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选取windows系统自带的ding.wav信号作为分析对象,在Matlab软件平台下,利用函数wavread对音频信号进行采样,记住采样频率和采样点数,听一下原始声音sound(y, fs, bits)。 (2)音频信号的频谱分析,先画出音频信号的时域波形;然后对音频号进行快速傅里叶变换fft(y,N),N取32768,画出信号的频谱特性,加深对频谱特性的理解。 (3)根据频谱,反演时域特性,画出时域波形。寻找幅值最大的两个频率,此频率除以fft点数在乘以采样频率就是信号的主频,即可合成信号的时域图形,听一下声音。 (4)对原音频信号进行1024点的分段付立业分析meshgrid (5)根据主要频线合成音频,并画出时域图形,试听合成效果。 (6)采用线性插值(linspace)和傅立业反变换(fliplr, ifft)分别合成音频,并画出时域图形,试听效果。 -err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 何亮

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This program places dates on time axis as DATETICK and works with ZOOM and PAN as DATETICKZOOM by Christophe Lauwerys. But, it also shows the full date after zooming or panning by using the ticks and time-axis label. So, if you zoom in down to second, you won t loose "when" you are. The input arguments are equal to those of DATETICK function, but if more than one axis handle is specified, they all will be LINKED! Also, some other options are available, for example, the use of LOCAL LANGUAGE for the months (default), or the use of an specific date format: DD HH:MM SS.FFF for example. Besides, sometimes with DATETICK you don t get optimal results. This program (try to) fix this problem. Just use it after some plot function with days (see DATENUM) in one of his axis (time-axis): t = linspace(0,1) + now x = rand(size(t)) plot(t,x) axis tight tlabel <---- Enjoy it! Bugs reports and suggestions will be very appreciated! -This program places dates on time axis as DATETICK and works with ZOOM and PAN as DATETICKZOOM by Christophe Lauwerys. But, it also shows the full date after zooming or panning by using the ticks and time-axis label. So, if you zoom in down to second, you won t loose "when" you are. The input arguments are equal to those of DATETICK function, but if more than one axis handle is specified, they all will be LINKED! Also, some other options are available, for example, the use of LOCAL LANGUAGE for the months (default), or the use of an specific date format: DD HH:MM SS.FFF for example. Besides, sometimes with DATETICK you don t get optimal results. This program (try to) fix this problem. Just use it after some plot function with days (see DATENUM) in one of his axis (time-axis): t = linspace(0,1)+ now x = rand(size(t)) plot(t,x) axis tight tlabel <---- Enjoy it! Bugs reports and suggestions will be very appreciated!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : wusheng

例4:在sinc(t)信号中叠加噪声,分析对应频谱 fs=100 采样频率,必须大于两倍基带信号最高频率 ts=1/fs 采样时间间隔 T=2 时间窗大小 - x=x+0.1*randn(1,N) x=awgn(x,-10, measured ) figure plot(t,x) title( 时域信号图 ) xlabel( t /s ) y=fft(x,N) figure if mod(N,2)~=0 N=N-1 end f=linspace(0,fs/2,N/2) plot(f,abs(y(1:N/2))*2/N) title( 叠加噪声的sinc(t)信号频谱 ) xlabel( f /Hz ) figure y0=y(1:N/2) P=y0.*conj(y0)/N P=10*log10(P) plot(f,P) title( 功率谱 ) xlabel( f /Hz )
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张红

例3:分析占空比为ta的矩形脉冲频谱 T=1 时间窗大小 ta=0.5 占空比 N=256 t=linspace(-T,T,N) ts=2*T/N fs=1/ts -x=zeros(1,N) x(N/2-round(N/2*ta):N/2+round(N/2*ta))=ones(1,2*round(N/2*ta)+1) y=fft(x,N) figure plot(t,x) title([ 时域信号图 占空比为 ,num2str(ta)]) axis([-T T-0.2 1.2]) xlabel( t /s ) figure subplot(211) f=linspace(-fs/2,fs/2,N) plot(f,abs(fftshift(y))/N) title([ 矩形脉冲双边谱 脉冲时间t=[- ,num2str(ta*T), , ,num2str(ta*T), ] ]) xlabel( f /Hz )
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张红

