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Update : 2010-12-19 Size : 3.36mb Publisher :

微软面试100题,有意思- Microsoft interviews 100 topics, is interesting
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : none

西安电子科技大学的微机原理与接口技术课件,本人几经周折才弄到,希望站长手下留情-Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology of the Computer Architecture and Software interface technology, I encountered several setbacks before result of, head of hope for mercy
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.13mb Publisher : 杨天

国内唯一一本介绍链接器和加载器的书籍. 讲编译原理的书很多,但是讲linkerAndLoader的书籍却只有这一本.缺6和10章,还未翻译完成.-the only one on the linker loader and books. Stresses build on the principle of many, But linkerAndLoader books say only that the. na 6 and Chapter 10, not yet completed the translation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.85mb Publisher : 陈伟

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.09mb Publisher : 姜人宽

《Linkers and Loaders》中文版 学习编译的朋友的最爱。很难找的,特别是中文版。-err
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.33mb Publisher : yuzek

linker和loader的中文翻译完全版,此站已传的版本不完整,并且没有书签阅读不方便。对于要想了解链接和加载细节的十分好,是国内外不可多得的经典。-linker and loader of the Chinese translation of the full version, this station has been Chuan version is incomplete, and there are no bookmarks to read is not convenient. For in order to understand the links and load the details very well, is a rare classic at home and abroad.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.09mb Publisher : kangyulu

Linkers and loaders 经典著作
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.74mb Publisher : 45465

链接器和加载器,这是一本全面介绍我们编写的程序是如何被链接的,个人觉得做嵌入式开发的软件工程师必备的一本书.-Linker and loader, which is a comprehensive introduction to our preparation procedure is how the link, do personally feel that the development of embedded software engineers required a book.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.16mb Publisher : 秋夜清风

链接器和加载器中文版,详细解答了可执行文件被操作系统执行的详细过程。告诉我们可执行程序背后的秘密。有一定深度。 谢谢!-Linker and loader the Chinese version of the detailed answers that the executable file by the operating system to implement the detailed process. Tell us the secret behind the executable program. Have a certain depth. Thanks!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.09mb Publisher : 钟方清

Linker and Loaders by John R.Levine Chapter 1: Linking and Loading Chapter 2: Architectural Issues Chapter 3: Object Files Chapter 4: Storage allocation Chapter 5: Symbol management -Linker and Loaders by John R. LevineChapter 1: Linking and LoadingChapter 2: Architectural IssuesChapter 3: Object FilesChapter 4: Storage allocationChapter 5: Symbol management
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.36mb Publisher : lancy

link and loader,很好的一本数,讲链接和加载的-link and loader, a good number of links and load stresses
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.62mb Publisher : sunvy

《linker and loader》中英文版,经典书籍。对想深入了解编译器的朋友应该很有帮助。-" Linker and loader" in the English version of the classic books. Thorough understanding of the compiler would like to be helpful friend.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.45mb Publisher : lzh

DL : 0
连接器、加载器的详实介绍,包括原理等细节内容。非常难得的这方面的资料-a very good book about linker and loader
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.36mb Publisher : zhangp

介绍链接器和加载器内部机制的书籍,对于开发编译器或者进行反汇编的朋友很有帮助。-Introduction linker and loader internal mechanisms of books, for the development of the compiler, or anti-a compilation of helpful friends.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.36mb Publisher : pangchenliang

linker and loader, nice one Very good book for beginners of computer programming.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.37mb Publisher : shreyas

电子书:编译器与解释器,英文原版,打印版.-e-book: linker and loader original
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.37mb Publisher : 张三

计算机编译原理中链接器和加载器的相关介绍-Linker and loader
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.09mb Publisher : 钟邮

本书主要介绍系统软件运行机制和原理涉及windows和linux两个操作系统上。一个应用程序在编译、链接和运行时发生的各种事项。-The book describes the system software running mechanisms and principles involved in both windows and linux operating system. An application, compile, link and runtime various matters.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.37mb Publisher : kingdom

,链接器和加载器就是软件开发工具包中的一部分,因为他们是 允许使用模块(而不是一个单独的大文件)来构建程序的关键工具。-, Linker and loader is part of the software development kit, because they are allowed to use the module (instead of a single large file) to build a key tool of the program.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.72mb Publisher : mehares
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