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[Other resourceLinuxkernel中文版

Description: 本书是为那些想了解Linux 内核工作原理的Linux 狂热爱好者而写 它并非一本内部 手册主要描叙了Linux设计的原理与机制以及Linux内核怎样工作及其原因 Linux还在不断改进本书基于目前比较流行且性能稳定的2.0.33 核心-this is a book for those who wish to understand the Linux kernel principle Linux enthusiasts and write it is not an internal manual depicts the major Linux design principle and mechanism of how the Linux kernel and the original work Linux is a result of continuous improvement based on the book currently more popular but stable performance of the core 2.0.33
Platform: | Size: 1268044 | Author: 顾雷 | Hits:

[Other resourceLinux-kernel

Description: 这本书的内容是关于linux的内核注释方面的,可以帮你更好的学习linux的内部原理.-this book on the contents of the linux kernel of the Notes. can help you better learning linux internal principle.
Platform: | Size: 2645114 | Author: zhangzhen | Hits:

[Other resourceLinuxProgramming

Description: Linux系统分析与关键编程技术 第一篇 Linux系统介绍 第二篇 Linux高级语言及管理编程 第三篇 Linux系统内核分析 第四篇 Linux系统高级编程 第五篇 Linux系统安全分析 第六篇 X window系统的内部结构和使用-Linux System and key programming technology first introduced second Linux system Linux Senior management programming language and third on Linux kernel analysis of the fourth Linux Advanced Programming fifth chapter Linux System Safety Analysis sixth chapter of the X window system and the use of the internal structure
Platform: | Size: 9356552 | Author: 小强 | Hits:


Description: 本书并不是特意一本Linux 的内部手册相反它是对操作系统的介绍同时以Linux作为示例书中每一章遵循从共性到特性的原则它们将首先给出核心子系统的概叙然后进行尽可能的详细描叙 我不会用routine_X()调用routine_Y()来增加bar 数据结构中foo 域的值这种方式来描叙核心算法 你自己可以通过阅读代码发现它每当需要理解一段代码时我总是将其数据结构画出来这样我发现了许多相关的核心数据结构以及它们之间的关系 每一章都是非常独立的就象Linux 核心子系统一样当然有时它们还是有联系的比如说如果你没有理解虚拟内存工作原理就无法描叙进程 硬件基本概念一章对现代PC 做了简要介绍操作系统必须与硬件系统紧密结合在一起协同工作操作系统需要一些只能够由硬件提供的服务为了全面理解Linux 你必须了解有关硬件的基础知识 软件基本概念一章介绍了软件基本原理与C 程序语言讨论了建立Linux 这样的操作系统的工具并且给出了操作系统的目标与功能的概叙 内存管理这章描叙了Linux 如何处理物理内存以及虚拟存储技术 进程管理描叙了进程的概念以及Linux 核心是如何创建管理与删除系统中的进程 进程间及进程与核心间通讯以协调它们的活动Linux 支持大量进程间通讯IPC -the book is not specifically a Linux internal manual Rather, it was the introduction of the operating system Linux simultaneously in each chapter of the book as an example to follow from the common characteristics of the principles is that they will be the first core subsystems of Syria will then proceed to the detailed depicts as possible, I will not use routine_X () call routine _Y () to increase the bar data structure foo domain of values in this manner, depicts the core algorithm you can read the code when it was found necessary to understand some code, I will always data structure drawn so I found many of the core data structure and the relationship between them each chapter very independent, just like the Linux kernel subsystem of course sometimes they like or linked, for instance if
Platform: | Size: 1200471 | Author: 陈彬 | Hits:


