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四个网络协议在linux下的模拟实现,比如滑动窗口协议,可用来研究协议的性能-four network protocol in the linux Simulation, such as sliding window protocols, could be used to study the performance agreement
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 21.6kb Publisher : 刘智莹

Linux下使用c语言实现的内存管理模拟器 假设有台计算机物理内存大小为4MB,每个内存页大小为4k。采用分页机制,使用二级页表,第一级为页目录,共有1024项,每个页目录项指向一个页表,每个页表项指向一个实际的物理页面,每个页表共有1024个页表项。假设页目录和页表不占用内存空间。 系统中还有一个交换设备,采用分块管理机制,每块大小为4K,共1024个。有一系列内存访问指令,系统根据内存访问指令的内存虚地址访问内存。如果页目录项为空,则分配一个页表,并将相关值存入页目录项,如果页表项为空,则请求分配一个内存页,如果没有空闲内存,则使用页面置换算法换出一个内存页到交换设备上。如果页表项表明内存页在交换设备上,则先请求一个物理内存页,然后从交换设备上读入内存内容,释放交换设备上的磁盘块。-use Linux c language memory management simulator assumptions computers to the physical memory size 4 MB, each memory page size to 4k. Pagination mechanism, the use of two-page questionnaire, the first level of Contents page, a total of 1,024. each page directory entry point to a page table, each page table at an actual item of the physical pages, each page table pages of a total of 1,024 items table. Assuming page catalog and page table off memory space. There is also a system to exchange equipment, a sub-block management mechanism, each 4K block size, a total of 1,024. A series of memory access instructions, the system memory access instructions under the virtual memory address access memory. If the page directory entry is empty, one-page questionnaire distribution, and related value depo
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.48kb Publisher : 罗鹏魁

链路层协议模拟的例子-link layer protocol simulation examples
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 26kb Publisher : 张海青

:本文首先描述了开放源码的嵌入式硬件仿真环境SkyEye的总体架构,然后对SkyEye模拟器的LCD及TouchScreen模拟模块的设计、实现与验证过程进行了深入的阐述,并且分析比较了LCD模拟的不同实现方式。开源嵌入式GUI系统-MiniGUI和Linux操作系统在SkyEye模拟器上的成功运行说明了SkyEye模拟器的LCD及TouchScreen模拟模块的设计实现是正确和可靠的。-: This paper first describes the open source embedded hardware simulation environment SkyEye the overall framework and then on the simulator SkyEye LCD and TouchScreen simulation module design, implementation and certification process conducted in-depth exposition, analysis and comparison of the different LCD simulation methods of implementation. Open-source embedded GUI system-MiniGUI and Linux operating system in the simulator SkyEye successful operation of the note SkyEye Simulator LCD and TouchScreen simulation module is designed to achieve a correct and reliable.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 464kb Publisher : 无恒

开源的键盘模拟程序,包括许多头文件和库例程,适用于Linux下X应用中的软键盘模拟-open source keyboard simulator,many header files and lib are included, suitable for soft keyboard simulation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 27kb Publisher : 吴少刚

四个网络协议在linux下的模拟实现,比如滑动窗口协议,可用来研究协议的性能-four network protocol in the linux Simulation, such as sliding window protocols, could be used to study the performance agreement
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21kb Publisher : 刘智莹