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这是一个简单的FFT为无电位1 +1 +1 Ð 薛定谔方程的光束传播方法。如果该软件灵活,允许引入的术语(如果是极少数需要包括色散效应高阶导数)。例如,如果一个人渴望解决的一个方程的形式: (四/ dz的+ Ð ^ 2/dx ^ 2 - 0.25 * Ð ^ 3/dx ^ 3)== 0 Ÿ 它可以解决使用以下代码: Ž = linspace(0,1,512) x = linspace(-5,5,1024) psi0 =进出口(- x的。^ 2) Ð = D_lateral1D(十,2)-0.25 * D_lateral1D(十,3) 字段= LinearBPM(psi0,有D,Z) 凡D_lateral1D是一个函数,提供“取代”的微分算子。 这个函数是在一个非线性的BPM,我曾对(分步,谱方法等),将提交给我,当我完成他们的文件和组织功能更复杂的设置非常初期阶段。 -This is a simple FFT based beam propagation method for potential-free 1+1+1D Schrodinger equation. The software if flexible and allows to introduce high-order derivatives in the term (very handful if is needed to include dispersion effects). For example, if one desires to solve an equation in the form: (d/dz+ d^2/dx^2- 0.25*d^3/dx^3)Y == 0 It can be solved using the following code: z=linspace(0,1,512) x=linspace(-5,5,1024) psi0=exp(-x.^2) D=D_lateral1D(x,2)-0.25*D_lateral1D(x,3) field=LinearBPM(psi0,D,z) Where D_lateral1D is a provided function that "replaces" the derivative operator. This function is a very early stage in a more complex set of non-linear BPM functions that I have made (split-step, spectral methods, etc.) and I will submit them when I finish their documentation and organization. Sorry for my English, I m eager for your comments.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : zhou

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语音信号处理 时域分析 短时能量 短时平均过零率 短时自相关函数- a=wavread( beifeng.wav ) subplot(6,1,1),plot(a) N=32 for i=2:6 h=linspace(1,1,2.^(i-2)*N);
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 90kb Publisher : qianping

各种matlab代码,实现各种功能,供查阅者参考,熟悉matlab软件的使用-x=linspace(0,1,21) y=linspace(0,1,21) [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y) z=(X.*Y)./(X+Y) meshc(X,Y,z)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : wangchaoyang

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两块无线大的PEC板位于YOZ平面,一块位于x=0电位为0V,另一块位于x=4电位为20V,使用一维有限元方法求解板间电位。 -Two wireless PEC board located YOZ to plane, one at x = 0 potential is 0V, and the other one is located in x = 4 the potential of 20V, the one-dimensional finite element method for solving the potential between the plates.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 莫飞

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M=63 J=(M-1)/2 Wp=0.5*pi Ws=0.6*pi Np=100 Ns=100 weightp=1 weights=100 通带和阻带的加权系数 WpN=linspace(0,Wp,Np) WsN=linspace(Ws,pi-0.05,Ns) Wm=[WpN WsN] p=[ones(1,50),ones(1,50)/2] d=[p,zeros(1,Ns)] W=diag([weightp*ones(1,Np),weights*ones(1,Ns)]) C=cos(Wm*[0:J]) Q=diag(cos(Wm*0.5)) g=(W*Q*C)\(W*d) g=g h=(g(J:-1:2)+g(J+1:-1:3))/4 h=[g(J+1)/4 h g(1)*0.5+g(2)/4] h=[h fliplr(h)] W=linspace(0,pi-0.1,512) H=freqz(h,1,W) plot(W/pi,20*log10(abs(H))) -filter design
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李天

Initialise a cosine spaced vector (like linspace, with points biased to one or both ends)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : Tom

