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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 122.42kb Publisher : 李无名

ramdisk linux ppc82
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.22mb Publisher : liuyi

是一个基于AT91RM9200的Linux文件系统二进制代码,与刚才的内核代码一起使用!-is one based on the AT91RM9200 Linux file system binary code, and just the kernel code used together!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.03mb Publisher : 陈昊

详细讲述了linux设备驱动程序的开发,想学习linux下设备驱动程序开发工作的人员可以参考。文件清单列出如下: linuxdriver_code_tool |-- 03 | `-- 2.6内核升级工具 | |-- device-mapper-1.00.19-2.i386.rpm | |-- lvm2-2.00.25-1.01.i386.rpm | |-- mkinitrd- | |-- module-init-tools-3.2.2.tar.bz2 | `-- modutils-2.4.5-1.src.rpm |-- 04 | |-- 内核模块参数范例 | | `-- book.c | |-- 内核模块导出符号 | | `-- export_symb.c | `-- 最简单的内核模块 | `-- hello.c |-- 05 | `-- udev源代码 | `-- udev-114.tar.gz |-- 06 | |-- globalmem驱动 | | `-- globalmem.c | `-- 包含2个globalmem设备的驱动 | `-- globalmem_two.c |-- 07 | `-- 含并发控制的globalmem驱动 | `-- globalmem_lock.c |-- 08 | |-- globalfifo驱动 | | `-- globalfifo.c | `-- poll应用程序范例 | `-- pollmonitor.c |-- 09 | |-- 异步通知应用程序范例 | | `-- asyncmonitor.c | `-- 支持异步通知的globalfifo | `-- globalfifo_async.c |-- 10 | |-- S3C2410实时钟驱动 | | `-- s3c2410-rtc.c | `-- 秒设备驱动与应用程序 | |-- second.c | `-- second_test.c |-- 11 | |-- DMA范例 | | |-- 3c505.c | | |-- 3c505.h | | `-- dma.h | `-- 静态映射范例 | `-- mach-smdk2440.c |-- 12 | |-- NVRAM驱动 | | `-- generic_nvram.c | |-- 触摸屏驱动 | | |-- 作为input设备 | | | |-- s3c2410_ts.c | | | `-- s3c2410_ts.h | | `-- 作为普通字符设备 | | `-- s3c2410-ts.c | |-- 看门狗驱动 | | `-- s3c2410_wdt.c | `-- 平台设备 | `-- devs.c |-- 13 | |-- IDE驱动 | | |-- ide-disk.c | | `-- ide-h8300.c | `-- RAMDISK驱动 | `-- rd.c |-- 14 | |-- S3C2410串口驱动 | | |-- regs-gpio.h | | |-- regs-serial.h | | `-- s3c2410.c | `-- 串口核心层 | |-- serial_core.c | `-- serial_core.h |-- 15 | |-- S3C2410 I2C主机驱动 | | |-- i2c-s3c2410.c | | |-- iic.h | | |-- regs-gpio.h | | `-- regs-iic.h | `-- SAA711x I2C设备驱动 | `-- saa711x.c |-- 16 | `-- CS8900以太网设备驱动 | |-- cs89x0.c | `-- cs89x0.h |-- 17 | |-- ALSA工具及库 | | |-- alsa-driver-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-firmware-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-lib-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-oss-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-tools-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-utils-1.0.13.tar.bz2 | | `-- pyalsa-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | |-- ALSA驱动范例 | | |-- sa11xx-uda1341.c | | `-- uda1341.h | |-- ALSA应用程序范例 | | |-- pcm.c | | `-- pcm_min.c | |-- OSS驱动范例 | | `-- s3c2410-uda1341.c | `-- OSS应用程序范例 | |-- mixer.c | `-- sound.c |-- 18 | |-- FRAMEBUFFER应用程序范例 | | `-- fb_display | | |-- fb_display.c | | |-- fb_display.h | | |-- Makefile | | |-- README | | `-- test.c | `-- S3C2410 LCD驱动 | |-- s3c2410fb.c | `-- s3c2410fb.h |-- 19 | |-- busybox源代码 | | `-- busybox-1.2.1.tar.bz2 | |-- MTD工具 | | `-- mtd-utils-1.0.0.tar.gz | |-- nand驱动范例 | | `-- s3c2410.c | |-- nor驱动范例 | | `-- s3c2410nor.c | `-- yaffs&yaffs2源代码 | |-- yaffs.tar.gz | `-- yaffs2.tar.gz |-- 20 | |-- USB串口驱动 | | |-- usb-serial.c | | `-- usb-serial.h | |-- USB工具 | | `-- usbview-1.0.tar.tar | |-- USB骨架程序 | | `-- usb-skeleton.c | |-- USB键盘驱动 | | |-- input.h | | |-- usb_input.h | | `-- usbkbd.c | `-- usb主机控制器驱动范例 | |-- ohci-s3c2410.c | `-- usb-control.h |-- 21 | |-- PCI骨架程序 | | `-- pci-skeleton.c | `-- PCI驱动范例 | `-- i810_audio.c `-- 22 |-- 范例代码 | |-- oops范例 | | |-- oops_example.asm | | `-- oops_example.c | `-- proc范例 | `-- sim_proc.c `-- 内核调试工具 |-- ddd-3.3.11.tar.gz |-- gdbmod-2.4.bz2 |-- kdb-v4.4-2.6.15-rc5-common-1.bz2 |-- kdb-v4.4-2.6.15-rc5-common-2.bz2 |-- kdb-v4.4-2.6.15-rc5-i386-1.bz2 `-- linux-
Update : 2010-11-29 Size : 23.92mb Publisher : zxx000

