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Description: 输入一个带权图的无向图,求出其中一个顶点到其它顶点最长的路径,并输出这条最长路径-input with a map without the right to plan, which sought a vertex to vertex other the longest path, and the output of the longest path.
Platform: | Size: 8802 | Author: 周子藤 | Hits:


Description: 用c语言实现的导游图,有图形界面,支持鼠标操作,使用dfs和floyd算法实现给出两点间最短路和最长路。-used language guides map, a graphical interface, mouse support operation, use dfs and Floyd algorithm is the shortest path between two points and the longest path.
Platform: | Size: 30273 | Author: 张博 | Hits:


Description: 输入一个带权图的无向图,求出其中一个顶点到其它顶点最长的路径,并输出这条最长路径-input with a map without the right to plan, which sought a vertex to vertex other the longest path, and the output of the longest path.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 周子藤 | Hits:


Description: 用c语言实现的导游图,有图形界面,支持鼠标操作,使用dfs和floyd算法实现给出两点间最短路和最长路。-used language guides map, a graphical interface, mouse support operation, use dfs and Floyd algorithm is the shortest path between two points and the longest path.
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 张博 | Hits:


Description: 编写一个非递归算法求有向无环图G的每个顶点出发的最长路径的长度(每条弧的长度均为1)并存入mpl域中。-The preparation of a non-recursive algorithm for directed acyclic graph G each vertex based on the longest path length (the length of each arc are 1) and deposited mpl domain.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: shilei | Hits:

[Data structsDP

Description: 最长路径DP算法 根据邻近矩阵,再运用DP算法计算出图中任意节点间的最长路径,有点类似于最短路径算法-DP algorithm for the longest path in accordance with the neighboring matrix, re-use of DP algorithm to calculate arbitrary graph the longest path between nodes, somewhat similar to the shortest path algorithm
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: yuxiqian | Hits:

[OpenGL programLPM_algorithm

Description: 用最长路径矩阵算法来计算DFG的迭代边界,其中定义了一个三维的矩阵来存储每次迭代的结果-calculate the iteration bound of DFG with the longest path matrix algorithm, defining a 3-dimention matrix to store the iteration results
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 叶燕龙 | Hits:

[Windows Developfirst

Description: 用C++写的一个关于在n各节点中找最长路径的算法,应用了拓扑结构等,很便利-Using C++ to write about the one at the node n to find the longest path algorithm, such as the application of the topology, it is convenient
Platform: | Size: 86016 | Author: 苏子 | Hits:

[Data structserchashuzuichanglujing

Description: 本程序实现求二叉树的最长路径,输出该二叉树的最长路径数目以及该路径上的各节点-Binary tree for the program the longest path, the output of the binary tree the number of the longest path and the path of each node
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 陈乐 | Hits:


Description: 求树塔的最长路径,数塔问题,最长路径C-Tree tower for the longest path, the question of the number of towers, the longest path to C++
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: liyi | Hits:

[Data structsfork

Description: 在某个家谱中,每人都生两个儿子。这些人之间的关系可以用二叉树来表示。这些二叉树总共有N个节点(3 <= N < 200)。这些二叉树有如下性质: 每一个结点的度是0或2。度是这个结点的儿子的数目。 树的高度等于K(1 < K < 100)。高度是从根到任何叶子的最长的路径上的结点的数目。有多少不同的家谱结构? 如果一个家谱的树结构不同于另一个的, 那么这两个家谱就是不同的。输出家谱树的个数除以9901之后的余数。-In a family tree, the person gave birth to two sons. The relationship between these people can be expressed in a binary tree. These binary tree a total of N nodes (3 < = N < 200). The binary tree has the following properties: the degree of each node is 0 or 2. Degree is the son of the number of nodes. Height of the tree is equal to K (1 < K < 100). Height is from the root to any leaf of the longest path of the number of nodes. How many different pedigree structures? If one genealogical tree structure is different from the other, then these two genealogies are different. The output divided by the number of genealogical tree after the remainder of 9901.
Platform: | Size: 203776 | Author: Edan | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmswtsf.tgz