Description: 本书并不是特意一本Linux 的内部手册相反它是对操作系统的介绍同时以Linux作为示例书中每一章遵循从共性到特性的原则它们将首先给出核心子系统的概叙然后进行尽可能的详细描叙 我不会用routine_X()调用routine_Y()来增加bar 数据结构中foo 域的值这种方式来描叙核心算法 你自己可以通过阅读代码发现它每当需要理解一段代码时我总是将其数据结构画出来这样我发现了许多相关的核心数据结构以及它们之间的关系 每一章都是非常独立的就象Linux 核心子系统一样当然有时它们还是有联系的比如说如果你没有理解虚拟内存工作原理就无法描叙进程 硬件基本概念一章对现代PC 做了简要介绍操作系统必须与硬件系统紧密结合在一起协同工作操作系统需要一些只能够由硬件提供的服务为了全面理解Linux 你必须了解有关硬件的基础知识 软件基本概念一章介绍了软件基本原理与C 程序语言讨论了建立Linux 这样的操作系统的工具并且给出了操作系统的目标与功能的概叙 内存管理这章描叙了Linux 如何处理物理内存以及虚拟存储技术 进程管理描叙了进程的概念以及Linux 核心是如何创建管理与删除系统中的进程 进程间及进程与核心间通讯以协调它们的活动Linux 支持大量进程间通讯IPC -the book is not specifically a Linux internal manual Rather, it was the introduction of the operating system Linux simultaneously in each chapter of the book as an example to follow from the common characteristics of the principles is that they will be the first core subsystems of Syria will then proceed to the detailed depicts as possible, I will not use routine_X () call routine _Y () to increase the bar data structure foo domain of values in this manner, depicts the core algorithm you can read the code when it was found necessary to understand some code, I will always data structure drawn so I found many of the core data structure and the relationship between them each chapter very independent, just like the Linux kernel subsystem of course sometimes they like or linked, for instance if
Platform: | Size: 1200128 | Author: 陈彬 | Hits:


Description: 本书是为那些想了解Linux 内核工作原理的Linux 狂热爱好者而写 它并非一本内部 手册主要描叙了Linux设计的原理与机制以及Linux内核怎样工作及其原因 Linux还在不断改进本书基于目前比较流行且性能稳定的2.0.33 核心-this is a book for those who wish to understand the Linux kernel principle Linux enthusiasts and write it is not an internal manual depicts the major Linux design principle and mechanism of how the Linux kernel and the original work Linux is a result of continuous improvement based on the book currently more popular but stable performance of the core 2.0.33
Platform: | Size: 1267712 | Author: 顾雷 | Hits:


Description: 这本书的内容是关于linux的内核注释方面的,可以帮你更好的学习linux的内部原理.-this book on the contents of the linux kernel of the Notes. can help you better learning linux internal principle.
Platform: | Size: 2644992 | Author: zhangzhen | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxNVIDIA_kernel-1.0-2880.src

Description: 内核级别的驱动程序开发实例,在linux下开发完成。绝密内部资料仅提供学习之用-kernel-level driver for example, under Linux is developed. Internal top secret information only with the provision of learning
Platform: | Size: 408576 | Author: haikuo | Hits:


Description: Linux系统分析与关键编程技术 第一篇 Linux系统介绍 第二篇 Linux高级语言及管理编程 第三篇 Linux系统内核分析 第四篇 Linux系统高级编程 第五篇 Linux系统安全分析 第六篇 X window系统的内部结构和使用-Linux System and key programming technology first introduced second Linux system Linux Senior management programming language and third on Linux kernel analysis of the fourth Linux Advanced Programming fifth chapter Linux System Safety Analysis sixth chapter of the X window system and the use of the internal structure
Platform: | Size: 9356288 | Author: 小强 | Hits:


Description: 本文是基于s3c2410自己内部的ADC驱动,内核是linux2.6.14。-s3c2410 This article is based on their own internal ADC-driven, linux2.6.14 kernel.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: lianxijian | Hits:

[Driver Developlinux_driver_edition

Description: 驱动程序在 Linux 内核里扮演着特殊的角色. 它们是截然不同的"黑盒子", 使硬件的特殊的一部分响应定义好的内部编程接口. 它们完全隐藏了设备工作的细节. 用户的活动通过一套标准化的调用来进行, 这些调用与特别的驱动是独立的 设备驱动的角色就是将这些调用映射到作用于实际硬件的和设备相关的操作上. 这个编程接口是这样, 驱动可以与内核的其他部分分开建立, 并在需要的时候在运行时"插入". 这种模块化使得 Linux 驱动易写, 以致于目前有几百个驱动可用.-Driver in the Linux kernel play a special role. They are distinct black box , so that part of the special hardware in response to defined internal programming interface. They completely hide the details of the equipment. User s activities through a standardized set of calls to these calls with a special driver is an independent device driver role is the role of these calls are mapped to the actual hardware and equipment-related operations. The programming interface that is the case, drivers with core separated from the other parts of the establishment, and when needed at run time Insert. This modularity makes Linux drivers easy to write, so there are hundreds of drivers available.
Platform: | Size: 956416 | Author: 李智军 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopLinux2.6

