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[Other Embeded programCode_AVR

Description: A source code for reading LM35 output through avr atmega8 adc pin and using the data to control speed of DC Fan. Temperature displayed on LCD.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: sam | Hits:


Description: Temperature Sensor,programebled with C and CodeVision AVR use AVR chip
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: quocvuong | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopLM35+M32

Description: LM35 (Temperature sensor) with AVR ATMEGA32 and bascom language in 2 mode configuration (Simple and Professional)
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: Ali | Hits:


Description: bascom-avr源码 基于DS1307的时钟,含温度检测-AVR DS1307 clock and Thermometer Project: This is a clock and thermometer project based on DS1307 I2C Clock Chip and LM35 Thermometer sensor. this project display Time and Temp every 2 seconds. you can change this time value too.
Platform: | Size: 87040 | Author: lupo | Hits:


Description: bascom-avr移动安全系统项目: 该项目采用电话拨号系统的设计。是。在这个系统中,同样的方法移动Aptvkvplr键3用于连接到微。拨号可以做到的。然后Bazr设备以声音报警和对手。人们也可以听到的声音,然后挂断电话,结束关系。该系统可用于提供额外的乐趣。例如,如果使用的是水分而不是米的锅,然后将您的手机号码的安全传感器“锅在院子里我!”移动中午在液晶显示屏上,这表明,锅需要水的院子里!为下议院思想是了不起的事情,感受生活和智能化的脸。另外这种方法的另一个有趣的应用程序中使用LM35温度传感器或微型SMT160输入和设置拨号的温度低于摄氏1度。-AVR Cell phone Security system Project: This is a mobile security system based on GSM cell phone network. you can use this system for home or car security. when the sensor of this project send a signal, the cell phone call your number.
Platform: | Size: 113664 | Author: lupo | Hits:

[Software Engineeringpxc3881984

Description: We use Atmel AVR ATmega8535 microcontroller and LM35 temperature sensor as the main components of the system. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and buzzer are used to display the server room temperature and as an alarm, respectively. In order to alert the server administrator, the system is equipped with a GSM modem to immediately send text message if the server room temperature is above a predefined threshold. A relay board is also connected to the microcontroller to control other electronic appliances inside the server room.
Platform: | Size: 486400 | Author: kushal | Hits:

[Software Engineeringcontrol-motor-temperatur

Description: control temperture using LM35 temperature sensor with motor DC as blower, using AVR mikrocontroler adn CodevisionAVReval
Platform: | Size: 109568 | Author: danghid | Hits:


Description: LM35温度传感器模块,附原理图,AVR测试程序与STC测试程序-LM35 temperature sensor module, attached schematics, AVR STC test procedures and test procedures
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: 任顺 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programlm35

Description: temperature sensor application using CodeVision AVR and proteus simulator
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: masterxxx | Hits:


Description: LM35 drive with AVR and simulation in Proteus
Platform: | Size: 103424 | Author: ali | Hits:

[assembly languagelm35-negative-temp-sensor

Description: avr base lm35-negative-temp-sensor with dsn & hex code
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: suniladroja1919 | Hits:


Description: 一个基于AVR的LM35测温的例程,用LCD1602显示温度。很不错的例程。-About AVR Microcontroller Digital LM35 LCD Thermometer
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: Lu_JR | Hits:

[Other Embeded programAVR-Board-update

Description: PCB complete AVR development board for educational training with the following feature: 7Segment, LEDs Push Btn, LDR, LM35, RS232, ATmega8, ATmega16, ATmega32 etc
Platform: | Size: 453632 | Author: embedded | Hits:

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