Description: N皇后问题回溯算法.c 货郎担分枝限界图形演示.c 矩阵乘法动态规划.c 万年历 动态计算网络最长最短路线.c 货郎担限界算法.c 骑士遍历 网络最短路径Dijkstra算法.c-N queens problem backtracking algorithm. C TSP branch and bound graphical presentation. C matrix multiplication, dynamic programming. C calendar dynamic computing network longest shortest route. C Traveling Salesman Bound algorithm. C Knight Dijkstra shortest path algorithm for traversing the network. C
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: swikon | Hits:

[Data structsyy

Description: vc的校园导游系统,数据结构课程的设计作品,利用算法将最短与最长路径算出,比较简单,便于扩张-vc campus tour guide systems, data structure, curriculum design work, using the algorithm calculates the shortest and longest path, is relatively simple, easy to expand
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: yang | Hits:


Description: longest path, uso para la busqueda del camino mas corto
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: fabytapia | Hits:

[Data structstree

Description: 由用户输入先序和中序序列,以此构造一棵二叉树;然后对二叉树进行层次遍历,先序中序后序遍历;并且计算出这棵树的第一条最长路径并将其打印出来。-By the user input sequence and the first order sequence as a binary tree structure then the level of binary tree traversal, inorder postorder preorder traversal and calculate the tree' s first and longest path print it out.
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: ilmf | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsa-binary-tree-search-algorithm

Description: 在对二叉树存储结构进行分析的基础上,介绍二叉树遍历算法的一种应用,即基于求解二叉树深度算法设计实 现的搜索二叉树中最长路径的算法。这里详细介绍了搜索二叉树中最长路径问题的分析解决思路,在对可能的预期结果进 行分析的基础上,给出了算法的设计方案,同时给出了具体的C语言算法描述。-By analyzing the storage structure of binary tree,a kind of application of binary tree traversal algorithm,that is,the algorithm of searching the longest path in binary tree,which is realized by solving the depth of binary tree,is intro— duced.The solution ideas of searching the longest path in binary tree are proposed in detail.The design scheme of the algorithm is given by analysing the expected results.The algorithm description in C language is presented.
Platform: | Size: 262144 | Author: 陈晓娟 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmskey-route(the-longest)

Description: 这是关键结点里的最长路径算法代码,也是求路径的一个很麻烦的算法。-This is a key node in the longest path algorithm code, but also find a very troublesome path algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: misshu | Hits:

[Data structsbinaryTree

Description: 求二叉树中从根结点到叶子节点的路径 //实现功能: //2. 求二叉树中从根结点到叶子节点的路径 //需求分析: //对于二叉树,分别用递归和非递归的方法编写程序完成如下功能: //1. 输出所有的叶子结点的数据项值。 //2. 输出所有从叶子节点到根结点的路径 //3. 输出(2)中的第一条最长的路径 //程序存在的问题:数值只能输入0~9,其他基本满足要求 //测试数据先序输入:124 7 35 68 9-Find a binary tree from root to leaf node of the path// Function:// 2. Find a binary tree from root to leaf node of the path// needs analysis:// For binary trees, respectively, recursive and non recursive method to program the following functions:// 1. Output all leaf nodes of the data item value.// 2. Output from the leaf node to the root of all the path// 3. Output (2) The first of the longest path// Program problems: can only enter the value 0 to 9, to meet other basic requirements// test data input first order: 124,735,689
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: chenxinyuan | Hits:

[Data structsroute

Description: 用图的数据结构,实现求解一点到另一点的最短路径与最长路径长度,以及经过的节点数-With a graph data structure, solving one point to another to achieve the shortest path and longest path length, and number of nodes through
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李工 | Hits:

[Data structstrie

Description: program to implement a trie and find longest path length, No:of nodes in the trie, Average length of the set of words in the trie, Average no:of nodes per word in the trie etc
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Jithin | Hits:
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