是一个基于AT91RM9200的Linux文件系统二进制代码,与刚才的内核代码一起使用!-is one based on the AT91RM9200 Linux file system binary code, and just the kernel code used together!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.03mb Publisher : 陈昊

基于AT91RM9200的uboot1.0/linux2.4.19/ramdisk_4M的全部移植文档-uboot1.0/linux2.4.19/ra mdisk_4M all portable document
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 706kb Publisher : wangafu

DL : 0
linux镜像恢复,ramdisk技术,小巧-linux image to restore, ramdisk technology, compact
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.9mb Publisher : 子安

DL : 0
在linux下如何制作ramdisk文件系统-In how to create ramdisk under linux file system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 122kb Publisher : 李无名

PowerPC MPC5200B处理器的ramdisk,以及制作ramdisk的详细步骤,该ramdisk使用的是busybox做console。-PowerPC MPC5200B processor ramdisk, and the production of detailed steps ramdisk, the ramdisk using busybox make console.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.52mb Publisher : XueTao

linux设备驱动 | |-- DMA范例 | | |-- 3c505.c | | |-- 3c505.h | | `-- dma.h | `-- 静态映射范例 | `-- mach-smdk2440.c |--- | |-- NVRAM驱动 | | `-- generic_nvram.c | |-- 触摸屏驱动 | | |-- 作为input设备 | | | |-- s3c2410_ts.c | | | `-- s3c2410_ts.h | | `-- 作为普通字符设备 | | `-- s3c2410-ts.c | |-- 看门狗驱动 | | `-- s3c2410_wdt.c | `-- 平台设备 | `-- devs.c |--- | |-- IDE驱动 | | |-- ide-disk.c | | `-- ide-h8300.c | `-- RAMDISK驱动 | `-- rd.c-linux device drivers | | DMA Example | | | 3c505.c | | | 3c505.h | | `dma.h |` static mapping examples | `mach-smdk2440.c |- | | NVRAM driver | |` generic_nvram.c | | Touch Screen Driver | | | as the input device | | | | s3c2410_ts.c | | | `s3c2410_ts.h | |` as an ordinary character equipment | | `s3c2410-ts.c | | watchdog driver | |` s3c2410_wdt.c | `platform equipment |` devs.c |- | | IDE Driver | | | ide-disk.c | | `ide-h8300.c |` RAMDISK driver | `rd.c
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : 张小冬

ramdisk linux ppc82
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.22mb Publisher : liuyi

