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Description: 共扼梯度法的Matlab源程序,寻找非线性或线性方程的极值-conjugate gradient method of Matlab source to find nonlinear equations or linear Extreme
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 李国齐 | Hits:


Description: 通常情况下是线性的分类,但在复杂情况下,要把他转换到另一空间来,以便线性的分类, SVM有其优势,还能做非线性的波束形成.-under normal circumstances is linear classification, but in complex situations, it is necessary to change his room to another, to the linear classification, SVM has its advantages, the ability to do nonlinear beam forming.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: fujiewei | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinegsl-1.10.tar

Description: GNU科学计算函数库GSL(GNU Scientific Library)是一个强大的C/C++数值计算函数库,它是一个自由软件,是GNU项目软件的一个部分,遵循GPL协议。函数库提供了大量的数值计算程序,如随机函数、特殊函数和拟合函数等等。整个函数库大约有1000多个函数,几乎涵盖了科学计算的各个方面。以下是整个函数库的目录: Complex Numbers Roots of Polynomials Special Functions Vectors and Matrices Permutations Sorting BLAS Support , BLAS(Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) Linear Algebra Eigensystems Fast Fourier Transforms Quadrature Random Numbers Quasi-Random Sequences Random Distributions Statistics Histograms N-Tuples Monte Carlo Integration Simulated Annealing Differential Equations Interpolation Numerical Differentiation Chebyshev Approximation Series Acceleration Discrete Hankel Transforms Root-Finding Minimization Least-Squares Fitting Physical Constants IEEE Floating-Point -err
Platform: | Size: 2842624 | Author: 贺强 | Hits:


Description: 科学与工程计算常用算法程序库-C语言版 书中所选用的算法均是科学与工程计算中最为常用的算法,覆盖了复数运算、插值法、数值积分与微分、线性方程组求解、代数方程与超越方程求解、拟合与平滑、矩阵分析、数理统计中的回归分析、数学变换等范围,基本上能够满足科学与工程计算的一般需要。在上述各方面的算法中,通常都有若干种算法,书中则只筛选了其中的一种或几种较为典型和具有代表性的算法,并且尽量阐明算法的特点和适用范围,以方便使用者的选用。-Science and engineering computing algorithm commonly used library-C language version of the book the selected algorithm are science and engineering calculation of the most commonly used algorithms, covering complex computation, interpolation, numerical integration and differentiation, solving linear equations, algebraic equations and transcendental equation solving, fitting with the smooth, matrix analysis, mathematical statistics in regression analysis, mathematical transformation, such as the scope of, basically able to meet the scientific and engineering computing general needs. In each of these areas in the algorithm, usually have a number of algorithms, the book only screening of which one or more of the more typical and representative of the algorithm, and try to clarify the algorithm characteristics and scope of application, to facilitate the use of From the selection.
Platform: | Size: 7185408 | Author: lbf | Hits:


Description: 包括图像分析的四部分代码:matlab扩散和高斯函数,线性扩散,线性复扩散,非线性扩散。-It contains four parts: [1]MATLAB function:diffusion.m gauss.m [2]Linear diffusion Applying linear diffusion to images creating linear scale-space. MATLAB code: demo_lin.m Image: haifa1.bmp [3]Linear complex diffusion Applying linear complex diffusion creating Gaussian and Laplacian scale-spaces. MATLAB code: demo_cmplin.m [4]Nonlinear diffusions: Perona-Malik ["Anisotropic diffusion"] Catte et al. regularization of P-M Complex ramp-preserving diffusion Nonlinear edge preserving diffusions.The classical Perona-Malik process: the value of the diffusion coefficient is reduced near edges estimated by the first derivative. Best applied to step edges. A regularized version by Catte et al- the gradient estimation for controlling the process is smoothed by a Gaussian. Proved to be mathematically well-posed. Ramp preserving complex diffusion- best for ramp-type edges. Results are smoother with almost no staircasing effects. MATLAB code: demo_nldif.m Image: ct_scan.bmp
Platform: | Size: 239616 | Author: 吴豪科 | Hits:


Description: 该代码是《科学与工程数值算法》(visual C++实现)一书中的源代码,里面包括常见的数值算法的实现,主要包括复数运算、矩阵运算、线性方程组的求解、非线性方程组的求解以及差值和数值积分的实现。-The code is " Science and Engineering, Numerical Algorithms" (visual C++ to achieve) the book' s source code, which include the common realization of numerical algorithm, including complex calculations, matrix operations, linear equations, nonlinear equations, as well as the margin and the achievement of numerical integration.
Platform: | Size: 1182720 | Author: 王伟 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsww

