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用FFT分别计算Xa(n) (p=8, q=2)与Xb(n) (a =0.1,f =0.0625)的16点循环卷积和线性卷积。-Calculated using FFT, respectively, Xa (n) (p = 8, q = 2) and Xb (n) (a = 0.1, f = 0.0625) of the 16 points cyclic convolution and linear convolution.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : 万宁宁

信号的FFT分析 利用FFT实现两序列的线性卷积。-FFT implementation using the linear convolution of two sequences
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 敬永明

DL : 0
基于MATLAB平台实现利用FFT计算线性卷积-MATLAB-based platform for the realization of the linear convolution calculation using FFT
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : gushihu

印度GURUNANAK ENGINEERING COLLEGE数字信号处理实验室的DSP+c+Matlab联合编程手册-DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB (IV-I SEM) INDEX 1. Architecture of DSP chips-TMS 320C 6713 DSP Processor 2. Linear convolution 3. Circular convolution 4. FIR Filter (LP/HP) Using Windowing technique a. Rectangular window b. Triangular window c. Kaiser window 5. IIR Filter(LP/HP) on DSP processors 6. N-point FFT algorithm 7. Power Spectral Density of a sinusoidal signals 8. FFT of 1-D signal plot 9. MATLAB program to generate sum of sinusoidal signals 10. MATLAB program to find frequency response of analog
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.51mb Publisher : wangjin

DL : 0
利用matlab进行FFT和IFFT计算线性卷积,并得到其曲线-Using matlab FFT and IFFT calculations for linear convolution, and get the curve
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : 张雯

DL : 0
ifft和fft实现线性卷积,并与matlab中默认内置的conv()函数的结果对照,验证其正确性-using ifft and fft to accomplish linear conviction
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 如风

DL : 0
用matlab编写的线性卷积和FFT,与matlab自带函数功能一样。每行代码都有注释,便于拓扑和扩展-Linear convolution and FFT using matlab matlab own function function. Each line of code is well commented, easy topology and extended
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 周和

DL : 0
给定两个序列 x(n)=[2,1,1,2],h(n)=[1,-1,-1,1,], 。首先直接在时域计算两者的线性卷积;然后用FFT快速计算二者的线性卷积,验证结果。-Given two sequences, a.First directly evaluated both linear convolution in time domain Then using FFT fast calculation of the two linear convolution, the verification results.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 13kb Publisher : 廖铭文

DL : 0
1.对于两个序列:x(n)=n R16(n),h(n)=R8(n) (1)在同一图形窗口中绘出两序列的时域图形。 (2)利用FFT编程计算两序列的线性卷积,绘出的时域图形。 -1. For two sequences: x (n) = n R16 (n), h (n) = R8 (n) (1) draw the two sequences in the same time-domain graphics window graphics. (2) calculation of the linear programming using the FFT convolution of two sequences of time domain graph plotted.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 李闯

DL : 0
探索卷积的不同的实现方法,而非用matlab中的卷积命令(explore how this can be calculated efficiently using the FFT. This entails understanding the difference between linear and circular convolution. We will explore using the FFT and compare it with a conventional direct implementation of the convolution. To obtain the greatest advantage of the fft all the filters that we will use have a sample length that is an integer power of 2. In general, it is always possible to pad an FIR filter with zeros to achieve this.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 567kb Publisher : Jessicapu
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