linear cutting algorithm; translation ratio, rotation, symmetric origin , Shear Transform algorithm;
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 788kb Publisher : 冯宾

DL : 0
寻找三次样条多项式需要求解大量的线性方程。实际上,给定N个断点,就要寻找N-1个三次多项式,每个多项式有4个未知系数。这样,所求解的方程组包含有4*(N-1)个未知数。把每个三次多项式列成特殊形式,并且运用各种约束,通过求解N个具有N个未知系数的方程组,就能确定三次多项式。 -find cubic spline solving polynomial need a lot of linear equations. In fact, given N breakpoints, it is necessary to look for N-1 cubic polynomial, each with four polynomial coefficients unknown. Thus, by solving the equations contain 4* (N-1) unknown. Each cubic polynomial Timing special form, and use of various constraints, by solving N with N unknown coefficient equations, we can identify three polynomial.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 讲演

DL : 0
用于直线拟合的matlab程序,用法请见函数内部的使用说明-linear fitting for the Matlab procedures, and applying the function see internal use
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 闰土

用matlab编写的线性插值,最近邻域插值,和双三次样条插值。-using Matlab prepared by the linear interpolation, the recent neighborhood interpolation and bicubic spline interpolation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : 周萍

DL : 0
问题:用三次样条插值法求节点的函数值。 算法描述: 1. 以 为参数变量的方法(三弯矩方程) 用二阶导数值 来计算S(x)。 首由有条件构造函数 的线性表达式,然后对 积分,在利用连续性得到三次样条函数S(x)在区间[ ]上的表达式 式中 是未知参数。 由第一类边界 ,导出关于 的三对角方程组 = 式中, k=1,2,…n-1 , 求出 后再代入S(x)得到函数值。 -Question: using cubic spline interpolation method node function value. Algorithm Description: 1. That the parameter variables (three moment equation) used to calculate the numerical second derivative S (x). The first constructor from the conditional linear expression, and then on the points to be continuity in the use of cubic spline function S (x) in the interval [] where the expression is the unknown parameters. From the first category boundaries, derived on the tridiagonal equations where =, k = 1,2, ... n-1, obtained after the substitution S (x) be function values.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : wangyangyang

DL : 0
二维插值的应用。二维插值主要应用于图像处理和数据的可视话。主要方法有:最邻近插值;双线形插值;三次样条插值等方法。该源码可以看出其中区别。-Application of two-dimensional interpolation. Two-dimensional interpolation is mainly used in image processing and visualization of data words. Main methods are: the nearest interpolation double linear interpolation cubic spline interpolation and other methods. The source can be seen the difference between them.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : meng wei

DL : 0
简单的讲,所谓拟合是指已知某函数的若干离散函数值{f1,f2,…,fn},通过调整该函数中若干待定系数f(λ1, λ2,…,λ3), 使得该函数与已知点集的差别(最小二乘意义)最小。如果待定函数是线性,就叫线性拟合或者线性回归(主要在统计中),否则叫作非线性拟合或者非线性回归。表达式也可以是分段函数,这种情况下叫作样条拟合。-Simply speaking, the so-called fitting refers to a function known to a number of discrete function values (f1, f2, ..., fn), by adjusting the number of undetermined coefficient function f (λ1, λ2, ..., λ3), makes the function and known points of difference (least squares significance) the smallest. To be determined if the function is linear, is called linear regression or linear regression (mainly in the statistics), otherwise known as non-linear fitting, or nonlinear regression. Expressions can also be a sub-function, this case is called spline fitting.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : nancy

The inverse of the gradient function. I ve provided versions that work on 1-d vectors, or 2-d or 3-d arrays. In the 1-d case I offer 5 different methods, from cumtrapz, and an integrated cubic spline, plus several finite difference methods. In higher dimensions, only a finite difference/linear algebra solution is provided, but it is fully vectorized and fully sparse in its approach. In 2-d and 3-d, if the gradients are inconsistent, then a least squares solution is generated
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : 徐亮

nonrigid_version10: Registration of two 2D images or 3D volumes both rigid and non-rigid with smooth b-spline grid without landmarks
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 496kb Publisher : zhangxq