Description: Modify the Matlab Gauss Elimination routine given in lectures so that it (a) performs implicit complete pivoting, and (b) handles m right hand sides at once by performing an LU decomposition of the matrix A first and then doing forward substitution and back substitution (hence not modifying the right hand side as the elimination is perfomed). Test your program and then run it on the system AX = B-Modify the Matlab Gauss Elimination routine given in lectures so that it (a) performs implicit complete pivoting, and (b) handles m right hand sides at once by performing an LU decomposition of the matrix A first and then doing forward substitution and back substitution ( hence not modifying the right hand side as the elimination is perfomed). Test your program and then run it on the system AX = B
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: liuzhenghao | Hits:


Description: 1stOpt是一套数学优化分析综合工具软件包。在非线性回归,曲线拟合,非线性复杂模型参数估算求解,线性/非线性规划等领域傲视群雄,首屈一指,居世界领先地位。除去简单易用的界面,其计算核心是基于七维高科有限公司科研人员十数年的革命性研究成果【通用全局优化算法】(Universal Global Optimization - UGO),该算法之最大特点是克服了当今世界上在优化计算领域中使用迭代法必须给出合适初始值的难题,即用户勿需给出参数初始值,而由1stOpt随机给出,通过其独特的全局优化算法,最终找出最优解。以非线性回归为例,目前世界上在该领域最有名的软件工具包诸如Matlab, OriginPro, SAS, SPSS, DataFit, GraphPad等,均需用户提供适当的参数初始值以便计算能够收敛并找到最优解。如果设定的参数初始值不当则计算难以收敛,其结果是无法求得正确结果。而在实际应用当中,对大多数用户来说,给出(猜出)恰当的初始值是件相当困难的事,特别是在参数量较多的情况下,更无异于是场噩梦。而1stOpt凭借其超强的寻优,容错能力,在大多数情况下(大于90 ),从任一随机初始值开始,都能求得正确结果。-1stOpt is a set of mathematical optimization analysis and comprehensive tools package. In the non-linear regression, curve fitting, non-linear parameter estimation to solve complex models, linear/nonlinear programming areas such as boast of the pack, second to none, the world leader. Remove easy to use interface, the core of its calculation is based on the seven-dimensional High-tech Co., Ltd. researchers more than a decade of revolutionary research】 【general global optimization algorithm (Universal Global Optimization- UGO), the most important feature of the algorithm is to overcome today s computing world, in optimizing the use of iterative method must be given an appropriate initial value problem, meaning that users are given parameters Needless to initial value, but by 1stOpt randomly given, through its unique global optimization algorithm, the end to find out the optimal solution. In order to non-linear regression, for example, currently the world s most famous in the field of
Platform: | Size: 906240 | Author: Rongsheng | Hits:


Description: Obtain invariant complex moments expand linear combination os invariant regular moments
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: faxose | Hits:


Description: 模式识别k均值算法,用于求大量非线性复杂问题的一种比较好的方法-Pattern Recognition k means algorithm, for a large number of non-linear complex problems demand a better method
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: luojinwen11 | Hits:


Description: 模式识别k均值算法,用于求大量非线性复杂问题的一种比较好的方法-Pattern Recognition k means algorithm, for a large number of non-linear complex problems demand a better method
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: luojinwen11 | Hits:


Description: 模式识别k均值算法,用于求大量非线性复杂问题的一种比较好的方法-Pattern Recognition k means algorithm, for a large number of non-linear complex problems demand a better method
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: luojinwen11 | Hits:


Description: 。本书首先讲述了MATLAB语言程序设计基础,然后分别介绍了符号计算在微积分和复变函数两门大学数学基础课程中的应用,接着系统的介绍了线性方程组、非线性方程与最优化方法、特征值与特征向量、插值与函数逼近、估计方法和数据拟合、积分计算、常微分方程的数值方法。从实用角度考虑,本书许多章节都给出了一些数值分析的应用范例,并在最后一章单独介绍了一些综合性较强的数学建模问题-This book starts by describing the basis of MATLAB programming language, and then introduced the symbolic computation in calculus and complex functions based on two college courses in applied mathematics, and then introduced the system of linear equations, nonlinear equations with the most optimization method, eigenvalue and eigenvector, Interpolation and function approximation, estimation and data fitting, integral calculation, numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. From a practical point of view, many of the chapters the book gives some numerical analysis are examples of the application, and separate in the final chapter describes some of the more integrated mathematical modeling
Platform: | Size: 5415936 | Author: 刘良勇 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopLINEAR-ALGEBRA-DONE-RIGHT-2nd-ed