这是LINUX下面的RAMDISK驱动,相信大家一定有点FAMILY吧,这是搞嵌入式LINUX的朋友们用到过的!-This is the LINUX following RAMDISK driver, I believe we must FAMILY bar a bit, which is engaged in embedded LINUX friends used before!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 冯知凡

介绍了嵌入式linux根文件系统的制作,报考ramdisk,cramfs,yaffs,以及nfs的配置-Introduced the embedded linux root file system of production, applying ramdisk, cramfs, yaffs, as well as the configuration of nfs
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 475kb Publisher : xudonghai

Linux设备驱动开发详解源码- | |-- IDE驱动 | | |-- ide-disk.c | | `-- ide-h8300.c | `-- RAMDISK驱动 | `-- rd.c-Explain the development of Linux device driver source code- | |- IDE drive | | |- ide-disk.c | | `- ide-h8300.c |`- RAMDISK driver | `- rd.c
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : bob

s3c2410嵌入式Linux RAMDISK驱动范例-s3c2410 Embedded Linux RAMDISK driver examples
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 西米

作者:华清远见嵌入式学院。《Linux设备驱动开发详解》(08&09年度畅销榜TOP50)第13章、Linux块设备驱动。块设备是与字符设备并列的概念,这两类设备在Linux中驱动的结构有较大差异,总体而言,块设备驱动比字符设备驱动要复杂得多,在I/O操作上表现出极大的不同,缓冲、I/O调度、请求队列等都是与块设备驱动相关的概念。本章将详细讲解Linux块设备驱动的编程方法。13.1节讲解块设备I/O操作的特点,分析字符设备与块设备在I/O操作上的差异。13.2节从整体上描述Linux块设备驱动的结构,分析主要的数据结构、函数及其关系。13.3~13.5节分别讲解块设备驱动模块加载与卸载、打开与释放和ioctl()函数。13.6节非常重要,讲述了块设备I/O操作所依赖的请求队列的概念及用法。13.2节与13.3~13.6节是整体与部分的关系,13.2~13.6节与13.7节是迭代递进的关系。13.7节在13.1~13.6节讲解内容的基础上,总结Linux下块设备的读写流程,而13.7节则讲解了块设备驱动的具体实例,即RamDisk的驱动。-Author: HuaQing vision embedded institute. The Linux device driver development "(08 and 09 sep TOP50) annual list of best-selling chapter 13, Linux piece of device drivers. Piece of equipment is the concept of equipment and characters are, these two types of equipment in the structure of the drive in Linux have bigger difference, overall, piece of equipment than character device drivers drive is much more complex, in the I/O operation borrows great different, buffer, I/O operation, request queuing is of the device driver related concepts. This chapter will be explained Linux piece of equipment of the driver programming. Section 13.1 explain piece of equipment I/O operation, the characteristics of the character device and piece of equipment analysis in the I/O operation differences. Section 13.2 from the whole description of Linux device drivers, analysis of the main structure of the data structure, function and its relationship. 13.3 ~ 13.5 respectively of asher. Explain
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 630kb Publisher : 华清远见

linux环境下的RAMDISK驱动程序,测试通过-circumstances linux the RAMDISK driver, test OK
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 刘佳齐

linux内核移植教程,跟着步骤做就可以了-linux kernel porting tutorial, follow the steps can be done
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : 陈胜

Using the RAM disk block device with Linux.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : jongvvnd

Originally only for Google Pixel/Nexus/AOSP standard boot.img files, built-in support has now expanded to Android Verified Boot (AVB)/ChromeOS/SignBlob signed boot.img files, Barnes & Noble Nook "Green Loader" signed boot.img files, Samsung/Spreadtrum DHTB header signed boot.img files, the Samsung/Marvell PXA1088/1908 board boot.img variant (AOSP-PXA), Loki patched boot.img files, Sony SIN signed/packaged kernel.elf extraction, Sony ELF kernel.elf files (repacked as boot.img for unlocked bootloaders), Rockchip KRNL signed ramdisk image files, MTK headers for zImage/ramdisk, and LG Bump/Samsung SEAndroid footers for boot.img.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12.54mb Publisher : xda
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