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arm 平台下 linux gpio 的驱动
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 47.55kb Publisher :

详细讲述了linux设备驱动程序的开发,想学习linux下设备驱动程序开发工作的人员可以参考。文件清单列出如下: linuxdriver_code_tool |-- 03 | `-- 2.6内核升级工具 | |-- device-mapper-1.00.19-2.i386.rpm | |-- lvm2-2.00.25-1.01.i386.rpm | |-- mkinitrd- | |-- module-init-tools-3.2.2.tar.bz2 | `-- modutils-2.4.5-1.src.rpm |-- 04 | |-- 内核模块参数范例 | | `-- book.c | |-- 内核模块导出符号 | | `-- export_symb.c | `-- 最简单的内核模块 | `-- hello.c |-- 05 | `-- udev源代码 | `-- udev-114.tar.gz |-- 06 | |-- globalmem驱动 | | `-- globalmem.c | `-- 包含2个globalmem设备的驱动 | `-- globalmem_two.c |-- 07 | `-- 含并发控制的globalmem驱动 | `-- globalmem_lock.c |-- 08 | |-- globalfifo驱动 | | `-- globalfifo.c | `-- poll应用程序范例 | `-- pollmonitor.c |-- 09 | |-- 异步通知应用程序范例 | | `-- asyncmonitor.c | `-- 支持异步通知的globalfifo | `-- globalfifo_async.c |-- 10 | |-- S3C2410实时钟驱动 | | `-- s3c2410-rtc.c | `-- 秒设备驱动与应用程序 | |-- second.c | `-- second_test.c |-- 11 | |-- DMA范例 | | |-- 3c505.c | | |-- 3c505.h | | `-- dma.h | `-- 静态映射范例 | `-- mach-smdk2440.c |-- 12 | |-- NVRAM驱动 | | `-- generic_nvram.c | |-- 触摸屏驱动 | | |-- 作为input设备 | | | |-- s3c2410_ts.c | | | `-- s3c2410_ts.h | | `-- 作为普通字符设备 | | `-- s3c2410-ts.c | |-- 看门狗驱动 | | `-- s3c2410_wdt.c | `-- 平台设备 | `-- devs.c |-- 13 | |-- IDE驱动 | | |-- ide-disk.c | | `-- ide-h8300.c | `-- RAMDISK驱动 | `-- rd.c |-- 14 | |-- S3C2410串口驱动 | | |-- regs-gpio.h | | |-- regs-serial.h | | `-- s3c2410.c | `-- 串口核心层 | |-- serial_core.c | `-- serial_core.h |-- 15 | |-- S3C2410 I2C主机驱动 | | |-- i2c-s3c2410.c | | |-- iic.h | | |-- regs-gpio.h | | `-- regs-iic.h | `-- SAA711x I2C设备驱动 | `-- saa711x.c |-- 16 | `-- CS8900以太网设备驱动 | |-- cs89x0.c | `-- cs89x0.h |-- 17 | |-- ALSA工具及库 | | |-- alsa-driver-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-firmware-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-lib-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-oss-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-tools-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-utils-1.0.13.tar.bz2 | | `-- pyalsa-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | |-- ALSA驱动范例 | | |-- sa11xx-uda1341.c | | `-- uda1341.h | |-- ALSA应用程序范例 | | |-- pcm.c | | `-- pcm_min.c | |-- OSS驱动范例 | | `-- s3c2410-uda1341.c | `-- OSS应用程序范例 | |-- mixer.c | `-- sound.c |-- 18 | |-- FRAMEBUFFER应用程序范例 | | `-- fb_display | | |-- fb_display.c | | |-- fb_display.h | | |-- Makefile | | |-- README | | `-- test.c | `-- S3C2410 LCD驱动 | |-- s3c2410fb.c | `-- s3c2410fb.h |-- 19 | |-- busybox源代码 | | `-- busybox-1.2.1.tar.bz2 | |-- MTD工具 | | `-- mtd-utils-1.0.0.tar.gz | |-- nand驱动范例 | | `-- s3c2410.c | |-- nor驱动范例 | | `-- s3c2410nor.c | `-- yaffs&yaffs2源代码 | |-- yaffs.tar.gz | `-- yaffs2.tar.gz |-- 20 | |-- USB串口驱动 | | |-- usb-serial.c | | `-- usb-serial.h | |-- USB工具 | | `-- usbview-1.0.tar.tar | |-- USB骨架程序 | | `-- usb-skeleton.c | |-- USB键盘驱动 | | |-- input.h | | |-- usb_input.h | | `-- usbkbd.c | `-- usb主机控制器驱动范例 | |-- ohci-s3c2410.c | `-- usb-control.h |-- 21 | |-- PCI骨架程序 | | `-- pci-skeleton.c | `-- PCI驱动范例 | `-- i810_audio.c `-- 22 |-- 范例代码 | |-- oops范例 | | |-- oops_example.asm | | `-- oops_example.c | `-- proc范例 | `-- sim_proc.c `-- 内核调试工具 |-- ddd-3.3.11.tar.gz |-- gdbmod-2.4.bz2 |-- kdb-v4.4-2.6.15-rc5-common-1.bz2 |-- kdb-v4.4-2.6.15-rc5-common-2.bz2 |-- kdb-v4.4-2.6.15-rc5-i386-1.bz2 `-- linux-
Update : 2010-11-29 Size : 23.92mb Publisher : zxx000