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这是用MATLAB实现开启和闭合操作的源代码 可适用于机械方面-  clc clear   [x,y,z]=meshgrid(linspace(-1.3,1.3))   f=(x.^2+(9/4)*y.^2+z.^2-1).^3-x.^2.*z.^3-(9/80)*y.^2.*z.^3   p=patch(isosurface(x,y,z,f,0))   set(p,‘FaceColor’,‘red’,‘EdgeColor’,‘none’)   daspect([1 1 1])   view(3)   camlight   lighting phong   legend(‘520,2014’)   set(gca,‘XTickLabel’,{‘19870722’,‘19940915’,‘20140318’,‘20140520’,‘forever’})   set(gca,‘YTickLabel’,{‘anywhere’,‘cd’,‘hf’})   set(gca,‘ZTickLabel’,{‘jy’})   grid on
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher :

在matlab中画多条不同颜色曲线的脚本程序,非常好用-Videos multiple different color curve in matlab script is very easy to use
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 叶落知秋

DL : 2
Matlab画的线较多时,线的颜色的选取对图的美观是有很大的影响的。 Jonathan C. Lansey 提供了在不同线上画不同颜色简单易用的函数。-Examples demonstrating the colors. LINE COLORS N 6 X linspace(0,pi*3,1000) Y bsxfun(@(x,n)sin(x+2*n*pi/N), X. , 1:N) C linspecer(N) axes( NextPlot , replacechildren , ColorOrder ,C) plot(X,Y, linewidth ,5) ylim([-1.1 1.1]) SIMPLER LINE COLOR EXAMPLE N 6 X linspace(0,pi*3,1000) C linspecer(N) hold off for ii 1:N Y sin(X+2*ii*pi/N) plot(X,Y, color ,C(ii,:), linewidth ,3) hold on end COLORMAP EXAMPLE A rand(15) figure imagesc(A) default colormap figure imagesc(A) colormap(linspecer) linspecer colormap 注:C即为生成的RGB颜色(非常好用)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : g

syms y(t) r 2 V odeToVectorField(diff(y, 2) + 0.5*diff(y, 1) - y^3+y^5 r*cos(t)) M matlabFunction(V, vars , { t , Y }) -syms y(t) r 2 V odeToVectorField(diff(y, 2)+ 0.5*diff(y, 1)- y^3+y^5 r*cos(t)) M matlabFunction(V, vars , { t , Y }) sol ode45(M,[0 20],[2 0]) x linspace(0,20,100) y1 d (sol,x,1) y2 d (sol,x,2) plot(x,y1, r- ,x,y2, b: ) legend( y1 , y2 ) xlabel( 时间 ) ylabel( y ) grid on
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : 黎燕霞

af=linspace(0,pi/3,100); bt=linspace(0,pi/6,100); [AF,BT]=meshgrid(af,bt); y=(tan(AF).*(0.5*(sin(AF)+(BT))-cos(AF+BT)))./((sin(BT)+0.5*cos(BT)).*(1+tan(AF).*cot(BT)).*cos(AF)); mesh(AF,BT,y)(best you can do some thing dow load ha ha ha ha hsa haha hahahahaha)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28kb Publisher : 青龙呀

When exporting complex curves with regions of interest and others without, it becomes useful to adaptivley query the domain of the function as opposed to evenly distributing the point density via linspace. When adaptivley adjusting the spacing of the representative domain, fewer points can be used as opposed to an evenly distributed domain for equivalent representation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : adil

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,用matlab绘制菊花 大家可以 使用此代码再次进行花的画法( data base t0=linspace(0,2*pi) for i=1:100 if rem(i,4)==0 t1(i)=NaN else t1(i)=t0(i) end if rem(i,4)==2 t2(i)=NaN else t2(i)=t0(i) end end p=linspace(0,0.25*pi) [xx,yy]=meshgrid(-2:0.05:2) [xxx,yyy]=meshgrid([0.01 0.01]) drawing process for i=1:10 if rem(i,2)==0 a=t1 elseif rem(i,2)==1)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher :
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