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在linux下使用gvim,需要进行相关的配置,此包为linux下的gvim的配置文件,内含一个说明文件,叫你怎样安装。另带两幅vim命令的图片。-This source is about how to set gvim, it has a document inside tells you how to do it.It also contains two picture to tell you the command of vim.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 703kb Publisher : xwz

Linux下编程一直被诟病的一点是: 没有一个好用的IDE, 但是听说Linux牛人, 黑客之类的也都不用IDE. 但是对我等从Windows平台转移过来的Coder来说, 一个好用的IDE是何等的重要啊, 估计很多人就是卡在这个门槛上了, "工欲善其事, 必先利其器"嘛, 我想如果有一个很好用的IDE, 那些Linux牛人也会欢迎的. 这都是劳动人民的美好愿望罢了, 我今天教大家把gvim改装成一个简易IDE, 说它"简易"是界面上看起来"简易", 但功能绝对不比一个好的IDE差.-Under Linux programming has been criticized: an easy to use IDE, but I heard Linux cattle, hackers and the like do not have the IDE, but I ll wait for the transfer from the Windows platform Coder, an easy to useIDE is how important it is estimated that card a lot of people on this threshold, "we must first sharpen his tools" Well, I think if there is a good IDE, those Linux cattlewill welcome this is the aspiration of the working people nothing, today I will teach you to gvim converted into a simple IDE, it was "easy" interface looks "easy", but the function is absolutely better than a good IDE.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.51mb Publisher : 舒书
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