AT91RM9200的嵌入式LINUX下GPIO驱动-AT91RM9200 embedded LINUX GPIO driver
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 32kb Publisher : 管世波

本程序是linux下写arm9200的gpio的程序及makefile文件 -the procedure is written under linux gpio arm9200 the procedures and documents makefile
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : zhf_make

gpio驱动 leddrv.c为驱动源程序 writeled.c为应用程序 writeled.c 编译方式 arm-elf-gcc -Wall -O2 -Wl,-elf2flt -o writeled writeled.c leddrv.c 编译方式 arm-elf-gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I你的uClinux目录/linux-2.4.x/include-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-trigraphs -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fno-common -pipe -fno-builtin -D__linux__ -DNO_MM -mapcs-32 -march=armv4 -mtune=arm7tdmi -mshort-load-bytes -msoft-float -DMODULE -c -o leddrv.o leddrv.c -GPIO driver leddrv.c-driven source code for applications writeled.c way writeled.c compiler arm-elf-gcc-Wall-O2-Wl,-elf2flt-o writeled writeled.cleddrv.c way compiler arm-elf-gcc-- you are D__KERNEL__-I of the uClinux directory/linux-2.4.x/include-Wall-Wstrict-prototypes-Wno-trigraphs-O2-fno-strict-aliasing-fno-common-fno-common-pipe-fno-builtin-D__linux__-- DNO_MM-mapcs-32-march = armv4-mtune = arm7tdmi-mshort-load-bytes-msoft-float-DMODULE-c-o leddrv.o leddrv.c
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : zhengbo

linux系统中GPIO口的驱动代码,可以改变宏定义来改变GPIO口的控制-linux system GPIO port driver code, can change the macro to change the definition of GPIO port control
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 54kb Publisher : chenjian

DL : 0
这是一个用于测试gpio 功能的小程序 这是一个用于测试gpio 功能的小程序-This is a GPIO function for testing a small program used to test this is a small program GPIO function
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : 阿加方

arm 平台下 linux gpio 的驱动-arm platform linux gpio driver
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 47kb Publisher :

linux unix test dd linux unix test -linux unix test dd linux unix test
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : ww

基于linux和s3c2440的gpio驱动程序,同时包含了应用程序例子,能够访问任意的单个IO管脚,设置为输入、输出等-S3C2440 based on linux and the GPIO driver also contains examples of applications that can access any individual IO pin, set to input and output, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : xiyong

嵌入式LINUX的GPIO驱动和测试代码,测试代码中写0置低,写1置高-Embedded LINUX-GPIO driver and test code, test code to write 0 buy low, buy high write one
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : bot

DL : 0
嵌入式arm+linux环境GPIO (通用输入/输出)测试驱动代码-Embedded arm linux environment GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) test-driven code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : 蓝色忧郁

linux 基于mips 架构cpu 的红外驱动,以及用户空间测试程序-linux on mips architecture cpu infrared driver, as well as user-space test procedures
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.56mb Publisher : yinxw

