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[Windows DevelopLog输出库

Description: LOG输出 Log级别定义 Log的输出方式定义 1)以天为单位 2)以操作为单位 3)始终保存在一个文件
Platform: | Size: 24005 | Author: hudson | Hits:


Description: log算子进行边缘检测的实现-log edge detection operator realization
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 金灵书 | Hits:

[Graph programLOG算子边缘检测源码及说明文档

Description: Log滤波器完整源码,编得不错-Log source filter integrity, of being good
Platform: | Size: 264192 | Author: 王往往 | Hits:

[Consolelog(log and debug info)

Description: 一个可分级、可分别绑定输出对象、控制输出级别的日志和调试信息C++类-a grade, can be bundled with output targets, the output level control and debugging information log C
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 罗少波 | Hits:

[Graph Recognizelog算子边缘检测源码及文档说明

Description: LOG算子边缘检测源码及文档说明-LOG Operator edge detection and source documents note
Platform: | Size: 514048 | Author: 薛全 | Hits:


Description: LOG滤波器提取边缘 1 用LOG滤波器提取图像边缘 2 比较直接滤波和先缩小原图进行滤波再插补的乘法次数-LOG edge extraction filter with a filter LOG Image Edge Extraction two relatively straightforward first narrow filter and maximum interpolation filtering further multiplication of the number of
Platform: | Size: 4237312 | Author: 王晶 | Hits:

[File OperateLog

Description: 在调用程序所在目录下生成Log文件夹,在该文件夹下每天生成一个日志文件(如2004-07-03.log)-Call procedures in the directory where generated Log folder in the folder every day to generate a log file (such as 2004-07-03.log)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 姜国连 | Hits:

[Special EffectsLog

Description: 采用log算法对图像进行边缘检测并附图说明。
Platform: | Size: 552960 | Author: 张琪 | Hits:

[Post-TeleCom sofeware systemslog

Description: 提供windows和unix下各种级别日志,包括 xml-Windows and unix provided at various levels under the log, including the xml
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 谭峰 | Hits:


Description: 一个程序调试用的日志功能。可以很方便地通过频道定义来使指定的日志语句激活或者不激活-Debug a program using the log function. Can be easily defined through the channel in order to make the specified log statement to activate or not activate
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 何文 | Hits:

[OS programlog

Description: 封装一个类及宏,方便输出程序日志到标准输出设备或外部文件.-Packaging a class and Wang, convenient procedures for the log output to standard output device or an external file.
Platform: | Size: 1346560 | Author: focusbh99 | Hits:


Description: 一个可以将log记录到文件或输出到控制台的封装类, 可以对log进行分级打印, 不同等级的log在控制台以不同的颜色标识, 接口使用简单.-Can record a log to a file or output to the console of the package type, you can print on the log grading, different levels of log in the console to a different color logo, using a simple interface.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: sunorit | Hits:

[File Operatelog

Description: 自己封装的log日志方法,打日志,封装好了的方法,希望大家共用。-Their log package, log methods, hit logs, the better package, and I hope that everyone shared.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: gaolianchi | Hits:


Description: 日志模块代码,该日志提供了简单的对外接口,其通用性比较好。-Log module code, the log provides a simple external interface, its versatility is better.
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: wang | Hits:

[Printing programlog

Description: 这个是日志打印程序,实现了日志的文件输出,能按照各种格式在文件中输出打印日志。-This is a log printing process, the realization of the log file output, according to a variety of formats in the document to print the log output.
Platform: | Size: 2642944 | Author: HeJaron | Hits:


Description: 能够定制日志,实现日志管理。同时日志报出异常处理-Be able to customize logs, log management realize. At the same time, the log reported that the exception handling
Platform: | Size: 385024 | Author: sur | Hits:

[Windows Developlog

Description: 一个日志的实现,可以以文件大小分单位进行分开记录日志。有很好的参考学习价值。-The realization of a log, you can document the size of sub-units recorded separately from the log. Have a good reference for learning value.
Platform: | Size: 405504 | Author: tigersoar | Hits:

[Special Effectslog-gaborconvolve

Description: 使用log-Gabor滤波器对图像进行滤波程序。-The use of log-Gabor filter image filtering process.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 陈华 | Hits:

[Special EffectsLog

Description: VC编程实现 LOG算子的亚像素边缘检测-VC Programming LOG operator sub-pixel edge detection
Platform: | Size: 181248 | Author: xiaoyang | Hits:

[Special EffectsLog

Description: 用LOG滤波器提取图像边缘,用数学形态学的方法提取图像骨架线-LOG filter with image edge extraction using mathematical morphology to extract the skeleton line images
Platform: | Size: 206848 | Author: 林慧 | Hits:
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