Description: 以 Linux 为代表的自由操作系统的很多优点之一, 是它们的内部是开放给所有人看的. 操作系统, 曾经是一个隐藏的神秘的地方, 它的代码只局限于少数的程序员, 现在已准备好让任何具备必要技能的人来检查, 理解以及修改. Linux 已经帮助使操作系统民主化. Linux 内核保留有大量的复杂的代码, 但是, 那些想要成为内核 hacker 的人需要一个入口点, 这样他们可以进入代码中, 不会被代码的复杂性压倒. 通常, 设备驱动提供了这样的门路.-To the free Linux operating system represented by one of the many advantages is that they are internal is open to everyone to see. Operating system, was once a hidden and mysterious places, it s code only a limited number of programmers, and now is ready to let anyone have the necessary skills to examine, understand and modify. Linux has helped make the operating system of democratization. Linux kernel to retain a large number of complex code, but those who want to become a kernel hacker people need a entry point so that they can enter the code, you will not be an overwhelming complexity of the code. Typically, the device driver to provide such opportunities.
Platform: | Size: 1196032 | Author: 大風 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringLinuxKernelInterpretation

Description: 教学内部实验教案,提供对操作系统内核的实验理解: Linux 操作系统内核 基本实验指导 Contents : z 系统安装实验 z Linux内核实验 z 进程管理实验 z 存储管理实验 z 进程通信实验 z I/O 设备管理实验 z 文件系统管理实验 -Internal experimental teaching lesson plans, provide the experimental understanding of the operating system kernel: Linux operating system kernel basic experimental guide Contents: z System z Linux kernel installed experimental experimental z process management experiment z Experimental z Storage Management process communication experiment z I/O Experimental z device management file system management experiments
Platform: | Size: 2788352 | Author: Tony Yau | Hits:


Description: linux之路。本书从操作系统的基本原理入手,全面分析了内核数据结构之间的关系,从而深入剖析了Linux操作系统的内在机制和实现方法。 本书共分13章,详细地分析了Linux操作系统的各个功能模块,包括系统初始化、中断、系统调用、进程管理、进程间通信模块、内存管理、文件系统、虚拟文件系统、设备驱动、网络、多对称处理等,并且在每章后列出了精选的Linux内核源代码程序。-linux road. This book from the start with the basic principles of operating system, a comprehensive analysis of the core relationship between the data structure, so-depth analysis of the Linux operating system, the internal mechanisms and implementation. The book is divided into 13 chapters, detailed analysis of the Linux operating system, the various functional modules, including system initialization, interrupt, system calls, process management, inter-process communication module, memory management, file system, virtual file system, device drivers , network, symmetric multi-processing, and after each chapter a list of selected Linux kernel source code for the procedure.
Platform: | Size: 12335104 | Author: liujie | Hits:

[Data structsUnix_kernel_internal_data_structures_and_algorithm

Description: Unix系统内核内部数据结构和算法Unix kernel internal data structures and algorithms-Unix kernel internal data structures and algorithms Unix kernel internal data structures and algorithms
Platform: | Size: 8690688 | Author: dfi | Hits:


Description: linux内核(中文版),本书是为那些想了解 Linux 内核工作原理的 Linux 狂热爱好者而写 它并非一本内部手册 主要描叙了 Linux设计的原理与机制 以及 Linux内核怎样工作及其原因。-linux kernel (Chinese version), this book is for those who want to understand the working principle of the Linux kernel Linux enthusiasts written internal manual it is not a major Miao Xu a Linux design principles and mechanisms, and how the Linux kernel work and why.
Platform: | Size: 1168384 | Author: 张震 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopKernel-Module-Programming

Description: 介绍linux内核模块的编程,编写linux驱动程序非常好的一本参考书,详细介绍了linux内部的编程机理-Linux kernel module programming, writing Linux drivers a very good one reference book, detailing the linux internal programming mechanism
Platform: | Size: 493568 | Author: 扬帆 | Hits:


Description: Linux WiMAX Internal API for kernel space WiMAX stack.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: xenzaotw | Hits:


Description: Linux kernel development book for linux internal concepts
Platform: | Size: 1944576 | Author: kishan | Hits:


Description: linux内核学习不可或缺的源码分析,通过对源码的分析可以更好地洞察内部机理和模式,为后续深入学习打下基础-An analysis of Linux kernel source code, through the analysis of the source code can be a better insight into the internal mechanism and mode of learning to lay a foundation for the further
Platform: | Size: 6837248 | Author: wangey815 | Hits:
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