Description: 描述线性算子的结构是线性代数的中心任务之一,传统的方法多以行列式为工具,但是行列式既难懂又不直观,其定义的引入也往往缺乏动因。本书作者独辟蹊径,抛弃了这种曲折的思路,把重点放在抽象的向量空间和线性映射上,给出的证明不使用行列式,更显得简单而直观。本书把行列式的内容放在了最后讲解,开辟了一条理解线性算子结构的新途径。书中还对一些术语、结论、证明思路、提及的数学家做了注释,增加了行文的趣味性,便于读者掌握核心概念和思想方法。   本书起点较低,不需要太多预备知识,而特色鲜明,是公认的阐述线性代数的经典佳作。原书自出版以来,迅速风靡世界,在30多个国家为200多所高校所采用,其中包括斯坦福大学和加州大学伯克利分校等著名学府-The audacious title of this book deserves an explanation. Almost all linear algebra books use determinants to prove that every linear operator on a finite-dimensional complex vector space has an eigenvalue. Determinants are difficult, nonintuitive, and often defined without motivation. To prove the theorem about existence of eigenvalues on complex vector spaces, most books must.define determinants, prove that a linear map is not invertible ff and only if its determinant equals O, and then define the characteristic polynomial. This tortuous (torturous?) path gives students little feeling for why eigenvalues must exist. In contrast, the simple determinant-free proofs presented here offer more insight. Once determinants have been banished to the end of the book, a new route opens to the main goal of linear algebra-- understanding the structure of linear operators.
Platform: | Size: 1148928 | Author: fang | Hits:

[Special Effectslinear-feature

Description: 一篇关于改进的复杂图像的线特征提取方法,该文章有效地提高了线特征的提取效率-A complex picture on the improvement of the line feature extraction method, the article effectively improve the efficiency of the line feature extraction
Platform: | Size: 491520 | Author: xuzhaohe | Hits:


Description: 利用傅里叶变换的原理计算复杂线型的激光经过小孔之后的衍射。-Using Fourier transformation calculation principle of linear complex laser through the holes after diffraction.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wu | Hits:

[Windows Developcomplex-linear-equations

Description: 本程序利用C语言实现高斯法求解复数方程组。-C code to solve complex linear equations using Gauss method
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 刘军会 | Hits:


Description: In control theory and stability theory, root locus analysis a graphical method for examining how the roots of a system change with variation of a certain system parameter, commonly a gain within a feedback system. This is a technique used as a stability criterion in the field of classical control theory developed by Walter R. Evans which can determine stability of the system. The root locus plots the poles of the closed loop transfer function in the complex s-plane as a function of a gain parameter.-In control theory and stability theory, root locus analysis is a graphical method for examining how the roots of a system change with variation of a certain system parameter, commonly a gain within a feedback system. This is a technique used as a stability criterion in the field of classical control theory developed by Walter R. Evans which can determine stability of the system. The root locus plots the poles of the closed loop transfer function in the complex s-plane as a function of a gain parameter.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: Student | Hits:


Description: A new grid load frequency control approach is proposed for the doubly fed induction generator based wind power plants. The load frequency control issue in a power system is undergoing fundamental changes due to the rapidly growing amount of wind energy conversation system, and concentrating on maintaining generation-load balance and disturbance rejection. The prominent feature of the linear active disturbance rejection control approach is that the total disturbance can be estimated and then eliminated in real time. And thus, it is a feasible solution to deal with the load frequency control issue. In this paper, the application of the linear active disturbance rejection control approach in the load frequency control issue for a complex power system with wind energy conversation system based on doubly fed induction generator is investigated.
Platform: | Size: 950272 | Author: Gomaa Haroun | Hits:


Description: 线性系统理论是系统与控制科学领域的一门最基础的课程。本书按照少而精的原则,对线性系统的时间域理论和复频率域理论分别作了系统而全面的阐述。本书内容丰富、论述严谨、重点突出,体系结构和取材强调基础性和实用性,编写符合理工科学生的认识规律。每章均配有习题。本书可作为理工科大学生和研究生的教材,也可供科技工作者学习参考。-The theory of linear systems is one of the most basic courses in the field of systems and control science. In accordance with the principle of less and more refined , the book systematically and comprehensively expounds the theory of time domain and complex frequency domain theory of linear system. This book is rich in content, rigorous discussion, focused, systematic structure and material, emphasizing the basic and practical, and write the law of understanding of students of science and engineering. Each chapter is equipped with exercises. This book can be used as a teaching material for science and engineering students and graduate students. It can also be used for reference by scientific and technical workers.
Platform: | Size: 12484608 | Author: 林云 | Hits:
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