嵌入式 linux GPIO驱动 测试程序-failed to translate
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : shenqianlang

1、将makefile中的 CROSS =/usr/local/arm/2.95.3/bin/arm-linux- CFLAGS+=-I/usr/local/src/2.4.18-rmk7/include CFLAGS+=-I/usr/local/src/2.4.18-rmk7/include/linux CFLAGS+=-I/usr/local/arm/2.95.3/arm-linux/include 路径改为你宿主机上的。 2、#make,来编译驱动模块。 3、#export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/arm/2.95.3/bin //取决于你宿主机上的交叉编译工具路径 #arm-linux-gcc -o gpio_test gpio_test.c //编译应用程序 最终在你的当前文件夹下会生成gpiodrv.o与gpio_test两个文件。 4、#mkdir /tmp/1 5、通过ftp的方法,把gpio_test与gpiodrv.o文件下载到你的开发板上的/tmp/1目录中。 6、#mknod /dev/gpio c 220 0 //创建文件节点 #insmod gpiodrv.o #chmod +x gpio_test #./gpio_test 然后,就可以看到四个LED灯在闪烁了。:)-1, the makefile in the CROSS =/usr/local/arm/2.95.3/bin/arm-linux- CFLAGS+ =- I/usr/local/src/2.4.18-rmk7/include CFLAGS+ =- I/usr/local/src/2.4.18-rmk7/include/linux CFLAGS+ =- I/usr/local/arm/2.95.3/arm-linux/include changed the path on your host. 2,# make, to compile driver modules. 3,# export PATH = $ PATH:/usr/local/arm/2.95.3/bin// depends on your host on the path of the cross compiler tool# arm-linux-gcc-o gpio_test gpio_test.c// compile the application procedures for the ultimate in your current folder will be generated under the two documents gpiodrv.o and gpio_test. 4,# mkdir/tmp/1 5, through the ftp way to gpiodrv.o File Download gpio_test with the development of your board/tmp/1 directory. 6,# mknod/dev/gpio c 220 0// create a file node# insmod gpiodrv.o# chmod+ x gpio_test#./Gpio_test then four LED lights can be seen in the flicker of. :)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 马工

简单的 linux gpio 读写程序,了解2410 io操作。-Linux gpio read and write simple procedures, understand the operation of 2410 io.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 110kb Publisher : huqx

linux中内核模块gpio模拟i2c,可以不用自带的i2c程序,减少使用cpu资源-linux kernel module in the simulation gpio i2c, i2c can not own procedures, reduce the use of cpu resources
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 小华

Linux 在S3C2440下基本的驱动程序,包括基本端口操作-Linux under the basic driver S3C2440, including basic port operations
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : studystep0

自己写的嵌入式LINUX下GPIO口控制类 ,用在QT的Widgets Application中 【使用方法】 [初始化对象] GpioControl m_gpioControl; [初始化GPIO第84口OUT] m_gpioControl.Init(84); [设置GPIO第84口高电平] m_gpioControl.gpio_set_value(84, "1"); [设置GPIO第84口低电平] m_gpioControl.gpio_set_value(84, "0"); [初始化GPIO第13口IN] m_gpioControl.Init(13, false); [读取GPIO第13口电平] char buf[2]; m_gpioControl.gpio_get_value(13, buf); if(buf[0] == '0') { //GPIO第13口为低电平 } else { //GPIO第13口为高电平 }(Embedded linux GPIO controller which write by myself, used in QT Widgets Application. [Tutorial] //Init object GpioControl m_gpioControl; //Init no.84 GPIO OUT m_gpioControl.Init(84); //set no.84 GPIO hIgh power level m_gpioControl.gpio_set_value(84, "1"); //set no.84 GPIO low power level m_gpioControl.gpio_set_value(84, "0"); //Init no.13 GPIO IN m_gpioControl.Init(13, false); //read no.13 GPIO power level char buf[2]; m_gpioControl.gpio_get_value(13, buf); if(buf[0] == '0') { //no.13 GPIO power level is low } else { //no.13 GPIO power level is high })
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 矿石棋坛

xilinx xup 开发板 linux gpio 驱动及应用(xilinx xup board linux gpio demo)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : kanxin
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