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Local search. Algorithm that explores the space of possible solutions in sequential fashion, moving from a current solution to a \"nearby\" one. Neighbor relation. Let S  S be a neighbor relation for the problem. Gradient descent. Let S denote current solution. If there is a neighbor S of S with strictly lower cost, replace S with the neighbor whose cost is as small as possible. Otherwise, terminate the algorithm
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 204.57kb Publisher : supercat188

TSP算法,应用局部搜索法得到最优路径,已经经过优化。没有密码,可以使用,vc环境下使用。-TSP algorithm, using local search to be optimal path has been optimized. No password can be used, vc environments.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.29mb Publisher : 霍哲

RBFS算法(递归最佳优先搜索:A*家族)和LRTA*算法(联机局部搜索,又名实时学习A*搜索,同为A*家族)实现图的单源最短路径。其中RBFS和LRTA*算法均比狄杰算法效率高! -RBFS algorithm (recursive best first search :* A family) and the LRTA* algorithm (online local search, also known as real-time learning A* search, with the A* family) plans to achieve a single source shortest path. Which RBFS and LRTA* Algorithm than Dilger efficient algorithm!
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 19kb Publisher : 陈名

单纯形法是一种不错的随机搜索算法,但是其受初始值的选取,步长大小的影响较大,容易陷入局部收敛。程序中列出了基本单纯形法,和几种改进的单纯形法,包括变步长的单纯形法,单纯形加遗传算法等。-simplex method is a good random search algorithm, but its initial value by the selection, step in a larger size, easy to be trapped into local convergence. Procedures set out the basic simplex method, and several improved simplex method, including variable step of the simplex method. Simplex increase genetic algorithm.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 58kb Publisher : xcq

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为了有效地应用遗传算法解决 鲁棒控制系统设计问题,将遗传算法与局部优化方法相结合,提出了基于降维扫描方法的自适应多目标遗传算法(DRSA-MOGA)。通过引入适应度函数标准化方法、基于最优Pareto解集搜索的降维扫描方法和适应度函数自适应调整方法,提高了算法的全局优化性能和局部搜索能力。仿真结果表明,DRSA-MOGA算法在不损失解的均匀度的情况下可以达到很高的逼近度-For effective application of genetic algorithms to solve robust control system design problems, genetic algorithms and local optimization method, based on reduced-order adaptive scanning method multi-objective genetic algorithm (DRSA-MOGA). Fitness function through the introduction of standardized methods, based on the Pareto optimal solution set of search methods and dimensionality reduction scan fitness function adaptive adjustment method, the algorithm improve the performance of global optimization and local search capabilities. The simulation results show that, DRSA-MOGA algorithm solution without loss of uniformity can be achieved under a high degree of approximation
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 14kb Publisher : cekong

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局部搜索法求解N皇后问题。这个算法的特点是引入随机因素,每次运行并不能保证求得问题的最优解,但经过运行之后,一般总能得到一个与最优解相差不大的满意解。-Local Search Method for Solving N Queens problem. The algorithm is characterized by the introduction of random factors, each running and can not guarantee to achieve the optimal solution of the problem, but after running, the general always be an optimal solution is no less than satisfactory solution.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 清和信平

高效的k-means算法实现,使用了k-d树与局部搜索等提高k-means算法的执行效率,同时包含示例代码,用c++代码实现。 Effecient implementation of k-means algorith, k-d tree and local search strategy are implementd to improve the effeciency, samples are included to show how to use it. All codes are implemented in C++.-Efficient k-means algorithm, the use of a kd tree with local search, such as k-means algorithm to improve the implementation efficiency of the sample code included with c++ Code. Effecient implementation of k-means algorith, kd tree and local search strategy are implementd to improve the effeciency, samples are included to show how to use it. All codes are implemented in C++.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 886kb Publisher : 陈明

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应用遗传算法是被认为求解NP难题的有效手段之一,求解物流配送车辆路径优化问题时,在传统遗传算法的基础上,并引入了免疫算法的思想,实验结果表明该算法具有更好的全局和局部搜索能力和收敛速度,可有效地解决物流配送车辆路径优化问题。-Application of genetic algorithms to solve NP is considered an effective means of problem solving to optimize logistics and distribution vehicle routing problem, in the traditional genetic algorithm based on immune algorithm and the introduction of ideas, experimental results show that the algorithm has a better overall and local search ability and convergence speed, which can effectively solve the logistics and distribution VRP.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 7kb Publisher : 王博文

用经典的局部搜索算法模拟退火算法求解一个图的最大可平面子图。-With the classic local search algorithm simulated annealing algorithm for solving a graph of maximum planar subgraph.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 54kb Publisher : 张清国

