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[Streaming Mpeg4ffmpeg-0.3.4.tar

Description: 实时音频/视频(mpeg4)播放服务器-real audio/video (mpeg4) player
Platform: | Size: 104448 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: FFmpeg is an audio/video conversion tool. It includes libavcodec, the leading open source codec library. An experimental streaming server for live broadcasts is also included
Platform: | Size: 1611776 | Author: 陈善荣 | Hits:

[Multimedia programffmpeg-0.4.8.tar

Description: 功能很强大的编解码代码-feature is a powerful source codec
Platform: | Size: 1352704 | Author: | Hits:

[mpeg mp3gst-ffmpeg-0.8.6.tar

Description: 提供的基于mp4标准的codec,在linux下使用,生成mpeg流-mp4codeclinuxmpeg
Platform: | Size: 2549760 | Author: 杨政 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个linux下的源代码,,mpeg相关-under Linux source code, related mpeg
Platform: | Size: 1130496 | Author: 卢百万 | Hits:

[Special Effectsavcodec_sample

Description: ffmpeg例子.FFmpeg是一个集录制、转换、音/视频编码解码功能为一体的完整的开源解决方案。FFmpeg的开发是基于Linux操作系统,但是可以在大多数操作系统中编译和使用。-ffmpeg example. Sorenson is a record collection, conversion, Audio/Video codec combines the functional integrity of the revenue-raising solutions. Sorenson Development is based on the Linux operating system, but in most operating systems can be compiled and used.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: long | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsffmpeg-20050624

Description: FFmpeg is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec, the leading audio/video codec library. FFmpeg is developed under Linux, but it can compiled under most operating systems, including Windows.-Sorenson is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec. the leading audio/video codec library. Sorenson is developed under Linux. but it can compiled under most operating system s, including Windows.
Platform: | Size: 2068480 | Author: shirley | Hits:

[mpeg mp3ffmpeg

Description: FFmpeg is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec, the leading audio/video codec library. FFmpeg is developed under Linux, but it can compiled under most operating systems, including Windows. -FFmpeg is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec, the leading audio/video codec library. FFmpeg is developed under Linux, but it can compiled under most operating systems, including Windows.
Platform: | Size: 2821120 | Author: 汪文英 | Hits:


Description: 手持式无线监控终端的设计与实现-在Linux下实现ffmpeg,相当不错的硕士论文,对相关工程项目很有帮助。-Handheld wireless terminals to monitor the design and implementation- in Linux under ffmpeg, a pretty good master s thesis on the relevant projects helpful.
Platform: | Size: 2790400 | Author: 郑生朋 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxffmpeg-0.4.8_20051111.tar

Description: 基于Linux的ffmepg decoder-Linux-based ffmepg decoder
Platform: | Size: 5573632 | Author: 马俊 | Hits:


Description: 现在关于h.264的源码很多,如jm,x264,ffmpeg等。在linux里编译测试过,用来解x264的码流相当不错-Now on a lot of h.264 source, such as jm, x264, ffmpeg and so on. Compiler in linux where tested for the solution of Bitstream x264 pretty good
Platform: | Size: 2706432 | Author: 小狐 | Hits:


Description: ffmpeg的完整源代码和作者自己写的文档。不但有在Linux的工程哦,还有在Win32下的工程。好资料!-ffmpeg complete source code and documentation written by the author himself. Not only have the works in Linux Oh, we still have in the works under Win32. Good information!
Platform: | Size: 3007488 | Author: sharpboy | Hits:


Description: FFmpeg是用于录制、转换和流化音频和视频的完整解决方案, 包括 libavcodec ,一套领先的音/视频编解码类库。FFmpeg 在Linux上开发,当可以在大多数操作系统下编译,包括Windows。-FFmpeg is used to record, convert and stream audio and video of the complete solution, including libavcodec, a leading audio/video codec library. FFmpeg developed in Linux, as can be compiled under most operating systems, including Windows.
Platform: | Size: 32108544 | Author: huang | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4ffmpeg

Description: FFmpeg-----一个流媒体的完整解决方案,包括领先的音/视频编码库.-FFmpeg is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec, the leading audio/video codec library. FFmpeg is developed under Linux, but it can compiled under most operating systems, including Windows
Platform: | Size: 1566720 | Author: zds | Hits:

[mpeg mp3ffmpeg-export-snapshot

Description: LINUX下可运行的_李勇 ffmpeg-ffmpeg resource
Platform: | Size: 3200000 | Author: 李勇 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxffmpeg-0.4.8_src_20070726

Description: GM8120/GM8180 ffmepg-0.48 完整原代码-GM8120/GM8180 ffmpeg-0.48 full source code
Platform: | Size: 2410496 | Author: rick | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4yasm

Description: yasm.exe that is needed to compile x264 and ffmpeg in windows (perhaps linux). copy to mingw/bin
Platform: | Size: 252928 | Author: YQ | Hits:

[Multimedia programffmpeg

Description: 最新的ffmpeg0.5版本,Linux下可以直接编译,windows下需要借助其他工具,网上有很多说明。-The latest ffmpeg0.5 version, Linux may be directly translated, windows required under the aid of other tools, there are many online instructions.
Platform: | Size: 9907200 | Author: 余华飞 | Hits:


Description: ffmepg最新源码,支持linux和windows平台,可转换多种格式-ffmepg the latest source code, support for linux and windows platforms, multiple formats can be converted
Platform: | Size: 3665920 | Author: alice | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4ffmpeg-svn-20070501.tar

Description: 视音频编解码功能,通过了在linux下的编译,gcc版本4.1.2。成功对视频流进行H.264编码并将符合H.264标准的视音频文件解码成YUV数据,最后使用YUV工具播放成功。-audio/video codec toos. It includes libavcodec, the leading open source codec library. compiled in linux GCC at version 4.1.2.
Platform: | Size: 2656256 | Author: zhangwujiang | Hits:
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