MATLAB实现拉格朗日、分段线性、三次样条三种插值的方法,改变节点的数目,对三种插值结果进行初步分析-MATLAB realization of Lagrange, piecewise linear, cubic spline interpolation in three ways, changing the number of nodes, interpolation of three preliminary analysis of the results
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 118kb Publisher : 刘文

DL : 0
实现拉朗日插值、线性插值、样条插值,用MATLAB计算两种二维插值的方法。-Implementation date lalang interpolation, linear interpolation, spline interpolation, calculated using MATLAB in two methods of two-dimensional interpolation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : li

分段线性样条差值的matlab仿真,用于数值计算-Piecewise linear spline margin matlab simulation, for the numerical calculation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : serena

This is a simple thing to do if you are willing to use a piecewise linear interpolant. More difficult is when the curve is a parametric spline or pchip model. The interparc.m function uses an ode solver to integrate the distance along the curve itself, then uses that ode solver to do the interpolation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : zhenhao

在开发子函数时,matlab存在正则方法和非正则方法,正则方法非常适合一个子函数功能的不断扩展与完善,此函数为辅助函数,增加子函数的可读性 例如一个函数drawfun(x,y,z,5,6),5表示用第5种方法插值,6表示markersize为6,它显然没有drawfun(x,y,z, kriging , markersize ,6)好看懂与理解。 kriging 如何就是5可以用optionchoose(varargin{4},{ linear , spline , inverse , regression , kriging })判断。 再如一个结构体中有很多人的名字和各门课的成绩,想查看张三的所有分数就可以: student(optionchoose( 张三 ,{})) 如果没有张三这个人,optionchoose会出错退出,用optionchoose( 张三 ,{},1)则返回-1,optionchoose( 张三 ,{},1)在返回-1的同时显示可有的一些选项。 optionchoose( John ,{},1, -case )会强制区分大小写,与john将不是同一个人- check the input option , output the value of option style Usage: och=optionchoose(oi,ostyle,|[restrain_error],|[ -case ]) when design functions, string option is apt to read and operate oi is one option of character, you can write in short only when this option distinguish other options ostyle means all possible options, it can be strings or string cell restrain_error =0 by default setting. if equal other, mean program will not interrupt, but return-1. restrain>=2, return possible option (when no match option), when 2, display option mesg. Notice: uppercase and lowercase of oi(ostyle) seemed same, not to distinguish, only when -case , then distinguish UPPERCASE and lowercase of characters och is numeric opposite to ostyle order, if not in ostyle, return-1 For example: i=optionchoose( pos ,{ position , potential , pocket }) i=1 See also STRCMP, STRNCMP, STRMATCH
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : zhoudg

interpolation, approximation, linear spline
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : klo

for LS/DFT Channel Estimation with linear/spline interpolation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : rtrt

输入一wav格式声音信号 输出对声音信号进行抽取并插值后的频谱图(源程序为8倍重采样),并可使用play函数进行播放试听,如play(nearest),play(ori) 有ori原始音质、ups插值音质、downs抽取音质三种及以下五种重采样音质 重采样试听种类有nearest,linear,spline,pchip,cubic,插值算法详见interp1函数 可用过取消注释“高斯白噪声”、“高频噪声”对声音信号加入噪声-Wav format input-output audio signal and extracting the sound signal spectrum after interpolation (resampling source 8 times), and can be played using the play function audition, such as play (nearest), play (ori) with ori original sound, ups interpolation quality, downs and extracted three kinds of sound quality resampling the following five types of resampling audition with nearest, linear, spline, pchip, cubic, interpolation algorithm described interp1 function can be used to abolish the comment " Gaussian white noise" , " frequency noise " of the sound signal to the noise
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : jiamenghan

基于线性/样条插值的LS/DFT信道估计,本人亲测可用,请放心下载!-Based on linear/spline interpolation LS/DFT channel estimation, pro-test is available, please rest assured download!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 李子慕
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