t嵌入式图形开发实战篇 嵌入式应用的开发工作基本上是在工作站或是PC 机上完成的,我们在工作的机器上调试运行嵌入式应用,并将输出结果显示在一个仿真小型设备显示终端的模拟器上。在开发的后期,我们要根据我们选择的嵌入式硬件平台,将嵌入式应用编译链接成适合在这个硬件平台上运行的二进制目标代码,另外由于应用使用到了Qt/Embedded 的库,所以我们还要将Qt/Embedded 库的源代码编译链接成为适合在这个硬件平台上使用的二进制目标代码库。当一个Qt/Embedded 应用被部署到小型设备上,并可靠的运行,这样一个开发过程才宣告结束。 介绍如何在一台装有Linux操作系统的机器上建立Qt/Embedded开发环境。 并教初学者认识Qt/Embedded 开发环境。-t embedded graphics development PART real embedded applications development work is basically in the workstation or PC End 10% of our work on the machine running debug embedded applications, results showed that output will be in a small simulation equipment display terminal on the simulator. Late in the development, we need to according to our choice of embedded hardware platforms, embedded applications will be compiled into a suitable link in the hardware platform running on the binary object code, As the application to use the Qt/Embedded libraries, So we need to Qt/Embedded for compiling the source code for the link as the hardware platform so the binary object code library. When a Qt/Embedded applications are deployed in small devices, and reliable operation, such a development p
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 847kb Publisher : 高颖峰

DL : 0
著名的AT&T UNIX v6 源码,虽然已不能在现在的机器中直接运行(通过在Linux上安装pdp11 simulator可以运行),但从中首先可以学习到C程序设计的简约与严谨(原作者是图灵奖得主Brian W. Kernighan和Dennis M. Ritchie),其次还可以帮助深入理解操作系统概念,其设计思想仍然广泛存在于多数操作系统中。 本系统的首次发布于1976年,现仍然做为MIT高年级学生、研究生的操作系统学习的分析材料。 -famous AT
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 155kb Publisher : 马克

Linux下使用c语言实现的内存管理模拟器 假设有台计算机物理内存大小为4MB,每个内存页大小为4k。采用分页机制,使用二级页表,第一级为页目录,共有1024项,每个页目录项指向一个页表,每个页表项指向一个实际的物理页面,每个页表共有1024个页表项。假设页目录和页表不占用内存空间。 系统中还有一个交换设备,采用分块管理机制,每块大小为4K,共1024个。有一系列内存访问指令,系统根据内存访问指令的内存虚地址访问内存。如果页目录项为空,则分配一个页表,并将相关值存入页目录项,如果页表项为空,则请求分配一个内存页,如果没有空闲内存,则使用页面置换算法换出一个内存页到交换设备上。如果页表项表明内存页在交换设备上,则先请求一个物理内存页,然后从交换设备上读入内存内容,释放交换设备上的磁盘块。-use Linux c language memory management simulator assumptions computers to the physical memory size 4 MB, each memory page size to 4k. Pagination mechanism, the use of two-page questionnaire, the first level of Contents page, a total of 1,024. each page directory entry point to a page table, each page table at an actual item of the physical pages, each page table pages of a total of 1,024 items table. Assuming page catalog and page table off memory space. There is also a system to exchange equipment, a sub-block management mechanism, each 4K block size, a total of 1,024. A series of memory access instructions, the system memory access instructions under the virtual memory address access memory. If the page directory entry is empty, one-page questionnaire distribution, and related value depo
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 罗鹏魁

linux下做的关与飞行模拟器视景系统的开放式源码,可作为开发飞行器及游戏仿真系统的一部分-done with the clearance and flight simulator visual system of open source, available as a development vehicle and games part of the simulation system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.53mb Publisher : 控制