Local search. Algorithm that explores the space of possible solutions in sequential fashion, moving from a current solution to a "nearby" one. Neighbor relation. Let S  S be a neighbor relation for the problem. Gradient descent. Let S denote current solution. If there is a neighbor S of S with strictly lower cost, replace S with the neighbor whose cost is as small as possible. Otherwise, terminate the algorithm-Local search. Algorithm that explores the space of possible solutions in sequential fashion, moving from a current solution to a nearby one.Neighbor relation. Let S
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 204kb Publisher : supercat188

TSP问题是组合优化中的经典问题。其解决方法有局部优化方法和一些启发式算法,局部搜索方法充分考虑问题 的邻域结构,遗传算法有很好的全局搜索能力,memetic算法把遗传算法和局部优化算法相结合,试验结果证明,能很好地解 决TSP问题。-TSP problem is a classic combinatorial optimization problem. Its solution has a number of local optimization methods and heuristic algorithms, local search methods take full account of the issue of neighborhood structure, genetic algorithm has good ability of global search, memetic algorithm for the genetic algorithm and local optimization algorithm combining test results proved that well positioned to solve the TSP problem.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 100kb Publisher : 文龙

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A Genetic Algorithm Hybridized with Local Search Operator
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 102kb Publisher : xig

Simulated Annealing SA Hill Climbing HC Local Beam Search LBS Genetic Algorithm GA -Simulated Annealing SA Hill Climbing HC Local Beam Search LBS Genetic Algorithm GA
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : mashomid

禁忌搜索(Tabu search)是局部邻域搜索算法的推广,Fred Glover在1986年提出这个概念,进而形成一套完整算法。 -Tabu search (Tabu search) is a local neighborhood search algorithm for the promotion, Fred Glover in 1986, proposed this idea, thus forming a complete set of algorithms.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 565kb Publisher : 小龙

这个程序采用局部搜索算法(Local Search),速度很快, 在配置为奔腾200,内存64MB,上测试可以在 几秒钟内解一百万阶的皇后问题。-This procedure using a local search algorithm (Local Search), fast, in the configuration for the Pentium 200, RAM 64MB, the test solution in a few seconds of order 1 million queens problem.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : spencer

GSO算法及其改进,其中HGSO是通过与和声搜索算法结合而成,主要用于结构的截面优化、几何优化、动力优化、拓扑优化等,具有收敛速度快,收敛结果好的优点,且其改进算法能摆脱局部最优的缺陷。-GSO algorithm and its improvements, HGSO is through a combination of harmony search algorithm, mainly used to optimize the structure of the cross section, geometry optimization, dynamic optimization, topology optimization, a fast convergence, convergence results is good, and its improved algorithm defects can get rid of local optimum.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6kb Publisher : Li

提出一种基于改进粒子群动态搜索算法的网络重构方法,算法把初始粒子群按照适应度的大小分为两个互不交叉,且具有不同分工的子群,并进行动态搜索。通过引入了交叉和禁忌思想,减少了解陷入局部最优的可能性.与遗传、禁忌搜索算法重构的结果进行比较,表明本文算法具有更高的搜索效率,更容易找到全局最优解.-:An improved method based on improved particle swarm optimization dynamic search algodthm networkrcconfiguration is presented in this paper.The initial particle swarm is divided into two different subgroups according to the size of fitness,with a division of labour between the different subgroups of dynamic search.Cross thinking and ideological tabu ale ledinto this algorithm to reduce the possibility of local Optimum.Compared with genetic and tabu search algorithm,the results show that the proposed method possesses a hi.gher search efficiency andis easier tO find the global optimum solutions.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 410kb Publisher : yirufang

In this paper we present the systematic trajectory search algorithm (STSA) which first globally explores the solution space then makes thorough local searches in promising areas. The STSA has been tested on training feedforward neural networks to solve the n-bit parity problem of various sizes and two real medical diagnosis problems. The experimental results show that the feedforward neural networks trained by the proposed algorithm have very good classification ability.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 333kb Publisher : samir

通过加入Late Acceptance Strategy,改进了爬山局部搜索算法,该算法在求解某些benchmark函数时,比禁忌搜索和模拟退火等局部搜索算法更好。(by Late Acceptance Strategy, An improved hill climbing local search algorithm is proposed which outperforms Tabu and SA when solving some benchmark functions.)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.61mb Publisher : DRen

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GRASP (greedy randomized adaptive search Procedure) is an algorithm commonly applied to problems of combinatorial optimization. As various construction methods, the application of grasp is to create an initial solution and then perform a local search to improve the quality of the solution. Your differential to other methods is the generation of initial solution, based on the first three stages of its acronym in English: greedy (Greedy), random (trial) and adaptive (Adaptive).
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : wesleymagasat
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