QT是目前Linux上最知名的窗口环境系统,除了桌上型电脑之外,PDA上的Linux系统也大都是以QT当作窗口环境。 目前QT在Linux PDA上必须安装的程序包括QT/Embedded与QT/Palmtop两者,并且QT公开其原始码与发展环境。 本程序主要希望在Linux PDA上藉由RS-232通讯与手机沟通,并且能够收发简讯。 采用的发展环境为QT/Embedded 3.0.2与GSMLib 1.8,模拟程序为QT/Palmtop的模拟器。 您可以在下列网站取得相关的函式库: gsmlib-1.8.tar.gz qt-embedded-free-3.0.2.tar.gz qpe-1.3.1-bin-x86.tar.gz 本程序并非免费程序,版权所有,并受 GNU General Public License 保护。-QT Linux is the most famous window environmental systems, in addition to desktop computers, PDA on the Linux system is also largely based on the QT as a window environment. Currently QT in Linux to be installed on a PDA procedures including QT/Embedded with the QT/Pa lmtop both, and QT open its source code and development environment. The main procedures in Linux PDA through RS-232 communications and cell phone communication, Transceivers and can Bulletin. The environment for development QT/Embedded 3.0.2 and 1.8 GSMLib. Simulation Program for QT/Palmtop simulator. You can obtain the following websites related to the libraries : gsmlib- 1.8.tar.gz http :// qt- embedded-free- 3.0.2.tar.gz http :// qpe- 1.3.1-bin-x86 . tar.gz http :
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 207kb Publisher : sky

最好的MD游戏模拟器的源码,多平台版本,可以在windows和linux等平台上模拟游戏。-best game MD Simulator source, multi-platform version, in the windows and linux platform, and other simulation games.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.3mb Publisher :

EVE Online模拟器源码,采用C++编写 编译环境 real linux (not cygwin) gcc 3.3 mysql 4.1 32 bit 相比上个版本服务端增加一些功能,配合对应的数据库,可以架设成功 客户端请使用美版3913客户端-EVE Online simulator source code, C compiler environment to prepare real linux (not cygwin) gcc 3.3 mysql 4.1 32 bit compared to the previous version of the server for additional functions, with the corresponding database, it was built client please use the 3913 version of the U.S. client
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.66mb Publisher : LSW555

linux 下最好用的任堂红白机(fc)的模拟器。需要 SDL 库。与大家分享-linux under the best of a white plane Ren Tang (fc) simulator. Need the SDL. Share with you
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 674kb Publisher : 秦湘

gnuboy source code: 任天堂gameboy游戏模拟器源码,linux环境-gnuboy source code : Nintendo gameboy game simulator source code, linux environment
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 429kb Publisher : 左经明

卡耐基.梅隆大学的机器人仿真软件(Redhat linux 9下安装)-Carnegie. Mellon University robot simulation software (Redhat linux 9 installed)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.07mb Publisher : 任春明

国外的一个开源gps模拟器源代码,eclipse 环境下使用-Abroad, an open source gps simulator source code, eclipse environment
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 678kb Publisher : hh

MIPS模拟器,在windows环境使用,利用Linux下的可执行ELF文件模拟MIPS CPU执行汇编指令.-MIPS simulator use in windows environment, using Linux under the ELF executable file compiled simulation of the implementation of MIPS CPU instructions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.2mb Publisher : RuanYongXiong

Impronto Simulator Emulador diseñ ado por la empresa Rococosoft Distribuido de forma gratuita Basta con enviar correo con datos y motivos Envian licencia y acceso a descarga simulator-install.jar Para instalar se requiere jre para ejecutar .jar, doble click y listo. Para compilar ejemplos se requiere jdk 1.5 o superior-Impronto Simulator Emulador diseñ ado por la empresa Rococosoft Distribuido de forma gratuita Basta con enviar correo con datos y motivos Envian licencia y acceso a descarga simulator-install.jar Para instalar se requiere jre para ejecutar .jar, doble click y listo. Para compilar ejemplos se requiere jdk 1.5 o superior
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.22mb Publisher : Richard Carlos

skyeye 模拟器下 的 linux-2.6.14 含LCD cs8900a(driver/net/arm/cs8900-end.c是最终版) 已修改arch/arm/kernel/module.c 以支持insmod 驱动 kernel/resource.c文件添加I/O读写函数-skyeye simulator under linux-2.6.14 with LCD cs8900a (driver/net/arm/cs8900-end.c is the final version) has been modified arch/arm/kernel/module.c to support insmod driver kernel/resource.c file Add I/O read and write functions
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 45.02mb Publisher : 李新
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